Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby Steve James on Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:50 pm

Meh, let people say it's okay today. Wait until there's another president.

Actually, remember to enjoy these days. If the music were really kickin', it'd remind me of the 60s. :)
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:58 am

Bill wrote:According to Zuckerberg, no laws were broken and others have done the same before C.A. came along......

Zuckerburg has changed his tune.


But despite that I don't and won't FB or similar social media. Yes, I know google goes through my email and they know which youtube videos I click. But again I try to use Google only when necessary and turn off my locator on my phone. I still comment in places where my data is not sold but avoid places where it is sold. If and when I can I will stop using google/youtube completely.

And no this is not just about the last election. FB is being used for ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. As with the election Buddhists Burmese are being flooded with propaganda, fake news and hatred/violence which is fueling voilence towards their Muslim minority.

As to what was crime; 1. elections are supposed to fair and free. These obviously were not. People were flooded with fake news and lies from multiple sources creating a world which doesn't even exist.

2. CA and the people involved in it were and are not Americans. Foreign influence is illegal in our elections.

3. As stated in channel 4 news, "if it seems like propaganda people will want to know what the source was." Which is something to that effect the CEO said. Yet in political ads and commercials you do have to show where the funding is from. We don't know who exactly bought this election and what their motivation was or is.

I can think of more but these are just a few unanswered questions I believe anyone would want the answers to.

I also found it interesting that CA discusses blackmailing politicians with Ukrainian prostitutes. Obviously this is going on already. How much in one's own country?

I have also heard that the main reason the GOP is staying silent on these investigations is that up to 44 of its members may have used CA. Perhaps more on that will come out in the near future.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:16 am

GrahamB wrote:Just throw a few simple slogans at us and we’ll do whatever you want. #thewillofthepeople #crushthesabateurs #takebackcontrol

MAGA, Build that wall, drain the swamp and crooked Hillary were all part of CA's internet research according to the Canadian.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby Steve James on Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:14 am

Well, ever wonder why we almost never hear the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" any more? Have you noticed all the problems that suddenly aren't trending any longer? Have they disappeared, or is it that they aren't useful tools to cause division and dissent?

I'd argue the latter; and that the real problem is the capacity of people to be manipulated. Their outrage can be turned on and off like a faucet. This applies to all sides of the political spectrum. And, it has nothing to do with the seriousness of the issue. I remember people complaining about a president's suits and a first-lady's shoes.

Responsible use is solely up to the user; i.e., nobody should blame "the internet." Now, afa protecting one's information from being used, that's also up to the user. Leaving FB to do it may or may not help.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby windwalker on Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:43 am

address some of the issues pointed out
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:10 am

Please use your own words in your arguments everyone else here does.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:15 am

Steve James wrote:Responsible use is solely up to the user; i.e., nobody should blame "the internet." Now, afa protecting one's information from being used, that's also up to the user. Leaving FB to do it may or may not help.

I strongly disagree.

Why anyone would be on facebook is beyond me.

On FB you are not a customer you are the product.

As to placing blame, it is only pointless without action. To blame FB and the internet would be pointless if one continued to use these things in the same way expecting Zukcerburg to fix it. Zuckerburg is a business man why would he fix anything unless there were a profit motive?

But to use facebook, take those quizes, download apps...why? Because it is inconvenient not to?

Use duckduckgo instead of google for starters. On FB do not post your personal information/location or take quizes is one place to start and I would not post my personal photos because there are a thousand websites storing everything we post on FB amd these websites have nothing to do with facebook.
Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby windwalker on Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:26 am

grzegorz wrote:Cambridge Analytica's use of facebook.

Please use your own words in your arguments everyone else here does.

Sure I'll keep it in mind.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:44 am

I posted a whistle blower who worked for CA and you posted someone's opinion of CA. See the difference?

But I am watching it. I figured it was going to be another dude sitting on the sofa doing the us vs them thing which it is but at least it provides some other info. I did not realize Edward Snowden is speaking out against FB.

I do find his conclusions laughable though. You will still be able to get your fake news wherever you want. Just turn on talk radio or your favorite fake news outlet youtube.

Social media will always be here and even if it were not humans will always find ways to comminicate using the new technology.

I know right wingers at work who don't use social media but listen to right wing podcasts which are pushing the same exact narrative blackpigeonspeaks is pushing, word for word. Which is why I say use your own words because these talking are just that, talking points and don't lead to any real discussions or thinking.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby windwalker on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:04 am

grzegorz wrote:I posted a whistle blower who worked for CA and you posted someone's opinion of CA. See the difference?


It seems to be a "distinction without a difference"

It's your thread apparently you accept some sources and others you don't it's okay.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby Steve James on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:10 am

My point about responsibility simply leaves it up to the user (you) to decide what to contribute, how to participate, what not to share --and especially what to believe and why to believe it.

Afa quizzes, yeah, they're designed to gain information. That's how the internet has been monetized.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:11 am

windwalker wrote:
grzegorz wrote:I posted a whistle blower who worked for CA and you posted someone's opinion of CA. See the difference?


It seems to be a "distinction without a difference"

It's your thread apparently you accept some sources and others you don't it's okay.

If you don't understand the difference between an employee at CA vs. a YouTuber then....? -shrug-

If you want to discuss your video we can.

What evidence is there that other than the PRC that the governments of the world and establishment politicians want to shut down and silence social media?

Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:32 am

Steve James wrote:My point about responsibility simply leaves it up to the user (you) to decide what to contribute, how to participate, what not to share --and especially what to believe and why to believe it.

Afa quizzes, yeah, they're designed to gain information. That's how the internet has been monetized.

True, I understand why people use it. It is a great form of communication but unfortunately with each click people are being recorded and others are using that information to figure out how to manipulate the world. So even if you don't post they know what you are doing on there. Then again nothing comes free.

Trust me, I get it. But saying that I am also convinced that nothing will change. If anything things will get worse especially since now with the death of net neutrality your service providers will be able to sell off which websites we go to. Perhpas when we apply for a new job our potential bosses will see our posts on RSF.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby Steve James on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:37 am

That's the thing. Once one believes that any theory is as tenable as any other, it's hard to argue because someone on the internet will always provide evidence. The first problem is that the evidence can always just someone else on the internet. But, we're talking about how that can (and has) been used to turn people against each other. Lincoln said that the US could never be defeated by an enemy from outside; but, that it could easily commit suicide. Foreign agents use FB to turn Americans against Americans.

In the end, the actual issue doesn't even matter. The result is the same. And people fall for it.
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Re: Cambridge Analytica's use of FB

Postby grzegorz on Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:46 pm

True that. The above video would have one believe that the CA/FB scandal is an attempt by establishment politicians, the media and the world government to clamp down on free speech on the internet.
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