Syria Now

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Re: Syria Now

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:43 am

Posting someone else's picture as one's avatar is over the line, especially in this context.

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Re: Syria Now

Postby Dmitri on Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:49 am

...and emptycloud/Rich does it yet again. For the umpteenth time, just like he's done so many times in the past, he starts a thread on an inflammatory topic and never engages in the resulting conversation -- only adds a bit of oil to the fire occasionally. Good trollin', man! :-X
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:11 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:Posting someone else's picture as one's avatar is over the line, especially in this context.

What line? Your line? What context? And what exactly has any of this got to do with you?

Did you even see the picture? Was obviously doctored.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:17 am

Azer wrote:
Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:Posting someone else's picture as one's avatar is over the line, especially in this context.

What line? Your line? What context? And what exactly has any of this got to do with you?

Did you even see the picture? Was obviously doctored.

It has to do with me because I am a member of this community. Other members of this community should not act as you did. It's creepy.

Whose line? Obviously not yours, but that just reinforces my point.

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Re: Syria Now

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:23 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
It has to do with me because I am a member of this community. Other members of this community should not act as you did. It's creepy.

Whose line? Obviously not yours, but that just reinforces my point.

How about you mind your own business? You don't know our history.

Alternatively, we could find you a safe space, and perhaps some HRT, looking a bit flabby recently.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:23 am

I'm not sure what my lifestyle has to do with your disturbingly obsessive behavior, but I actually find your nonsequitur insults far less offensive than the offense I called you out on--even though I have my own disagreements with Greg. I said my piece, and you responded with more strangely personal garbage. You seem to have a problem with that. :-\
Last edited by Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Syria Now

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:30 am

For PhD candidate, you sure have issues with subtext, my point is, as I told Greg, if you're not careful you leave a fat old trail everywhere you go online, and people with my level of net-fu can follow it quite easily and if I can do that, imagine what your government does. The rest is obviously a wind up to that effect. Go study or something, there's lots of history books you could be reading instead of interjecting where your interjection is not needed. Sure its a forum and all, but do you honestly think anyone cares about your whinging opinion on this?

I'd have though on an IMA forum, concepts like "know the other" would be a bit more ingrained ;)
Last edited by Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:35 am

I got your point, I just thought it was over the line and said so. And, your internet stalking is just weird.

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Re: Syria Now

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:37 am

You're entitled to your opinion, me, I like to know who I'm talking to.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:48 am

Azer wrote:You're entitled to your opinion, me, I like to know who I'm talking to.

I imagine many people like to know who they are talking to. You, on the other hand, like to let people know you know who they are. That seems like a form of bullying to me. Of course, anyone can do that as the information is perfectly available, but I generally find that sort of behavior to become less common among martial artists or even among generally happy or successful people. I do understand the context and your point with the pic. But, it was in poor taste. As for your multiple posts "dropping personal details" about me: not a big deal as I live a public life for the most part. But, it's still not a great look. Anyway, as you point out, I was just sharing my opinion on an open forum.

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Re: Syria Now

Postby Trick on Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:12 am

I guess I'm going to be told to mind my own business too, but I agree with Ian here, there's something creepy going in this tread now


Re: Syria Now

Postby Steve James on Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:30 am

I also don't agree with where I think Steve is coming from, although he hasn't really clearly enunciated it.

My point is that I'm not going to pretend that I know what's "really" happening anywhere from a Youtube video.
My second point is that it's useless to argue about anything without accepting a common source of information. That's why I asked what should the US do "IF" the attacks had happened. I'm really asking WHEN it would be valid to bomb another country.

I don't know with certainty what Assad does. This is the internet. I'm sure, as someone already posted, that "a stopped clock is right twice a day." I.e., Sometimes Assad and Putin and Trump and Kim are right. They can't always be wrong. But, their supporters never seem to recognize that they can be wrong at all. They only accept information that confirms their original bias.

My bias about the Syrian attack is that it was Trump's desire for publicity more than his outrage over the use of chemical weapons. During the campaign, he asked 'what are nukes good for, if you can't use them?' Naw. Was the attack a good way to test the very latest weapons systems in the most hostile theater? Yep. That is good everyone in the industry. Did it accomplish anything afa wiping Daesh? Nope. Is Assad still there and more likely to remain? Yep.

Yet, if the operation reduced the stockpiles of chemical weapons, I think that's good. Sorry.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:49 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:
Azer wrote:You're entitled to your opinion, me, I like to know who I'm talking to.

I imagine many people like to know who they are talking to. You, on the other hand, like to let people know you know who they are. That seems like a form of bullying to me. Of course, anyone can do that as the information is perfectly available, but I generally find that sort of behavior to become less common among martial artists or even among generally happy or successful people. I do understand the context and your point with the pic. But, it was in poor taste. As for your multiple posts "dropping personal details" about me: not a big deal as I live a public life for the most part. But, it's still not a great look. Anyway, as you point out, I was just sharing my opinion on an open forum.

In these days of cyber wars/information wars, government interference, propaganda programs, trolls etc., the anonymity of the people we converse with is a potential liability.

As I mentioned to you earlier, you don't know our history. If you did, you would know that a few of our fellows here, suggested that I am a long term Russian troll, implanted in to this forum from 2008 in order to sow chaos on the boards or some bizarre nonsense like that, along with a host of other ethno and nationality based insults. Mods didn't do shit, maybe it went along with their own bias. So these days, if you talk to me on here I will do my research, if I don't know you, hell for all I known I'm talking to CIA trolls ;)

So I'm pretty sure you can figure out where I would suggest you put your line, given the context above.

As I said, you don't know the history. So if you're going to get involved with me in this context, I will see who you are.

As a larger topic, I'm not a fan of Web anonymity, too many trolls, keyboard warriors, etc., who feel they have free reign and will receive no consequences for the hate they spread. That's not how things work in the natural world, if you can't back up your aggressive display, you get run out, injured, killed or eaten.

RSF had a good idea at one point, everyone using real names etc, but well, its an IMA forum, don't expect people to back up what they say, anyway it never got of the ground as you can see. Could have been good, maybe.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby Dajenarit on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:22 am

If you use social media you forfeit anonymity. Never had Twitter, Myspace, Facebook and never will.
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Re: Syria Now

Postby xxxxx on Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:25 pm

This thread is over.
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