Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

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Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby Jphaas on Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:20 pm

Hey Guys,

Here is my review of Coach Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations Course. I hope it is of interest and value. :) ... my-review/
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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby middleway on Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:17 am

Thanks Jon,

But you completely missed all the years he's wasted er I mean spent gaining inspiration on this forum as "middleway." ;D

hahaha, so true :) Funnily enough I mention my online discussions in my latest blog post! Even if they are becoming less and less common. haha. ;D

Thanks for giving us your overview of the HeavyBody material. I've seen earlier iterations of Chris' internal training material, and it is very good. It accords well with information and training methods I've studied from other very skilled teachers I've had some hands-on exposure to and, although I have not trained directly with Chris, he presents his material in a very clear and systematic way that reminds me of Tim Cartmell. I look forward to checking it out.

Cheers Tom.

I think it is important to point out that this work isnt 'Internal Martial Arts' per say, and there is nothing 'New' under the sun. Some of it has grown out of that environment, but is combined with a number of other areas of research, so the 'Internal' Side is only a part of the story now, hence the move away from that term and the lack of its use on my website in general. There are several other methodologies included in the MartialBody approach and they wouldnt be called Internal by anyone with an investment in that term. What i think is of value in this approach is how the various strands are combined in a non dogmatic and open way. Everything is always open to change.

MartialBody, isnt particularly about me or what i can or cannot do personaly, and I dont particularly want to be the focus.

If anyone has any questions i would be very happy to answer them.

Tom, feel free to move this to the Off topic section if needed as it is sort of promotional.

Thanks again.
Last edited by middleway on Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:46 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby Fubo on Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:29 am

Thanks for the review, and thanks for putting this material together Chris.

I have a question about the material. It's seems like the 6 attributes developed are all things that people training in the internal arts focus on developing, so is this course essentially a more focused way to develop the same attributes the internal styles develop without the attributes being contextualized in any specific art? I'm just trying to understand because I'm not exactly clear as to whether being a person that trains a specific style that focuses on developing those attributes as part of their style, what extra I would be getting out of this particular course? Not being critical in any way, this sounds very useful, just trying to figure out how it differs from what the internal styles offer beyond being styleless? Thanks.
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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby middleway on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:26 am

hi Fubo, Great question.

To clarify, This method is almost entirely aimed at people who do not study or train in good internal martial arts. Indeed, almost all of those i now teach are not from the internal arts. Those that do train internal arts are often only looking at a few of the 6 attributes that may not be well represented in their lineage. The core group of people I now teach are Combat Sports Athletes, Traditional 'External' Martial Arts instructors (Karate etc), Bouncers etc.

However it is very important to point out that this is NOT a replacement for anyones traditional, sport or self defence practice. It is NOT a martial art!! It is a supplimentary method of developing attributes that can support, bolster or improve their individual interest.

But to dig a little further. Most internal artists i have met have some of the 6 qualities very, very well trained, they may be heavy, connected and complex in movement etc. But also there are plenty out there for whom the traditional syllabus is not yeilding complete results. The Tai Chi people who i teach tend to be stuck in their feet, they cannot move their feet swiftly and tend to stay in place, for them the Agility training in Elastic Body and the flow training in FluidBody are perfect additions that need not interfere with their traditional work. For the Aikidoka i have taught, they are normally all too happy to move, they focus on their footwork and turning or spinnig with the partner, but often lack connection, complexity in small space and weight in their motions, for them ConnectedBody, SpiralBody and HeavyBody may be appropriate ... often these people find it hard to resolve things in their body prefering movement.

In this regard training this work becomes a bit of a pick and mix, people are able to pick up what they feel they lack, ask me for help or some pointers, then go away and train it for themselves.

MartialBody should be viewed in the same way that a physical training concept like CrossFit could be viewed. Someone may come to cross fit as a long time lifter but may not be able to run any distance. They may come as a runner but not be able to lift a weight. There would be little point in these individuals going through a lengthy 'syllabus' everyone starting with running, then everyone doing lifting. The two idividuals would be wasting a large amount of time going over things they already know.

Instead their coaches would focus them on their dificiencies. In the same way, MartialBody is aimed at focusing the training on someones dificiencies rather than presenting them with a 'syllabus' that must be followed to the letter. It is highly individualised and the person is placed at the heart of the training, not me as a coach, or the system as a dogma or something 'New'.

One very important point here that also deviates from a martial arts style, is that I am totally unimportant to the training in anything but program design and coaching. In a similar way that CrossFit is not about Greg Glassman, MB is not about me, and what i can or cant do is immaterial to someones personal training and growth. Coaches are generally not as good as their elite athletes, look at every great athelete and there is a great coach behind them that cant do what the athlete does. With my 40th year fast approaching it is unrealistic for me to g round after round with a young 20s full time MMA pro. But that is not the importnat part of the relationship i have with these guys. They either get something from training MB or they dont. More often than not, they do :)

There is plenty in here that stems from internal training either in Daito Ryu or the CIMA. I have selected the things i have found to best produce the attribute that we are aiming to gain. However, there is also alot in here that is not from that world at all. Be it in some of the methods of relaxation taken from sports therapy, some of the agility and elastic methods taken from sport science, or the nutritional services given to athletes trying to prepare for competition. This is why i have qualified to a foundation level in these various areas to provide basis for their adoption. Now i have a few quals i am hoping to begin a Sports & exercise science or sports therapy degree this year ... we will see if i have the time (and the money!) and this is aimed at further developing methods to help the martial artist. I would say there is a 70% internal concepts to 30% other stuff in this material as it stands, but it is always open to change, and nothing is static.

Hope this answers the question. All the best.

Last edited by middleway on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby cloudz on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:13 am

Great info Chris, thanks for sharing that. The concept sounds fantastic, is there a promo vid that shows a little from each course perhaps?

Last edited by cloudz on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby middleway on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:27 am

hi George,

There is only the first foundation course online at the moment. StableBody is coming in the next few weeks. i imagine they will all be online in the next 6 months and all will have promo vids.

I plan on getting a series of videos onto the youtube channel of both instructionals and live coaching footage in the near future. :)

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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby cloudz on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:32 am

Nice mate, all the best. Look forward to them.

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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby JoeWood on Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:32 am

I haven't done the Heavy Body module, but I have gone through Chris' older courses (body connection & tai chi). Explanations are crystal clear, concise, and I'm a sucker for the accent! Great material that instantly became a part of my daily routine. I started seeing/feeling results after about 2 weeks & I'm still making gains nearly 2 years later. Highly recommended to anybody interested in the "internal" body method for strength, balance & health. Thanks for the instructional courses Coach, I am a better martial artist because of it.

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Re: Chris Davis' HeavyBody Foundations - My Reveiw

Postby middleway on Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:05 am

Hi Joe,

Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate the feedback :)

Happy training mate.

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