Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby dragonprawn on Wed May 23, 2018 6:31 pm

Hi All,

I was discussing the other day how after nei kung or similar internal work you shouldn't pee right away and how there are some prohibitions against - I want to say modern conceptions of hydration surrounding certain practices. I couldn't find the exact backup info in the books that I had handy, but I know you guys can lend a hand.
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Trick on Wed May 23, 2018 11:04 pm

Got a book on XingYiquan some ten years ago, it's in Chinese and I couldn't read that back then, nowI don't know where that book is, i must look for it. One thing that caught my ears when I had my wife translate a little from it was that when pee one should keep the teeth clenched?? why, I don't remember........However I found that I naturally do that teeth clenching when emptying the bladder, so I guess I have a knack for XYQ :)


Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Franklin on Wed May 23, 2018 11:32 pm

I wrote an article about that for my students:

Kung Fu and Qigong Training Proihibitions ... hibitions/

here is the part about not using the bathroom after practice:

Don’t use the bathroom directly after practice.

This prohibition – don’t use the bathroom directly after practice- is the one that most students ask me about, because logically it doesn’t make much sense – unless you already know how the body works energetically. If you don’t, or if this prohibition is not making much sense to you right now don’t worry- just keep reading and you will understand why it is not good to use the bathroom directly after practice.

Ok- so first things first- if you have to go to the bathroom with urgency- then it is best to go, but don’t make it a habit to go to the restroom directly after practice. What do we mean by directly? Directly means that you just stopped your practice and the next thing you do is use the bathroom. The big reason why you should not do this will be explained a little bit later in the article. Right now I want to point out that if you always do something it becomes a habit. Pathways are built up and the body is trained to respond to the cycle that has been set in motion. So if you need to use the bathroom after practice- it is OK but don’t make it a habit.

When we train we are doing more than throwing the limbs around. There are energetic things happening and training Kung Fu should be transforming the body inside and out the same way that Qigong and Meditation transforms the body. When we train we lift the tip of the tongue to touch the upper palate. Not only does this connect the Ren and Du Meridians, but it also helps to lift- it helps to lift the Qi and it also helps to lift the diaphragms of the body. This includes the pelvic diaphragm at the base of the torso. This lifting is subtle and happens by placing the tongue at the roof of the mouth. (Some Qigong systems and exercises use force to lift the pelvic diaphragm- this is not what we are talking about here.) This lifting is one of the reasons why you feel more energetic, “lighter”, and happier after practice. It is the internal lifting that takes place through correct training.

When you use the bathroom directly after practice it “breaks the seal” and stops the lifting from continuing to happen. Think about a can of soda- after you pop the top it breaks the seal and the container no longer holds the carbonation. In a similar manner using the bathroom directly after practice stops the internal changes and processes from continuing to happen. In western sports science they measured that you don’t stop burning calories when you stop exercising- the effects of the exercise continue to give you benefits for a period of time after you have stopped. It is the same with Kung Fu, Qigong, and Meditation practice. Just because you stopped the exercise, the internal processes are still continuing for a while. So don’t use the bathroom directly after practice- it stops these processes and you don’t get the full benefit of your practice.

Then the next question you will have is how long to wait after practice- the answer is that it is the same as with eating or taking a shower (45 minutes to an hour).

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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby GrahamB on Thu May 24, 2018 3:04 am

This cannot be true - XingYiQuan practitioners are known as prodigious Pi-ers.
One does not simply post on RSF.
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Trick on Thu May 24, 2018 3:17 am

Pi-ers, in Chinese that could almost sound as.....


Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby KEND on Sun May 27, 2018 1:30 pm

A few words on teeth clenching. A couple of years ago I found my hearing was deteriorating. tried a hearing aid but it was cumbersome and a hi tech one was very expensive. So I decided to use a TCM approach. Went to an acupuncturist who stimulated the kidneys and other meridians and advised me to eat kidney friendly foods. I went back to some of the kidney exercises I learnt while studying Hsing yi and remembered the teeth clenching I had learnt from two instructors who said it was good for the kidneys. While experimenting I found that pushing the whole tongue hard against the upper palate as opposed to touching [as in microcosmic orbit] had the effect of expanding the earhole and sometimes popping it. I suspect that ageing contracts it. I also suspect that inner ear damage is not necessarily the cause of reduced hearing. Anyway after practicing this every day for some months together with the other things I mentioned my hearing has improved considerably. I am not advocating this as a cure for deafness but it seemed to work for me
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby wiesiek on Mon May 28, 2018 4:13 am

what about using it ,/pee/ as kinda of >internal energy cleaning tool<?
You may imagine "bad"/blocked energy inside the body as a dark cells,
you`re sinkin` them to the bladder and riding out of the body ,

doesn`t works?
Last edited by wiesiek on Mon May 28, 2018 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Trick on Mon May 28, 2018 8:24 am

Emptying the bladder is kind of a blood cleansing procedure - clean blood, good health, or strong Qi for those who wish


Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby wiesiek on Tue May 29, 2018 12:04 am

generally speaking -yes, but q. is about specific interval of the time continuum between end of the practice and way to the bathroom ;)
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Trick on Tue May 29, 2018 2:13 am

Let's say that there are those who have developed so high their bodily connection/awareness/breath exercises comes as second nature/going on in all their daily endeavors - their way to the bathroom must be endlessly long


Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby wiesiek on Tue May 29, 2018 3:29 am

:D neverending story has no beginning
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Ron Panunto on Tue May 29, 2018 10:17 am

Never heard of this prohibition.
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby C.J.W. on Tue May 29, 2018 5:47 pm

In some schools of Fujian White Crane in Taiwan, practicing Sanzhen (Sanchin) first thing in the morning before urinating -- and turning urine into sweat -- is considered an important ritual that aids the development of neigong.
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby wayne hansen on Tue May 29, 2018 5:53 pm

Yes I was told the same thing with the same reasoning
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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Re: Prohibition Rules of Nei Kung Practice

Postby Trick on Tue May 29, 2018 7:49 pm

In some Indian trditions(yoga?) they drink their morning urine!?. if they do this before or after practice(yoga?), don't know. However holding the bladder(if that is what one is supposed to do) seem not healthy, I'm sure those who do that are not stronger/healthier because of that practice than those(most) who pee when their body tells them to pee - that's the healthy way......Some things in the eastern traditions are just wierd



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