Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:00 am

willie wrote:
Trick wrote:
willie wrote:If some of you have noticed, most of these Masters who are teaching others in internal Arts are getting beat up by people with very little skill. That should raise a big red flag because, These are the same people writing books and teaching meditation...
So rather then just getting beat up, now they sell insanity as well, LOL!

Honestly, in my opinion I would not recommend for anyone to mess around with all that stuff. Just stay simple and live a happy life...

Even if they getting beat up they are immortals and not really get hurt

Are you serious? Those guys are no more Immortals than Daffy Duck

I forgot to end that with - 8-)


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:07 am

willie wrote:
Appledog wrote:everything voidisyinyang said is correct

Correct is a very big word. Are you sure that's the word that you should be using?
How do you know that he is correct?

You know, after reading Void's posts I was thinking where is Apple, they would get along very well


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:43 am

Trick wrote:
willie wrote:
Appledog wrote:everything voidisyinyang said is correct

Correct is a very big word. Are you sure that's the word that you should be using?
How do you know that he is correct?

You know, after reading Void's posts I was thinking where is Apple, they would get along very well

Hi trick. I'm not just trolling about this.
Do you see how much effort that people have placed in these Arts? It's the same with everything that void is talking about. Unfortunately, no one seems to have the real answers anymore. That is most likely because overtime information can get twisted up a bit and becomes totally incorrect. I wish I knew what was correct all of the time. Unfortunately I don't and I do not believe that the majority of people are correct all the time either. So just writing something like that may appear impressive to newcomers, but once you've been around for a long time oh, you start to see the bigger picture.
Watch this video and think of how terrible this "master" felt when he found out that he did not have what he thought that he had...
Last edited by willie on Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby voidisyinyang on Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:14 pm

There is a lady who trained in Ta'i Chi for international competitions. Then she also practiced indigenous meditation - from the Andes - and she is also a Ph.D. psychologist as her job. She then started having precognitive dreams that were also healing spirit dreams. Her book "Transcendent Dreaming" is about her precognitive healing dreams. Dr. Christina Donnell.

Precognitive dreams and visions are very trippy. So this is the superluminal realm of the Emptiness. It is from stronger emotional connections. The qigong masters can see how spirit information is stored holographically - in a location. So can see the past or even the future - as spirits stored. So with our eyes open - this is like a photograph and the emotions are like the old photos using chemicals to process the image. So meditation is like the dark room to properly process the information. Dreams are like exposing the image without proper processing - so our subconscious is controlling our spirit - instead of our superconsciousness through meditation. And so the dark room is actually a black hole that we turn into a white hole to reverse the past - and even to synchronize with the future. If we see something - it can be a frozen image at zero time but then the Qi energy will heal and transform the past - from the future.

O.K. Jim Nance told this story - he was a kungfu master in the 1960s. He would always win - but he also burst out crying. He trained in the African-American community but then this Chinese master visited the U.S. and saw him win and then burst out crying afterwards. The Chinese master said - you need to train in "internal martial arts" - like qigong. This was the 1960s so Jim did not know about qigong. But the Chinese master said - you see things in slow motion right? And Jim thought that was his secret. I am probably getting some details wrong - but Jim is supposed to have a book published soon of his memoir. The point being - that Dr. Stuart Hameroff has a published article about how being in the "zone" - like Michael JOrdan (Jim was also a professional basketball player) - that this is literally precognition in action. So when the adrenaline is so strong from strong sympathetic nervous system activation of adrenal medullae - it goes into the brain and causes your brain to process information faster as memories. What we see with our eyes open is actually the past - by half a second. But it is proven that our brains actually reaction before we consciously make the decision to react. So our motor cortex is actually very close to our auditory cortex. So for example that dude Daniel - he is blind but he clicks his tongue and listens to the echo. The right and left ear are phase coherent based on ultrasound - so at the microsecond wavelength. Ultrasound is what enables proprioception as the sixth sense. Special forces uses this - so electromagnetic receptors on the tongue are converted to visual images. Our brain does this through ultrasound. Sony patented the technology as holographic Matrix technology.

So in Tai Chi is it called "Internal listening" because this is literally what is happening. Our sense of attention is actually the parietal lobe. And so normally vision with eyes open is controlled by the subconscious - and so triggers the pineal gland as the sympathetic nervous system. But with eyes closed and imagining light - this is the Yi as intention as the parietal lobe that is superluminal listening connected to the auditory cortex and motor cortex via the vagus nerve and cerebellum - and the heart biophoton information. So in other words those clicking noises made by the tongue can be listened to as echoes that are faster than the three dimensional image of light - because the microseconds create a strobe light effect synchronizing with the biophotons that then is phase coherence as quantum nonlocality so our brain can capture virtual photons from the future.

And so we think being awake is real but actually precognitive dreams are more real than being awake - all the senses are more vivid and in fact the sense of smell is nonlocal. So this is why the original human culture, the San Bushmen, say they can smell disease as rotting dead flesh. I had this experience after I meditated 6 hours a day while fasting and built up the qi energy - doing small universe meditation and standing "moving of yin and yang" - when I was 29 years old and I went to Chunyi Lin's meditation retreat to open the third eye in 2000. This was in the Twin Cities. I started training in 1999 in honor of Prince.

So yes I wondered how anyone could stand to be in the same room with this man in the front, even though I was in the back and over 200 people were in the room. Then Chunyi said how qigong masters can smell cancer as rotting flesh and the man said he had traveled up from ... for special healing. So I realized he had cancer and I was smelling it and then as Chunyi did healing - the rotting flesh death smell went away! Then we had a break so we went to our rooms and I sat in full lotus meditating. Then it was 1950s cabin style - Christian retreat center in the forest - and I could hear a lady and man in the next room - making reproduction sounds. haha. The walls were thin and suddenly the rotting flesh smell came through the walls! I realized that this man had brought his lady friend and she was attracted to the energy that the qigong master had sent into the man. And so she sucked it off him - since the Emptiness goes to Shen, goes to qi, goes to jing and then to generative fluid. And so his rotting flesh cancer smell came back and his healing got ruined. But neither of them knew this and I just wondered - how can she even stand to be in the same room with him with that rotting flesh death smell. haha.

So that is the connection of purification, meditation, etc. Chunyi at that conference in 2000 announced blithely that we were going to do 2 hours of "moving yin and yang" standing exercise. But he was not "Americanized" yet - meaning he was still in Shaolin mode and forget that people in the West just don't obediently do what they are told, despite the pain involved. haha.

So Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com - he can smell over the phone also. He talked to me for a couple hours - and said how he can see in 4 directions at the same time - out of his third eye. So then he goes, "I've been having a conversation with your mom while I talked to you." I had brought my mom to him for his free "sample healings" - a couple times. She could barely walk - due to wrong anti-seizure meds she had taken and her recovery from meningitis. So each sample healing she felt better but it didn't last. So I knew he was healing my mom while she was asleep and I didn't say anything to him about it nor my mom. But the next morning my mom had so much energy - I did not see her but my sister was in shock since my mom cooked for herself for the first time in months. And the next day my mom walked a half mile on her own - no one had said anything to her about it. She just had so much energy she wanted to walk. haha. And then a week went by and my mom's friends were shocked - my mom was 80 years old and asked her what happened since my mom had barely been able to walk for months. My mom could barely go up the stairs but now she had too much energy! She could only say she did not understand what happened. So then finally a week went by and my mom was still healed so I told her what happened. And when I talked to Jim again - I asked him about the healing. I said did you have to send her more energy? He said yes he had to send energy several times but it was easier to heal her while she was asleep so her mind would not get in the way of the healing.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Appledog on Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:16 pm

Hello, I'd like to maintain a 'cool post count' of 108 posts. This particular post has gone beyond that number and has therefore expired.

I'm sorry if you were looking for some old information but I'll do my best to answer you if you send me a DM with a question in it.
Last edited by Appledog on Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:52 am

willie wrote:You know, after reading Void's posts I was thinking where is Apple, they would get along very well

Hi trick. I'm not just trolling about this.
Do you see how much effort that people have placed in these Arts? It's the same with everything that void is talking about. Unfortunately, no one seems to have the real answers anymore. That is most likely because overtime information can get twisted up a bit and becomes totally incorrect. I wish I knew what was correct all of the time. Unfortunately I don't and I do not believe that the majority of people are correct all the time either. So just writing something like that may appear impressive to newcomers, but once you've been around for a long time oh, you start to see the bigger picture.
Hi willy,I respond a little after hand here since there was something that got mentioned in Void's last post. I do believe that he really is on to something and has experienced a few "things" but is kind of overwhelmed by it and want to too enthusiastically share and maybe he himself can not yet put his own words on his experience and therefore maybe puzzle together quotes from his as I suspect big book collection and it all comes out as fragmented information in overflow


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:47 am

Trick wrote:
Hi willy,I respond a little after hand here since there was something that got mentioned in Void's last post. I do believe that he really is on to something and has experienced a few "things" but is kind of overwhelmed by it and want to too enthusiastically share and maybe he himself can not yet put his own words on his experience and therefore maybe puzzle together quotes from his as I suspect big book collection and it all comes out as fragmented information in overflow

Hi trick. I don't know if you have ever seen my videos or not, but I assure you that I do not move as a stick in a bag of rocks. There was a time when I would actually search for things like void is currently talking about. I have passed that stage of wonder and move on to the realization that nobody knows the answers. It's the same as with Jesus, Buddha, Immortals, Jehovah. Either you believe or you don't. Either your art is based on a belief system or it is not.
But if you think that void is an immortal, well then kneel down and kiss his big toe.lol!


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:30 am

willie wrote:
Trick wrote:
Hi willy,I respond a little after hand here since there was something that got mentioned in Void's last post. I do believe that he really is on to something and has experienced a few "things" but is kind of overwhelmed by it and want to too enthusiastically share and maybe he himself can not yet put his own words on his experience and therefore maybe puzzle together quotes from his as I suspect big book collection and it all comes out as fragmented information in overflow

Hi trick. I don't know if you have ever seen my videos or not, but I assure you that I do not move as a stick in a bag of rocks. There was a time when I would actually search for things like void is currently talking about. I have passed that stage of wonder and move on to the realization that nobody knows the answers. It's the same as with Jesus, Buddha, Immortals, Jehovah. Either you believe or you don't. Either your art is based on a belief system or it is not.
But if you think that void is an immortal, well then kneel down and kiss his big toe.lol!

:) no don't think anyone is immortal, but let's say he was then he should also share the methods of transforming basematals into precious ones which I hear includes into the immortality business....of course he should share that to me by PM 8-)


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby wayne hansen on Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:24 pm

More verbiage less skill
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
wayne hansen
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby wiesiek on Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:07 am

would like to add word one of my teacher :
to reach Enlightenment you need first recognize >emptiness<,
you`re doing it by paying attention.
Paying attention on micro -movements of the body, builds the shorter path to the aim.

this is kinda of supplement for the Franklins Zen advertising post , 8-)
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:53 am

Is the aim to reach Enlightenment? - Just a feeling I have, is that if one have something as that as the aim one will never get there


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby wiesiek on Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:01 am

forgive me my poor english skills, so maybe I`m not so clear in translation of the translations,
Trick, you forget , that we are speakin` eastern way, -
where achieving is notachieving
yes and may be not
aiming is done w/o the aim, but of course ... 8-)
even if you look at it from any possible or not possible angles
all what we really have is the way
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby wiesiek on Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:09 am

supplemental shot for clarity:
word of the sage can be
-the gate
it depends of you
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby voidisyinyang on Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:56 am

So when we visualize the location of sound with our eyes closed - as in the small universe meditation or microcosmic orbit or heavenly circuit - this means we use the right and left ear as phase coherence that is faster than light - it is sub-angstrom listening. The highest note we hear externally is at microsecond wavelength which resonates the brain as a whole as ultrasound - and so it is the secret of chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching. And this ultrasound has been shown to resonate the microtubules of collagen which is piezoelectric so the ultrasound has 3000 times greater electrical conductance than any other frequency - and so the tubulin "self amplify" into the macroquantum level. The subharmonic OM is then heard as the resonance of reverse time phase or the spin between the electron and proton - called the magnetic moment and is accessed through this full body right-side vagus nerve listening with the eyes closed.

As a Tibetan medical doctor states:

The ear collect the spiraling energy from the cosmos, this energy gives life to man, and we see this vitality in the light which shines forth from our eyes. Tibetan medical doctor.

http://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/04 ... aoist.html
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby TrainingDummy on Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:45 pm

voidisyinyang wrote:So when we visualize the location of sound with our eyes closed - as in the small universe meditation or microcosmic orbit or heavenly circuit - this means we use the right and left ear as phase coherence that is faster than light
http://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/04 ... aoist.html

For me upper tantien \ 3rd eye experiences of light, sound and space don't have a strong correlation to taijiquan as a martial art. Vibration and flow type experiences can be useful if you're using them to integrate the body, but I suspect focusing on purely physical sensations would be just as useful, if not more so.

I think you really have to separate experiences of mediation from anything martially applicable. They might give you an extra 5% of skill, but the majority of practitioners should just train more, or accept their meditation practice gives them something other than gungfu fireballs and do it for THAT reason.

NB: I am fully aware that microcosmic orbit can be trained as a purely physical practice, just addressing the poster above.
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