Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Trick on Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:54 pm

voidisyinyang wrote: original human culture that we are all from - the San Bushmen. The original human culture though did not have war, nor rape, nor masturbation, nor homosexuality (did not even know what it was)

If they had just stayed away from that darn apple tree


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Trick on Tue Mar 27, 2018 12:09 am

voidisyinyang wrote:O.K. so the key point here is the alchemy training relies on celibacy and controlling the mind as much as the body - and that is where the real difficulty lies - it has to be done in silence and secrecy.

Even writing about it goes against the teaching and training since writing is left brain dominant. As I pointed out the tiger energy is the vagus nerve energy that is built up.

So all the guys who has written or writes about this stuff has not got it and actually don't know anything about it?, whatever that IT is....Or it is Ok if one writes with the left hand or on a computer? 8-)


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Tue Mar 27, 2018 12:49 am

Trick wrote:
voidisyinyang wrote:O.K. so the key point here is the alchemy training relies on celibacy and controlling the mind as much as the body - and that is where the real difficulty lies - it has to be done in silence and secrecy.

Even writing about it goes against the teaching and training since writing is left brain dominant. As I pointed out the tiger energy is the vagus nerve energy that is built up.

So all the guys who has written or writes about this stuff has not got it and actually don't know anything about it?, whatever that IT is....Or it is Ok if one writes with the left hand or on a computer? 8-)

I don't want to get bogged down in too many details, but if you want tons of details you can just go to my blog http://elixirfield.blogspot.com

I go into this - with tons of research.

Left brain dominance goes back into primates before humans but even birds are now shown to learn songs with left brain dominance - as a language.

So the older language is for humans the more musical it is.

“harmonious sound is formless” (hesheng wu xiang) and “sound lacks constancy” (yinsheng wu chang), both of which point to two types of phenomena and both of which reveal JI Kang's reverence for Daoist naturalism....

Thus, we see yet again in JI Kang’s thought an adherence to Daoist principles of universal harmony through quiet non-deliberation (wuwei) as seen in Laozi's notion that “the highest note cannot be heard” and Zhuangzi’s preference for “patterning oneself after heaven.”....

one could even argue that music is not comprised of sound at all, for if we are to follow the logic of Zhuangzi, all sounds are a form of natural music (breath) whose notation and composition lies beyond the comprehensive capacity of the human mind....JI Kang believes that the five tones (wu yin) [from the Perfect Fifth/Fourth as yang/yin] came into being through the natural realm of heaven and earth and that there is one unchanging essence.

Musical Naturalism in the Thought of Ji Kang David Chai 2009

So I have a whole book on this - actually a couple books - it's all free research.

I go into some of the alchemy training secrets - It has to do with "noncommutative phase."

So you can have the same frequency that is isospectral but it is not isomorphic. And yet this energy as frequency can be quantum entangled. This is the basic secret of the qi source.

https://www.pdf-archive.com/2018/03/17/ ... c-alchemy/
https://www.docdroid.net/LbJGgG2/ancien ... lchemy.pdf

I'll give you some info on this but again my blog - and my other blog gives links to much more research on this:

The qigong master can smell nonlocally (i.e. over the phone) - and Smell is based on Jimi Hendrix's Guitar!!

Once again we see Schrodinger's order from order capable of capturing quantum events, and what Jordan termed amplification of quantum phenomena into the macroscropic world. Life seems to bridge the quantum and classical worlds, perched on the quantum edge (p. 132)....If we return to our musical analogy one final time, with the guitar acting as the odorant molecule and the guitar strings as the molecular bonds that need to be plucked, then the receptors come in Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix forms. Both can play the same molecular notes, but right- or left-handed molecules have to be picked up by right- or left-handed receptors, just as right-handed guitars have to be played by right-handed guitarists....This combination of shape and quantum vibration recognition at last provides a model that fits nearly all experimental data. (pp. 163-4, Life on the Edge).

So this is the "quantum drum" in action - it means that for the sense of smell a molecule can have the same quantum frequency or it is "isospectral" but it is NOT "isomorphic" - it has noncommutative phase as geometric form. And so it will have a different smell because of quantum entanglement information.

That is modeled by music theory as 2/3 and 3/2 if 1 is light or if C is the root tonic as 1 then 3 is G and 3 is F at the same time due to quantum entanglement G=3=F at the same time as, (2, 3, infinity), as per Alain Connes noncommutative music model of reality. 1 is pure time as listening and so has subwavelength of the frequency of the light. It is the same frequency as Perfect Fifth but the pitch relative to the root tonic changes as C to F subharmonic and C to G overtone harmonic. And so the root tonic as time also changes as quantum entanglement information based on light biophoton consciousness.

It depends how you define "you" and "I" - science assumes we have an external measurement using light but it is limited by Fourier Uncertainty since time is defined as 4pi (for complex numbers). But quantum physics has shown that time is actually noncommutative at 2pi as a Bloch Sphere - actually a Toroid can be used since it is noncommutative. So we assume there has to be statistics for multiple particles but that is assuming an external measurement. Evolution as growth happens from within as quantum biology that can not be replicated. Schroedinger's big point is this is based on negentropy - not entropy. He coined the term negentropy as the quantum degeneracy pressure that enables solar fusion energy but is also the same force that enables life, based on an asymmetric periodic oscillator. So your original question was about carbon atoms but life is based on left-handed carbon molecules due to the polarized light, processed. So we rely also on right-handed sugars which is why left-handed fructose is toxic to the liver. And so this originates in the left-handed electroweak force at the end of cosmic inflation, explaining not only why matter rules over antimatter in the Universe but also the structure of life on Earth. So ecology is actually based on left-handed carbon and right-brain dominance while science is based on left brain dominance (that pretends to be objective using symmetric based logarithmic math that measures and creates external entropy as linear time) using right hand dominant technology.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:15 am

we have real scholar with the mission here, :)
welcome on the board

My advice is - start white tiger taming with 16 kg KB swing, If you`re woman - beginning is where green dragon lifts it ...
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:25 pm

wiesiek wrote:aaaaah,
we have real scholar with the mission here, :)
welcome on the board

My advice is - start white tiger taming with 16 kg KB swing, If you`re woman - beginning is where green dragon lifts it ...

Thanks for the advice! I realize now that a local Tai Chi teacher, John Du Cane, helped launch the kettle bell training in the U.s. -

Dragon Door author Pavel Tsatsouline gave a modern explanation of how elastic winding works in a past issue of Milo magazine:

"Muscular force is generated by actin and myosin filaments overlapping each other and forming cross-bridges? once the actin and myosin filaments have maximally overlapped, more tension can be realized by spiralling of the myosin filaments. A change in the length of the pitch of the actin helix may also boost force production during a very intense muscular contraction. Both processes can be compared to twisting a rubber band after it has fully contracted? it enables the muscle to store high amounts of elastic energy as the descending weight stretches the bands and the twists in the bands on the way down."

https://www.dragondoor.com/articles/six ... h/?F_All=y

So the qigong master I took classes from - when he trained at Shaolin - he did the horse stance with thighs parallel to the ground, 2 hours a day, no movement, every day for 3 months. Then upon finishing - the teacher said they could now practice long distance healing as the third eye was fully open. But of course that training depends on celibacy.

The qigong master told his assistant, JIm Nance, who told me, that he warns against weight training intensively after 45 years old since it can burn out the "green dragon" liver qi.

But what I noticed is that - for example anger and aggression are closely connected to lust since both are controlled by the hypothalamus. And so when I had a bench press - if someone yelled at me - in the house - instead of me yelling back (and being considered abusive) - I just realized that their anger was amazing "extra energy" that my body had absorbed. Then I would literally not say one word and in silence immediately go down to the bench press and convert their anger into my muscle. haha. It worked great.

I teach taiji - with great attention to posture, alignment, and generation of power from the hips and legs. I couldn't believe the parallels. Each class taught me something that I could apply to my own taiji practice. One day I realized that the way my knees tended to fall in during the squats was the same way my knees tended to fall in during a transition in a particular taiji move, and resulted in sharp pain in my knees. I had adapted that taiji move over time to avoid the pain, and lost strength in the move as a result. I went to taiji class that night and corrected that move, and from that point, my knee pain diminished and now, it's completely gone.

https://www.dragondoor.com/how_kettlebe ... e/?F_All=y

I call it energetic strength. It's psychological, and relates to how you choose to see and approach life—the way you think about situations and respond to stress. This absolutely effects the other two layers, physiological strength and neuromuscular strength.

Wilhelm Reich, a student of Freud, describes physical character structures that are manifestations of a given psychological profile. For example, if you're fearful, you can feel it in your muscles. Your neck and shoulders will tense and start to hike up. Breathing will become shallow.

https://www.dragondoor.com/dragon_door_ ... e/?F_All=y

I'm not sure Elliot realizes the potential of what he is describing. Reich had a book that didn't get translated into English until recently - from 1903 or so - describing how he realized a close relation between the vagus nerve, lecithin, and potassium.

Anyway - we can say that Dr. Herbert Benson at Harvard had very similar research - the Relaxation REsponse - on Tibetan Monk tummo energy:

Documented in a 1985 study by Dr. Herbert Benson: The altitude was 15,000 feet and the temperatures reached zero degrees Fahrenheit as the Tibetan monks in the Himalayas slept, apparently comfortably, through the night. With as little insulation as a thin wool cloak and laying on the cold rock separated from one another, this should have killed the monks. But they were all fine and the cameras didn’t even catch them shivering at any point. When they woke, they walked calmly back to their monastery, not seeming to notice the cold at all, unlike the scientists and camera crew who were all bundled up and freezing by morning.

magnetic resonance imaging scans of the monks brains while they meditate have shown “marked differences in blood flow to the entire brain”, Benson explains. “At the same time, certain areas of the brain became more active, specifically those that control attention and autonomic functions like blood pressure and metabolism.”

All three monks were able to achieve substantial temperature changes by at least 17 degrees in fingers and toes within minutes of beginning their meditation. At the same time their heart beat did not increase.

The authors said the most likely physiological mechanism was dilation of the blood vessels in the extremities. A decrease in oxygen consumption directly correlated with a decrease in metabolism rate. The results found that the participants significantly lowered their oxygen consumption during meditation, more so than through sleep. They were astonished to find that these monks could lower their metabolism by 64 percent. “It was an astounding, breathtaking [no pun intended] result,” Benson exclaims. To put that decrease in perspective, metabolism, or oxygen consumption, drops only 10-15 percent in sleep and about 17 percent during simple meditation.

Increasing alpha wave activity, decreases in the rate of metabolism, oxygen consumption and blood lactate production are all measured, observed side effects of the relaxation response. Tibetan monks reportedly stopped their own heart beat or confined themselves in a steel metal box and continued to survive by slowing their oxygen intake to extreme rates. (p. 105,

The Relaxation Response

and 1982 report in the scientific journal


. The authors were Herbert Benson, John W. Lehmann, Mark D. Epstein of Harvard, Ralph F. Goldman of the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, M.S. Malhotra of India’s National Institute of Sports and Jeffrey Hopkins of the University of Virginia.

So we can say that the pineal gland is a kind of "master gland" that controls the hypothalamus as well - but it also works via external light - the biophotons then activate the pineal gland.

So if we see an image externally our brains process it at the speed of light via the pineal gland - normally subconsciously - and this is what then triggers the sympathetic nervous system reflex of lust - that causes ejaculation during sleep.

So that video I posted - of the Mantis qigong martial artist - he can suck his reproductive organ back into his body because he no longer produces semen. His body-mind training ionizes all the neurohormone energy into qi - as the White Tiger or Yuan Qi energy of the lungs.

And this is the only way that the horse stance can be held like that - parallel to the ground for 2 hours nonstop - only after the lower tan t'ien qi energy is filled up - alchemically.

It means through meditation the biophotons ionize the serotonin - and Dr. Jack Tuszynski goes into this in recent research - it is similar to how plants capture sunlight through quantum entanglement. Humans can do this also - as what Shaolin qigong master Yan Xin calls "the virtual information field" that is the source of the tummo heat.

So Yan Xin describes this in a book that is freely readable online - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q ... FPmtSFXL-P

That's the pdf link - Secrets and Benefits of Internal Qigong Cultivation.

He met this weight lifter - and then charged him up with qi and the dude was lifting weights like crazy. haha.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby I-mon on Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:37 pm

By golly it's been a while!
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Trick on Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:38 pm

Actually interesting there about pineal gland and biophotons,


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:35 am

>rainbow body< meditation explained via triggering nightdreaming ejaculation ,
nice .
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:43 am

wiesiek wrote:>rainbow body< meditation explained via triggering nightdreaming ejaculation ,
nice .

rainbow body? Yes exactly - the central channel qi - only the two eyes constantly emit "yang jing" or yin qi with the biophotons proven to emit out of the eyes.

So the left eye is the yuan shen sun but starts out as green dragon liver qi of the liver. The right eye is yuan qi of the moon but starts out as white tiger lung qi of the sun.

Thank you for helping clarify things for me. When we close our eyes and rotate them - we should be able to feel qi circulating in the lower tan t'ien, via the pineal gland connection to the perineum.

When our eyes are open - then Lust is proven to be triggered by the hypothalamus but it actually occurs via the pineal gland taking in biophotons of external images. So the yuan qi of the white tiger actually originates from the right side of the heart via the vagus nerve. The right side vagus nerve is the reptilian unmyelinated vagus nerve - it goes from the reproductive organs to the right side of the brain and then to the right side of the heart.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Fa Xing on Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:05 pm

voidisyinyang wrote:
Fa Xing wrote:Oh lawd!

So your avator has the hands the other way. Are you saying the hand position of right hand grabs tiger (lung) and left hand grabs dragon (liver) is just a coincidence?


I was going from this link.

There's seven photos of teachers - ALL with the left hand up and the right hand down - like in your photo.

Plus the photo I posted from the dude who made the website has it the opposite way.








right hand for males is yin while upper body is yang. left hand is yang while lower body (below navel) is yin .

That's the alchemy secret of licking the 9-volt battery or connecting the yin-yang energy.

Nah, I'm saying everything you wrote is nonsensical, and woo-woo bullshit!
Dr. Troy Schott
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wayne hansen on Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:07 pm

Yes I wonder what is the point of this crap
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby I-mon on Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:52 pm

It sounds to me like the ancient and glorious combination of intense psychedelic drug use and meditation, without an adequate physical grounding practice.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:38 pm

Kobayashi Yasuyuki is known as one of Japan's top masters. Besides the abilities to use chi and fing (sudden striking energy), and to affect the acupuncture points of his targets, he has another, most ferocious technique. This is to grab the jugular vein of his opponent. When he does this, his opponent may be severely injured or killed. Since Kobayashi saw he was losing the contest, and losing badly in a way he never imagined possible, he suddenly had a terrible thought. Without regard for sportsmanship or appearances, he immediately stretched out his arm to try to grab Yan Xin's jugular. But once again, his efforts came to nothing, because Yan Xin had already closed all his acupuncture points. When Kobayashi made his grab for Yan Xin's
jugular, the people viewing the scene watched with bated breath. But Yan Xin just let him claw away all he wanted, without showing the slightest sign of anxiety.

Although Kobayashi Yasuyuki used rough tactics and didn't play by the rules in this China-Japan battle, he was a frank and straightforward person. Convinced that he was no match for Yan Xin, he admitted defeat with a bow. He freely admitted, "Chinese martial arts are great! I admire them." Then he and his son, who
was at his side, said Yan Xin was their master and they wanted to learn from him.

http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/20 ... da-is.html

Yan Xin was one of the most famous qigong masters of China - the government made a documentary of him called "Yan Xin Superman" - I saw it with the Chinese immigrant community - at the University - and they translated it for me. The qigong master I studied from first got healed at one of Yan Xin's mass stadium healings - and so that is what got him into serious training.

But Yan Xin, he was a "national treasure" of the Chinese government, and then after the Falun Gong crackdown - the government no longer allowed any public demonstrations as his mass healings. Some say he moved to the U.S. permanently but no one seems to know. The word is he was tired of all the public exposure - so he just practices in secret. haha.

Yan Xin was a student of Hai Deng, the top Shaolin qigong master who did the one finger handstand.

https://www.usadojo.com/hai-deng-the-fi ... n-america/

For 60 years he never slept - just meditated all night long.

This way he ensured his celibacy - so that his dreams did not conquer his body's energy.


Following the 1928 burning of Shaolin, two martial monks from there took refuge in Sichuan. Hai Deng became their disciple, studying tongzigong (child’s or virgin work)....On one hand, he taught some really vigorous stuff. Some of the stuff he taught us, the kicks and punches, was really vigorous. But he was always stressing that it came from qigong. The tongzigong exercises were to build qigong….and he said, ‘This teaches how to subdue yourself so much that you have no urge to fight. Because if you have no urge to fight, you never do fight and then you survive long.’

And this is when Hai Deng was really old!!

“After the film, Hai Deng came out on the stage and said, ‘Anybody in the audience who would like to test their skill, please come up on stage now.’ And here, was a Chinatown audience. There was this big black guy and there was an off-duty policeman, and a marine or something, and he said, ‘OK, take your best shot.’ They all charged him at once. And he just took them off their feet and pushed them back. They flew. It was the classic standard martial arts demonstration. You see it....The Hong Kong television people came and they wanted to see if he really had the ability to take blows: paidagong . They said, ‘We heard about this but we don’t believe it and we want to test you on television.’ So they set him up on HKTV, and then they said, ‘We want you to strip down to a t-shirt and we’re going to do the hitting. We’re not going to let your disciples do it because we think they probably have ways to fake punching.’ He said you couldn’t hit the head. Any place else was fair. And so they hit him. And he passed. It was really quite remarkable....The word that we had was that he was fifty times all China martial arts champion. He had fifty competitions, not just years, but competitions, is what we’d heard, but it’d be hard to verify.”
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:49 pm

and purpose of it/the thread/ -shrug-
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:07 am

On many human ways, there are always gifted individuals, legends and etc., added later :-*

Real gem could be written down in plain english training system :
>from bootblack to millionaire in one step<
which really works ,not only for the editor... :)
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