Sexual energy storing

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby wayne hansen on Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:54 am

I would do regular 24/48 once a week until my teacher explained it just bought toxins into the blood stream
You need to fast long enough for the tongue to become completely clear
Only then do you know the system is clean
I had no time limit on the number of days it was just till the tongue was clean
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:39 am

Fubo wrote:
Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
I completely disagree. If you are 15-40 (give or take) and you don't experience urges that manifest in any number of ways (curtness, increased energy, aggression, etc...) you are the one who has something very wrong with you. Or, at least don't disparage people with a healthy libido. After all, a healthy drive is a sign of good health.

I did have to do some of this sort of practice when training full time and competing/fighting, and it certainly increased my aggression. I have no idea whether it helped my fighting, though. Dr. Fish has commented on this subject to my satisfaction. I then moved to compete in "non-internal" comps and did even better, all the while not abstaining from "good times." In fact, one of my most successful competitions involved double gold medals, competing up in rank, and all after a hell of a night (toga party while at school at Berkeley). Keep your teacher happy if you want to keep learning, but forget the mumbo-jumbo.

Ian, I'm interested in your response because you have tested the whole abstaining and not abstaining thing with the specific goal of competing. I have no interest in things like depleting Chi or whatever, just interested in quantifiable results. I've read a number of people from boxers, athletes to Rickson Gracie advocate for abstaining a few weeks before a fight, but don't know if they're working off of old wives tales. If they were brought up to believe this, perhaps they never tried going into a big fight without abstaining and wouldn't have something to compare. Then you have people like Connor Mcgregor that are all about sex before fights (if I'm not mistaken I believe is said that). im interested in what Dr. Fish told you, and also interested in the experience of people who have competed in combat sports competitions and played around with this.

Dr. Fish calls baloney. Then again, John Wang, who I also hold in great esteem, has argued the contrary. For me, having a bit of extra aggression or energy before competition was less important by far than being calm, relaxed, and centered--as much as possible, anyway. Before I made it to dan rank, I would comptete in both the mudansha and yudansha pools as the mudansha pools competed first and it was a great way to get rid of the jitters. Of course, it was also nice to have the opportunity to fight 10-15 people instead of half that number, although I would generally be gassed by the end of it. Getting laid before fighting had an effect simlar to fighting mudansha, IME.

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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Steve James on Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:03 am

Research demonstrates that testosterone levels rise as a response to sexual stimuli. Therefore, an athlete could benefit pre-workout by being exposed pre-workout to sexual stimuli. The athlete could then exercise with increased testosterone levels and aggression.

There wasn't much need for research on that. Sexual tension is the primary reason animals fight ;)

Yeah, fighting in the ring with the same testosterone level as one would fight for one's mate seems reasonable. You might actually get the girl afterward. Though, females don't always choose the winner.

Now, afa the "sex" part of this discussion, I say "use it before you lose it." People worry about retaining sexual desire even when they have or had loads of testosterone (when they were younger, for ex). Well, if you can save your sexual energy for use later in life, ok. If you have to give up something in the present, then I suppose you have a long term plan in mind.

Personally, the "Taoist practices" I'd heard of had to do with non-ejaculation, not with sex. Um, you know what I mean. But, I'm not sure of the connection to testosterone.
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby middleway on Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:38 am

would do regular 24/48 once a week until my teacher explained it just bought toxins into the blood stream

There is quite alot of research on the bloodwork related to fasting for these time periods and on the positive impacts. Unfortunately in this instance i would suggest your teacher was incorrect.

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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Dmitri on Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:21 am

Not so long ago "intermittent fasting" was a completely normal/regular thing for at least 95% of the human population (and still is for all other undomesticated animals) on this planet since... well, the beginning of the species' existence. Until just a couple hundred years ago, when the global food supply and availability started to increase dramatically until most people could eat at any time, constantly having immediate access to all sorts of food. And 'a couple hundred years' is a microscopic, negligibly small blip on the evolutionary time scale, so "fasting" is an absolutely normal thing to experience, should one choose to go that route. We have evolved with it being inalienable part of our existence since forever, so in that light any talk about it as being "bad" is kind of silly. Especially given the access to the incredibly wide range of nutrients that we have these days, to compensate for any temporary interruptions in their consumption.
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Steve James on Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:42 am

Not so fast :); fasting is a deliberate choice made by people who have food. I agree that having a continuous supply of food is a relatively new phenomenon, but the whole point of agriculture has always been to do just that. It's what allows large scale civilization. Otoh, agricultural production in ancient times and until very recently was always subject to the whims of nature, and someone somewhere has always been starving.

My problem is equating poverty or starvation with fasting. However, it's absolutely true that humans have always found food hard to come by or unavailable. And, the human body can survive long periods without eating.

Then again, many cultures practice fasting for other than dietary or health reasons. In fact, they're fasting as a way to show gratitude. Or, they're foregoing food to have a spiritual experience. Monks, for ex., fast for penitence. Let's not forget hunger strikers.

There are certainly benefits to fasting; but, I'm not sure that they're better than eating better, less, and increasing the period between meals is another way.
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Dmitri on Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:28 am

Steve James wrote:My problem is equating poverty or starvation with fasting.

I haven't mentioned "poverty", so that's kind of a bit off-topic here, and the difference between "starvation" and "fasting" is not as much metabolic as it is mental. Don't see this affecting the point I was making...
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Steve James on Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:54 am

My point was that fasting is a choice made by people who have food. Regular food production has been the norm for a long time. The availability of foods from all over the world; i.e., extreme variety, is what's new.

Afa poverty, all I mean is that few who have little food deliberately "fasts." I don't consider the lack of food (whatever it's called) is the same as fasting. It sounds like something Ben Carson would say :). And, I have nothing at all against fasting, either.
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby wayne hansen on Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:08 pm

My teacher was an osteopath,chiropractor and acupuncturist and had delved deeply into Taoism and yoga
I agree with most of what people above have said
As I pointed out earlier fasting both with sex and food is about spiritual control of appetite
As stated above it is not about denial of sex but control of ejaculation
That was the point of the training
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Peacedog on Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:13 pm

Attached is a link to one of the more recent studies linking fasting with positive changes in the immune system. ... 34-5909(14)00151-9

Between this and what many people have experienced with ketogenic diets, the common factor is that, at a minimum, periodic glycogen depletion appears to have a variety of health benefits.

The odd thing about fasting for longer periods of time, on the whopping two occasions I've done it, is the complete lack of hunger after about the third day.

Even more strangely is that my energy levels were fairly high once my body adapted to burning ketones. And this was years before BCAAs and artificial ketones were available. Had I access to those at the time more recent research indicates that muscle loss would have been minimal.

During three weeks of survival training one week was classroom, one week was a calorie restricted training period and a third week was basically bereft of food I lost 18 pounds going from 147 pounds to 129 pounds. Even more interestingly, I was back up to 147 pounds within a month.
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby shawnsegler on Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:30 pm

I did 7-10 day fasts at the changing of the seasons for a couple years in my early 30's and the positive effects are many although, for a lot of reasons, I managed to lose the habit due to life responsibilities and starting it back up would require more than I'm willing to put into it currently.

It does require a lot of will power but once you've made the decision it's certainly doable. The first 2 days are the worst...just miserable, and I wouldn't recommend having anything to do. Days 3 through 7 are usually cake though, and pretty amazing from an experiential standpoint, especially for someone who hasn't done it before. Everything gets better sensewise...your hearing, your vision, sense of smell, touch etc get JACKED up to the max as you body says "hey buddy! You're dying. Why don't you turn into a hunting machine and go get some food".

That being said, the most important thing is to keep your blood sugar up. There's lots of info out there for the "lemonade fast". You just drink lemonade made of grade b maple syrup, lemon juice and a little cayenne throughout the day and do daily salt water cleanses which consist of slamming 32 oz of water with a specific amount of salt in them to make the specific gravity such that you pass rather than absorb basically goes right through you clearing out anything left in your intestines.

When you're done, you need to start eating again super slowly. I would have a tiny salad of just lettuce carrots and tomatoes for my first meal after 7 or 8 days and it KUTFO as you digest it.

Anyway, it's a heavy practice and I recommend it only to people who are in decent shape and smart enough to be careful. For those who do, it's got a lot of benefits, but it's not to be jumped into lightly. FWIW.


P.S. Don't have a job serving food that you have to work at while you're fasting. I'm here to tell you that it's the worst thing in the known universe to have not eaten in 5 days and have to run around serving Pizza's just out the oven to people. Just pure masochistic stupidity.
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Dmitri on Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:52 pm

shawnsegler wrote:P.S. Don't have a job serving food that you have to work at while you're fasting. I'm here to tell you that it's the worst thing in the known universe to have not eaten in 5 days and have to run around serving Pizza's just out the oven to people. Just pure masochistic stupidity.

;D That's awesome. -bow-
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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Trick on Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:02 am

Taoist wrote:Good day,

I have been using various internal martial arts methods for several years now but an important question is yet unanswered to me: how do I store effectively unused sexual energy without getting depressive or hyperaggressive? And is it possible to abstain from sexual release for a longer period (more than one week, which is now my maximum period without release) without damaging the sexual organs? Serious question, serious answers (and only on topic- no comments like: Why do you want this? This is useless etc.) are much appreciated. Thank you indeed!

Good day Taoist, so many insights and advices so far in this tread, don't you have any comment ?


Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby shawnsegler on Sun Jul 02, 2017 7:51 am

Dmitri wrote:
shawnsegler wrote:P.S. Don't have a job serving food that you have to work at while you're fasting. I'm here to tell you that it's the worst thing in the known universe to have not eaten in 5 days and have to run around serving Pizza's just out the oven to people. Just pure masochistic stupidity.

;D That's awesome. -bow-

You know me, Dmitri, my bro...Awesome is my destiny, my job and my pleasure.

Can't help how I was put together. :)


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Re: Sexual energy storing

Postby Dmitri on Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:10 pm

Yeah I can totally see myself doing the exact same masochistic thing. :)
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