Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby voidisyinyang on Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:22 pm

TrainingDummy wrote:
voidisyinyang wrote:So when we visualize the location of sound with our eyes closed - as in the small universe meditation or microcosmic orbit or heavenly circuit - this means we use the right and left ear as phase coherence that is faster than light
http://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/04 ... aoist.html

For me upper tantien \ 3rd eye experiences of light, sound and space don't have a strong correlation to taijiquan as a martial art. Vibration and flow type experiences can be useful if you're using them to integrate the body, but I suspect focusing on purely physical sensations would be just as useful, if not more so.

I think you really have to separate experiences of mediation from anything martially applicable. They might give you an extra 5% of skill, but the majority of practitioners should just train more, or accept their meditation practice gives them something other than gungfu fireballs and do it for THAT reason.

NB: I am fully aware that microcosmic orbit can be trained as a purely physical practice, just addressing the poster above.

yeah interesting - so what Jim Nance described is that he always one his fights because he say the other person moving in slow motion but then he always burst out crying after he won because he always had felt the pain that he delivered to the other person, before he actually physically delivered it. So this is what Dr. Mae-Wan Ho discusses as a quantum coherent signal of the mind-body that is faster than a typical nerve signal. We think of signals - normally it takes a half second for the conscious mind to react but obviously with integrated mind-body energy - the qi is reacting - not the conscious mind.

So the oldest symbol of qi is actually the process of putting shen (light as fire) under jing (water) to create steam (air as qi). So Jim Nance shared how, for example, when he was young and in church, then a family member - an older male - brushed up against him and from that touching interaction, Jim then re-experienced the rape that the family member had experienced in jail - in prison. A male being raped. But Jim re-experienced this pain - just from the touching of the person as he walked past in church.

So Jim said that Chunyi Lin did use his qi once to smash a rock apart - without touching it - but this was too violent. It is based on a reaction - that the intention as qi is bidirectional with the future and the past - as it occurs in the present.

So if the present has no emotional intention then it can Empty out any physical blockages. This is the difference between light as matter with zero rest mass, that as energy is able to transform other types of matter, because the light has relativistic mass that is superluminal force from the future, as positive momentum (phonon energy).

So for example I had a family member grab onto me from behind - and normally such a forceful grab as this person did - it should provoke a violent reaction from me in self-defense. But as the person grabbed me - my pineal gland immediately perceived that the person's intention was motivated by lust that they themselves could not control, since it had been hard-wired. And the reason it had been hard-wired is because the person had been raped by their father.

So when a person is hard-wired - this is something that happens before puberty and so becomes their "character" as the frequency of their spirit that then is their intention - the source in their body of their qi energy.

So you say the third eye experiences light, sound or/and space - but alchemically this is called the "mysterious gate" that happens through the "ancestral cavity" - and the "mysterious gate" only opens through the purification of the shen or light going under the water - to create the lower tan t'ien in the small intestines - as the 2nd brain - that stores the qi.

So the intention in that case then goes into the Emptiness - the shen is turned around to zero time inside the body but it then in the Emptiness actually has relativistic mass of light as superluminal force from the future - called the "golden key" as "yin matter" of the lower tan t'ien. So the lower tan t'ien is actually storing up reverse time force as negentropy.

In Buddhism this is called the difference between the skanda of perception, sensation and form. And so to empty out the skanda of form is to use the element of Wind - which is the qi channels of the body. So yes first the standing active exercise as Taiji - it has to restore the generative force to a 16 year old in terms of celibacy - and this opens up the yin qi channels of the legs - to the Ocean of yin qi which is below the abdomen. But alchemically when the Yuan Qi is activated this then opens up the middle tan t'ien as the heart which then is the Mysterious Gate beyond the ancestral cavity - the Yuan Qi is nondual or in two places at the same time as the ether of reality - and this is expressed as the Yuan Shen which is the Absolute Void or the light that shines out of the third eye. So this light can be seen externally as auras around other people.

So then - if someone is anger due to a liver blockage and my eyes are open - that mines the pineal gland causes my own liver to get hot interally and so reality is experienced holographically since the truth of reality is the Yuan Qi as one ether that is nondual. And so if the person is hard-wired with lust - then I will internally feel their intention as qi stuck and pulling down - if they are a male - but if female their own lust will sublimate naturally.

So for example if a female lusts - or has a lust reaction - then - let's say I keep sending energy into the female via the pineal gland and the heart - and so the energy causes the female to have an orgasm which is her vagus nerve connected to her cervix. So the energy goes out of my pineal gland but activates her vagus nerve - and in fact if her lust is strong enough she can suck this qi energy out of my body - just by looking at me. So then I would be able to feel someone lusting after me - even if they are looking at me from behind or from far away.

And so this is why "closing the lower magpie bridge" - which is to flex the sphincter and the perineum is the key secret to stopping qi energy from going out of the pineal gland and the body - because more humans still have their intentions - their hard-wired character - stuck in the lower frequency of their spirit holographic light.

So if a person is good - and trying to work hard to get a job done - then maybe they might get mad sometimes or have lust sometimes or be happy or sad sometimes - these are all the "lower emotions" - each of a different organ, based on the subconscious yin qi energy. This is what Gurdjieff calls a "number 2" person. A number 1 person is a male who got hard wired before puberty to have a lust reaction as addiction to ejaculation - such a person will try to always suck off other people's energy so that they themselves can ejaculate. So that triggers the sympathetic nervous system as spiking cortisol as stress. So lust is dopamine as the vagus nerve but for males it "climaxes" as a trigger of cortisol as a switch to the sympathetic nervous system. For females though, since they are yang internally, the lust stays in the parasympathetic nervous system and so switches from dopamine to increased serotonin.

So again if a female is lusting after me and instead of closing off my energy - I sent energy into her - and then she climaxes - this then sends her energy back into me. This is what Mantak Chia teaches via his small universe or microcosmic orbit meditation between male and female. So if the male maintains his celibacy - this cycles and opens up the energy channels. This practice is actually describes in a Taiji training manual.

http://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/04 ... hi-in.html

Yes I blogged on it there -

Blue Dragon, White Tiger: Verses for Refining the Golden Elixir
By Chang Sen Feng, Sanfeng Zhang, Shifu Hwang, Cheney Crow

It is a google review - so not the whole book.

So the secret of that training is to NOT send energy into the female but rather to just suck in the energy of the female when she has an orgasm - and this is then detailed - the female should be young but after puberty - so that her jing energy is very strong from her young hormones - and so this is detailed as the secret of quickly restoring the yin qi energy of the body.

So what I did instead was I actually sent my energy into the females - and so I was sending in my yang qi - as internal orgasmic energy - and so as it is described in a 1615 DAoist alchemy manual - the Hun Soul is the yin qi without substance - and it is the liver qi that goes out of the eyes while open. So this will trigger the sympathetic nervous system - which can be lust or anger. This is why if the lust is trigger - subconsciously as a photonic signal the prostate will kick out lecithin and the testicles will be "scorched" as evil fire alchemically - meaning the "root of mortality" is dilated by that sympathetic trigger. Unless the damage is reversed through standing active exercise - then the yang qi will be lost through ejaculation during sleep.

So intead what I did was send the yang qi up the spine - as that daoist manual states - the Hun soul is light and so goes out the eyes but if it locks into a visual form of beauty - then the Po Soul will grab onto the hun soul and get pulled out - this is the Lung qi as deep vagus nerve activation - the right side vagus nerve.

Now when the male relative grabbed me from behind - I had a deep right vagus nerve reaction which is the "freeze" reaction. This is very dangerous for mammals. As Dr. Stephen Porges points out - "involuntary immobility is NOT complicity." This is the problem with rape - it causes this freeze reaction - as any victim of violence will get. And so the self-defense training, as John Tsai emphasizes - is to have the qi of the body react faster than this deep right side vagus nerve freeze reaction. Instead there has to be a strong sympathetic reaction that "discharges" the qi. But the male lusting after me actually - subconsciously - is hard-wired to be attracted to the qi and wants to suck it off so that the male can ejaculation as their own strong sympathetic reaction but going in the opposite direction.

So the small universe meditation teaches to have the yang qi go up the spine - instead of down and out as ejaculation - and this only happens by closing the eyes so that the yin qi of the liver then works with the shen as spirit to ionizes the yang qi of the neurohormones and only when the lecithin is ionized and built up as yang qi - so enough generative force is stored up in the body that is purified - with the yin qi going down the front (the vagus nerve focused with the spirit in the lower tan t'ien) - only then does the third eye actually open up with light seen around other people as the Absolute Void of the yuan qi.

So I would say it is actually rare to rebuild the generative force back to a 16 year old and maintain that purity at the alchemical process of the microcosmic orbit. So for example again with the female - for me to send out yang qi via the pineal gland and then the female sends back yin qi - this used up my yang qi energy - and so it turns a person into a "ghost immortal" - since now only a negative qi or yin qi source from food can restore the positive qi of the yang qi. And so overusing the psychic energy then causes a person to be fat - since they are extracting the yin qi from the food - from the fat which with the cholesterol then has a lot of testosterone and dopamine - for adrenaline - and then again only through celibacy is this converted to serotonin through the vagus nerve.

So to build up the energy is through the vagus nerve which is actually deep relaxation. For example if you do standing active exercise and the thigh muscles get sore and the legs pulsate 7 to 9 times per second - this pushes the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme and so then causes an opposite extreme as a dialectical reversal - called a "parasympathetic rebound" and this flushes the colon with serotonin and then flushes out the crap. So that is literally what happens when a person gets the "crap" scared out of them - only it is also the internal orgasm by the opposite of typical male lust - it reverse the lust from parasympathetic to sympathetic as the reverse - to extreme sympathetic into parasympathetic, thereby storing up the charge as yang qi energy.

So there is a standing active exercise that also moves the microcosmic orbit - it is called "moving of yin and yang" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WD4skv5Z5I So then with the legs more bent - you more quickly activate the yang qi - but the hands are based on the, for males, right hand as yin as tiger. So this is the vagus nerve energy as the "restraining nerve" of the testicles - back to the heart as the right ventricle - as the deep right side vagus nerve.

So for example a person can die from over activation of the vagus nerve to the heart - as overusing this yang qi energy. This happened to qigong master Jiang Feng when he was healing someone. He just died immediately from overusing his energy. The right side of the heart is the secret source of the yuan qi - since it is also called the "secret pinhole" to the formless awareness beyond the body. So on a deep level - the San Bushmen describe how their heart physically stops when they heal people and this happened to Chunyi Lin also - he walked around for 2 hours with his heart physically not beating.

So I experienced this once - Jim Nance was sitting in the car as I drove and I began ranting about politics. First he said, "but I'm on your side!" but I still kept ranting. So as I drove and ranted I noticed he was noticeably very quiet - like he was no longer there. Suddenly I felt this strong electromagnetic force just on the right side of my heart. I was shocked into silence and in my silence then Jim said to me: I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were. I remained shocked in silence after that.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:13 am

Is that all of it?


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Appledog on Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:18 pm

Hello, I'd like to maintain a 'cool post count' of 108 posts. This particular post has gone beyond that number and has therefore expired.

I'm sorry if you were looking for some old information but I'll do my best to answer you if you send me a DM with a question in it.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:05 pm

Appledog wrote:
voidisyinyang wrote:So I experienced this once - Jim Nance was sitting in the car as I drove and I began ranting about politics. First he said, "but I'm on your side!" but I still kept ranting. So as I drove and ranted I noticed he was noticeably very quiet - like he was no longer there. Suddenly I felt this strong electromagnetic force just on the right side of my heart. I was shocked into silence and in my silence then Jim said to me: I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were. I remained shocked in silence after that.

I think part of the problem is you're dealing with stuff that Lin Chunyi has taught you and he's a qigong guy who started his own system for health. So you may be getting info 90 degrees apart from what martial artists are getting, simply because what we need to know and what you need to know to accomplish our very different goals may be.

Oh come on now Apple Dog, people on this site really interested in effective martial arts? No... I'll prove it to you too. Last time I checked I have zero private messages and I have the martial too. All I get is hate mail, lol! No, I believe that this site is more geared towards people who are just interested in Qi Gong.
Last edited by willie on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Finny on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:39 pm

Proof no one here is interested in effective martial arts - Willie's inbox has not been flooded.

This thread continues to deliver.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:44 pm

Finny wrote:Proof no one here is interested in effective martial arts - Willie's inbox has not been flooded.

This thread continues to deliver.

dagnabbit, that was the final straw! i'm sending a team of highly trained ninja's right to your doorstep with instructions to force
you to agree with appledog and read all of yinviodsyangyinny b.s. lol!
Last edited by willie on Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Finny on Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:24 pm

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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Appledog on Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:30 am

Hello, I'd like to maintain a 'cool post count' of 108 posts. This particular post has gone beyond that number and has therefore expired.

I'm sorry if you were looking for some old information but I'll do my best to answer you if you send me a DM with a question in it.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:18 pm

Appledog wrote:
I think ultimately the problem people have in dealing with these issues is that there is not just 2 sides to the story but four. There's the side of whether it is true or not, but also from both person's perspectives. So for example, from your perspective, nobody knows the answers (ex. " I have passed that stage of wonder and move on to the realization that nobody knows the answers. ... Either you believe or you don't."). But from my perspective, just look at the second post in this thread. It's the most direct and informative answer anyone could have given.

"So just writing something like that may appear impressive to newcomers, but once you've been around for a long time oh, you start to see the bigger picture." -- What isn't being understood here re: the CZL video? Either you are doing what he teaches in the video or you can't really call what you are doing Tai Chi in the sense that you are studying some thing called tai chi in which all tai chi is one family.

Actually AppleDog, I didn't miss it, but perhaps you have. As I said before, I used to entertain most of the theories that other people are still entertaining. However my teacher has corrected my misunderstandings, there was never anything to ponder. To ponder is error. This is where others unknowingly and quite innocently reside.

I think that I have already said this before. The only drawback is that once you're shown, it takes most of the mystery out of it and the fun. The part that is left, in my opinion, will forever remain a mystery. Everything else is just speculation. But what is interesting is that you have seen some of my videos and how you could possibly even entertain that what I'm doing is not Tai Chi only shows how foolish you are. Not to be disrespectful to you AppleDog, but it's only obvious.
Last edited by willie on Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Appledog on Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:36 pm

Hello, I'd like to maintain a 'cool post count' of 108 posts. This particular post has gone beyond that number and has therefore expired.

I'm sorry if you were looking for some old information but I'll do my best to answer you if you send me a DM with a question in it.
Last edited by Appledog on Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:11 pm

Appledog wrote:
Not sure what you mean, I recall I complemented you on your last tai chi video -- the one with the kick-ass speakers in the background :) I don't know what you mean by speculation either. I am just commenting on the first 2 posts here. There seems to be no need for speculation. If the conversation were to progress here I think you would need to be more clear over "once you're shown... the part that is left..." because it doesn't seem to apply to the OP or the video.

I do however remain opposed to weightlifting, if that is what you mean by what I have against you (it's not really against you per-se, just the act of weightlifting as a supplemental exercise). it's been explained to you before -- your weightlifting is hurting your practice in some very specific and easy to understand ways. For example, I am pretty sure that when you are doing the high bar back squat you are resting the bar on the top of your scapula, on your shoulders. In that area. This will reinforce energy distribution to the top of the scapula. However, when the point of application is different the distribution itself changes. Later on when you try to use the strength you've created I believe you will have issues transferring that strength past the scapula in a whole-body manner. You will have to work through a double-weight and you will have no means of training it because when you load that distribution you will be expressing power straight up through the scapula. Maybe if you had some special exercise to connect that power out to the arms it would do you some good. I can't imagine any other way it helps you beyond basic physical strength and fitness.

I also kind of worry you might end up getting injured as I have had similar experiences myself. But in general terms the path differential will act to make your qi rise (act to uproot you) every time you try to use any of the eight energies (peng, lu, etc). It's the kind of headache I myself prefer to avoid.

We're just sharing our experiences here, I guess.

Hi Apple Dog. First off I don't mean to try to insult you or void, but as you might imagine from my writing and from my videos, the transmission that I have is quite a bit different. I remember when I had mentioned helical gears that are created by yi and powered by Dantian rotation. You thought that I was making that all up and you were mistaken. Anyways let's not get into that any further for now.

You said that everything that void was saying was true. I'm saying that what void is saying might be true to a certain degree and it may not be true at all, it's speculation. The books that were written are speculation. As I had already said, a lot of people who wrote these books get beat up. Can you explain that?
That is one of the problems with these Arts. People run away with all kinds of crazy thoughts going on in their head and somehow by Magic it seems to be verbally transferred as fact. When void wrote his posts, he wrote them in a way that has the reader believe that what he says is factual. Just naming some nutty professors and crazy psychiatrists is not going to cut it around here.

Next, thank you for complimenting my speakers. They are designed and built by me at my shop.

Another error is the misconception that taichi people need to be weak. This is just another complete falsehood. Your entire analogy of the energy being stuck in my scapula's is totally incorrect.

The part that is unexplained equals, Tai Chi has some kind of Supernatural thing going on with it. I refuse to be like the others and try to categorize it in one way or the other. The truth is that the information is so corrupted from people pondering, that no one really knows what it is. So I would prefer to say nothing about it, speculate nothing about it, and Ponder nothing about it!

There was a lot of things that void said in his post that may be true. There was a lot of things that rang true to me as well. What does ring true actually mean? Well if a human being heard a term often enough, that term would somehow by Magic start to become reality or factual in this case. However, this is error because just hearing something over and over never makes it factual. Good luck in your training.
Last edited by willie on Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby shawnsegler on Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:47 pm

Finny wrote:Proof no one here is interested in effective martial arts - Willie's inbox has not been flooded.

This thread continues to deliver.


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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Bao on Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:10 am

willie wrote:Another error is the misconception that taichi people need to be weak. This is just another complete falsehood.

No one shouldn’t be ”weak”. Muscles must have a certain strength, otherwise the body will become stiff and won’t be able to relax properly.

Your entire analogy of the energy being stuck in my scapula's is totally incorrect.

No, he is somewhat correct. If you could loosen up your upper body better, you could achieve a greater expression of energy/strength. Strength is good, but it’s not good if the muscular tone gets to strong (or maybe too “dense” is a proper expression?) or if strength has a negative impact on the movability.
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Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby Trick on Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:51 am



Re: Microcosmis Orbit Training as Part of Taijiquan

Postby willie on Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:09 am

Bao wrote:
willie wrote:Another error is the misconception that taichi people need to be weak. This is just another complete falsehood.

No one shouldn’t be ”weak”. Muscles must have a certain strength, otherwise the body will become stiff and won’t be able to relax properly.

Your entire analogy of the energy being stuck in my scapula's is totally incorrect.

No, he is somewhat correct. If you could loosen up your upper body better, you could achieve a greater expression of energy/strength. Strength is good, but it’s not good if the muscular tone gets to strong (or maybe too “dense” is a proper expression?) or if strength has a negative impact on the movability.

Actually I think that it's about control.
It seems like a lot of people doing Tai Chi run off to the extreme right or the extreme left with their theories. I believe that is because of incorrect yin yang analogy that was placed in their minds to begin with. This has created a place where everything is seen as only black and white, only good or bad.
There was a time in China where the government disposed of many great Masters. They wanted control, they did not want the people to have any other master then the government themselves. So they got rid of these idols. So let's take that another step further. Imagine an older master trying to teach a younger student. What would they want in a student? Did you ever notice that the teacher's pet is never the guy with a strong will? The teacher's pet is also never the guy who is stronger than he is. No, the perfect little teacher's pet is the meek, weak, subservient individual. I am not that guy. As I also have stated before, there is a tremendous amount of jealousy in the internal Arts. So if the supposedly Idol slash master lol has a student who makes him look to be like the one who is out of shape, well that's a source of embarrassment. so to counter that lets just tell everyone that being strong is a bad thing LOL
Last edited by willie on Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.



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