Nootropics Anyone?

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby gzregorz on Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:54 am

Here's a nice little breakdown of nootropic stacks.

The Most Popular Nootropic Stacks in 2013

Pramiracetam & Alpha GPC

Pramiracetam & Alpha GPC is a very popular stack in 2013. Pramiracetam by itself is very strong and one of the strongest racetams that is very popular in times of study and heavy workloads. One issue many people find is the cost, however many “starving students” still find it in their budgets to afford this powerful stack. The pramiracetam/alpha GPC combination is known as a solid “study stack” and is often “cycled” at certain stages.

A pramiracetam/alpha GPC stack has its own unique set of nootropic benefits not seen in Piracetam and some of the other racetams. Most people find pramiracetam to be very effective and adding alpha GPC to the mix may improve the effects. This is because Alpha GPC is a very effective acetylcholine booster that can efficiently improve available acetylcholine. Pramiracetam creates a much higher demand of acetylcholine and alpha GPC meets these demands and more. That is why this stack in one of the top stacks in 2013.

Noopept & Alpha GPC

Noopept is another strong nootropic that works on the acetylcholine system. Noopept alone is one of Peak Nootropics best sellers and alpha GPC is commonly purchased alongside it. A Noopept/Alpha GPC stack has several advantages and pitfalls when compared to the pramiracetam/alpha GPC stack. Affordability is one benefit that can be observed because noopept is much more cost-effective than pramiracetam.

Both Noopept and Pramiracetam work with alpha GPC synergistically. People have their own individual opinions however pramiracetam is generally seen as the more potent of the two. Both noopept and pramiracetam do essentially the same thing, by working on producing higher reuptake at the Acetylcholine and NDMA and AMPA glutamate receptors.

Piracetam, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam & Citicoline

This is also a very popular stack. The PAO stack has many advantages over the aforementioned two. One huge advantage is the diversity you get. Piracetam mixed with the mood boosting qualities of aniracetam and the stimulating factors of oxiracetam create a very interesting nootropic combination. Each of the three racetams brings in their own unique set of qualities. The main benefit in this stack is the amount of flexibility and control you get.

One could easily swap out Citicoline for Alpha GPC in this stack however neither is better than the other. Citicoline is slightly more affordable and can be considered just as effective as alpha GPC in this case. This of course, will come down to personal preferences and will require some playing around or “tweaking” to get it right for you. All in all, the PAO + choline stack is very powerful and a popular alternative in 2013.

ALCAR & Choline Bitartrate

The ALCAR + Choline Bitartrate stack is a pure choline stack that is very popular in 2013. This stack is hardly every used by itself and is usually stacked with a racetam(s). This stack has a great advantage in cost over the stronger acetlycholine supplements and some people claim it is even more effective. These statements need some medical evidence to back it up but scientifically, an ALCAR/CB stack should be very effective. The Choline Bitartrate works to increase choline levels, while the ALCAR helps in the synthesis into acetylcholine. This creates a very powerful and efficient effect that some say is the ultimate “choline stack”.

Needless to say, this stack should always be combined with a racetam to increase efficiency. One could probably use this stack alone and see a minor cognitive however the effects will likely be extremely subtle. Also, the benefits of ALCAR will bring the powerful effects of l-carnitine to the table because it breaks own in vitro. The ALCAR + CB stack is one of the top choline stacks in 2013. ... acks-2013/
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Ian on Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:10 am

What in the world's a "stack"?

What does this mean in layman's terms:

Both Noopept and Pramiracetam work with alpha GPC synergistically. People have their own individual opinions however pramiracetam is generally seen as the more potent of the two. Both noopept and pramiracetam do essentially the same thing, by working on producing higher reuptake at the Acetylcholine and NDMA and AMPA glutamate receptors.
Also, the benefits of ALCAR will bring the powerful effects of l-carnitine to the table because it breaks own in vitro.


Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Taichiturtle on Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:18 am

Ian wrote:What in the world's a "stack"?

What does this mean in layman's terms:

Both Noopept and Pramiracetam work with alpha GPC synergistically. People have their own individual opinions however pramiracetam is generally seen as the more potent of the two. Both noopept and pramiracetam do essentially the same thing, by working on producing higher reuptake at the Acetylcholine and NDMA and AMPA glutamate receptors.
Also, the benefits of ALCAR will bring the powerful effects of l-carnitine to the table because it breaks own in vitro.

Hmm.... I think, in layman's terms, that this means that the people writing this lack basic knowledge, make many spelling mistakes, while simultaneously claiming a level of knowledge about these compounds that cannot be backed up by experimental data.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby gzregorz on Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:52 am

Stack just means combining supplements for one overall effect usually with stuff that complement each other.

Speaking of terminology for the longest time I thought Alpha GPC was another name for Alpha Brain but it's not. Cheeky marketing that!
Last edited by gzregorz on Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Azer on Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:45 pm

Full mini doc about the 'zolpidem' drug:

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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby gzregorz on Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:55 am

Added Huperzine A to my choline intake and it seems to have a smoother effect.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby gzregorz on Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:13 am

I have been having some funky dreams with orcs and all.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:09 am

Ahh I thought we had a thread on this already. Time for a bit of necromancy.

Been playing around with a few pretty great medicinal mushrooms past few years, namely:

Lion's Mane: memory, reflexes, awareness, skill development and retention. Effect seems to be amplified when combined with THC / CBD, though may be a bit much for some.

Chaga: great for burnout, physical and mental, gives a nice even energetic stimulus and doesn't negatively affect sleep.

Cordyceps: seems to effect all body systems positively, for me the most pronounced was the increase in metabolic rate and extra stamina/oxygen efficiency, also works nicely like a mild stimulant which doesn't negatively affect sleep.

Reishi: also great for burnout and balancing when out of balance, helps sleep, quite relaxing. When combined with THC / CBD, makes you feel quite amazing, not to sound airy fairy but feels like your heart center expands and envelopes you, also good for mediation and anything requiring calm focus.

They all have many other properties, the above are just what is noticeable to me. For a summary some random website "DR. Axe" gives a very overzealous, optimistic notes, but also links off to proper medical studies, not all from first class journals however.

I've also put a few people with degenerative conditions MS, tremors, etc on to these, namely Lions Mane which promotes myelin growth and Cordyceps which have a protective effect on the myelin sheath and apparently a major MS med is a synthesised version of some Cordycep molecules.

Worth a shot if anyone is interested. Though I would caution to only take one type of mushroom dose for every 12 hours or even 24 for some people, mixing them at full daily dosage can be dangerous in some cases or make you feel pretty odd, particularly Chaga and Reishi together, both thin the blood and lower blood pressure. Particularly care should be taken with blood thinning and blood pressure meds, as well as other, make sure to check for potential interactions.

Real Mushrooms, a Canadian brand, is the best one I've found so far.

Ahhh, Kefir also has many positive effects, I've been making my own for years, it's a traditional food of one of my home countries, but I really noticed its potential when I started a few other people on it. Mood, memory, joints, blood pressure, digestion amongst others has many effects.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby middleway on Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:53 am

I take Lions Main (from Mushroom Wisdom) & L Theanine. Did do a stint on onnit Alpha Brain, and felt an uptick in clarity.

In the last year or so i have reduced my suppliment intake dramatically so dont take much of anything anymore :)
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:22 am

Any particular reason for your reduction?

I've seen studies around longterm multivitamin supplements showing lifespan reduction, but I don't do multivitamins myself so not too concerned on that front.

Personally, I try to get most of my nutrition from natural, nutrient dense sources, bar the above mushrooms and some vitamin C occasionally (sodium ascorbate). With enough practice, it's probably cheaper, easier and tastes better too. Not a professional opinion from me.

Fasting is an interesting one too, I've dropped about two stone past few years and still fast weekly, again, not a professional opinion, but seem to naturally gravitate towards nutrient dense, healthy food. It also seems to me my body is more efficient with food these days, which I guess makes sense, environmental adaptation I guess.

I don't really see mushrooms as supplements really, their more of a specific nutrient food, and technically some of these, and many other medicinal mushrooms are food, lions mane can be found in some Asian cuisine for example, as can maitake and shitake etc.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby RobB on Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:30 am

These guys are great for mushroom extracts. Super-Welsh too!
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:32 am

RobB wrote:These guys are great for mushroom extracts. Super-Welsh too!

Interesting! Will give the boyos a shot! Cheers!
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby grzegorz on Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:36 pm

Azer wrote:Any particular reason for your reduction?

I've seen studies around longterm multivitamin supplements showing lifespan reduction, but I don't do multivitamins myself so not too concerned on that front.

Personally, I try to get most of my nutrition from natural, nutrient dense sources, bar the above mushrooms and some vitamin C occasionally (sodium ascorbate). With enough practice, it's probably cheaper, easier and tastes better too. Not a professional opinion from me.

Fasting is an interesting one too, I've dropped about two stone past few years and still fast weekly, again, not a professional opinion, but seem to naturally gravitate towards nutrient dense, healthy food. It also seems to me my body is more efficient with food these days, which I guess makes sense, environmental adaptation I guess.

I don't really see mushrooms as supplements really, their more of a specific nutrient food, and technically some of these, and many other medicinal mushrooms are food, lions mane can be found in some Asian cuisine for example, as can maitake and shitake etc.

Thanks for this.

I didn't realize there were so many uses for mushrooms.


Of course there is always this one too...

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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby Azer on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:42 pm

Ha! Nice doggy! Not too uncommon in the animal kingdom, apparently. Have also heard these may have contributed to human brain development, but just theories for now as far as I've seen.

For the medicinal stuff, if I'm not mistaken, there is a decent producer in your general area, Host Defense, they do some good products.
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Re: Nootropics Anyone?

Postby wiesiek on Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:29 am

RobB wrote:These guys are great for mushroom extracts. Super-Welsh too!

looks quite expensive,
if we consider -12,5 dry mushrooms in 100 ml extract - per 100 ml is 15,75 pounds ,
For ex.:
from you`re getting 90 capsules cordyceps ,650 mg. ea., for 23 pounds.
and if you`re on US ground - the same in $ when buin` on Hawaii !
Last edited by wiesiek on Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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