Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby xian89 on Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:25 am

[quote]Yang Chen Fu's joint opening exercises, relaxation drill, Wuji Standing (centering and grounding), and 8 special yang style flexibility exercises.["http://www.polariswushu.net/yangcomplete.html"/quote]

Does anyone now what the "8 special yang style flexibility exercises" are supposed to be? As well as these joint opening exercises attributed to Yang Chen Fu being mentioned? Or is this website just a complete scam? ;D
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby yeniseri on Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:38 am

I do not know the veracity of the routines (joint opening/flexibility exercise) but it has merit to the extent that its transmission is present and it is better than nothing regarding some type of jibengong/yangsheng routine. In honesty, they appear to be a post 1930( ??? I am guessing as to the time period) public teaching.physical conditioning stuff that became part of the New Taijiquan initiatives that took off in the 1950's. None of my teachers mentioned these routine (joint/opening exercises) but its characterization from those who taught it brought a physical fitness concept in line wih the "Getting rid of the Old, Bringing in the New" revolutionary filosofia.

he person who passed these on, no doubt studied with Yang Chengfu, but it was the concept of the student, not necessarily those of Yang Chengfu. I am sure we can establish a line of transmission to retack the origin of them keeping in mind that if 10 teachers are teaching the same art with the same origin, to some extent there will be congruence (despite changes), or perhaps even distortions based on education, environment, societal positionng and status. Look at Chen style then see Yang Luchan change the Chen concept, establish a differnt direction then pass onto Wu Jianquan, then WU Yuxing or evel SUn Lutang and you get thematic variations to the nth degree.

If there is benefit, all is good. ;D
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby wayne hansen on Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:33 pm

We have a set of 8 exercises that fill the brief in our school
I have refered to these before saying they are the set that predates Huangs 5
I also learnt two other versions that come directly from yang
It is impossible to say if they are the sets refered to
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby Trick on Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:53 am

Just to have a form that teach all the "neigung" one needs if taught right and at the same time act as a manual for pugilism/grappling /standup wrestling, and a couple of sparring excercises that range from cooperative to free sparring is just not enough..........for many


Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby wayne hansen on Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:52 am

I agree the 108 has everything if taught correctly
However the other parts of the system were there for a reason
Things like the exercises mentioned and walking sets help to introduce people to the art and infuse the principles
Pushing ,Ta lu and San shou take people deeper into the art as do the weapons
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby Trick on Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:14 am

One can only wonder what YLC taught those imperial guards, it seem unlikely? that guard and military personnel daily had time to practice long forms(a couple of times) "standing" practice and additional moving neigung excercises, and staff, spear, sabre and sword (to understand the empty hand form more deeply) push-hands and similar, application practice of the empty hand form and then free hand to hand combat sparring..........WHERE ARE ALL MY GUARDS!!....Prince Duan yells


Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby wayne hansen on Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:49 pm

I don't wonder about what those in the past were taught only about what was passed down to me
I can't think of one thing I would leave out
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby HotSoup on Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:00 pm

Trick wrote:One can only wonder what YLC taught those imperial guards, it seem unlikely? that guard and military personnel daily had time to practice long forms(a couple of times) "standing" practice and additional moving neigung excercises, and staff, spear, sabre and sword (to understand the empty hand form more deeply) push-hands and similar, application practice of the empty hand form and then free hand to hand combat sparring..........WHERE ARE ALL MY GUARDS!!....Prince Duan yells

Yes and no. Apparently, it is impossible to daily repeat all the exercises that a MA system has. On the other hand, professional soldiers are supposed to train regularly. In most of the cases, they are paid for their skill and readiness to apply it when required, not being on duty 24/7. This is something that almost all armies of all ages and epochs have been sharing to this day.

On a related note, all the forms with dozens of different weapon types are seem to be more or less a modern invention. In the past, people were famous for their skill with something particular, like a spear or a saber, not being jacks of all trades. That allowed them to spare less time for training, while maintaining their skill at a high level.
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:49 pm

HotSoup wrote:
Trick wrote:One can only wonder what YLC taught those imperial guards, it seem unlikely? that guard and military personnel daily had time to practice long forms(a couple of times) "standing" practice and additional moving neigung excercises, and staff, spear, sabre and sword (to understand the empty hand form more deeply) push-hands and similar, application practice of the empty hand form and then free hand to hand combat sparring..........WHERE ARE ALL MY GUARDS!!....Prince Duan yells

On a related note, all the forms with dozens of different weapon types are seem to be more or less a modern invention. In the past, people were famous for their skill with something particular, like a spear or a saber, not being jacks of all trades. That allowed them to spare less time for training, while maintaining their skill at a high level.

Yes that's where I wanted to go with my post. That's what I think/guess was the essence of YLC practice and teachings. Everything else was added much later by other 'masters'.....I guess.


Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby wayne hansen on Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:00 am

The first book in English on tai chi

Tai chi its effects and practical applications by yearning k Chen came out in approx 1937 and the whole system was laid out there.
So the whole system was around then and if the story about Chen copying the yang family manuscripts is true it predates that.
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby kwong on Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:55 pm

I think he might mean Tian Zhaolin's Yang Family Baduan Jin
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby wayne hansen on Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:43 pm

That is one of the sets I learned but done more like this one

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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby xian89 on Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:45 pm

According to the fellow who has the site:

8 special yang style flexibility exercises: "Acdcording to one of my teachers Xianhao cheng from hangzhou china, when Yang Chenfu taught in Hangzhou at the Zhejian province sports complex, he taught these 8 exercises as his warm-up for the class there"

joint opening exercises: Yang Chen Fu to fu zhong wen to james fu
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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby wayne hansen on Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:52 pm

The set James fu is doing is quite like a set in some Wu lineages
The Wu ones seem more logical and complete to me
Here are a couple of examples

Joint exercises


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Re: Yang Chen Fu's joint opening and flexibility exercises

Postby I-mon on Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:11 pm

wayne hansen wrote:The set James fu is doing is quite like a set in some Wu lineages
The Wu ones seem more logical and complete to me
Here are a couple of examples

Joint exercises



That first one is pretty amazing Wayne. What do you know about those exercises? His taiji doesn't look like the usual Wu to me.
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