Ma Weiqi Bagua seminar in Vienna by Guo Shilei

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Ma Weiqi Bagua seminar in Vienna by Guo Shilei

Postby eastpaw on Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:25 am

Greetings, fellow martial artists!

Guo Shilei of Ma Weiqi Bagua and Yang Taiji will be conducting a seminar in Vienna from 7-9 September this year. Private lessons can be organized during the preceding Mon to Thu.

Guo Shifu is also a disciple of Professor Wang Shuquan (王树权), a famous osteopath in Beijing with frankly amazing ability at correcting spinal misalignment among other things.


Depending on participant interest, the following topics may be covered:
  • Baguazhang (Ma Weiqi style, Cheng Tinghua style)
  • Taijiquan (Yang style)
  • Xingyiquan
  • Sanshou (sparring) using internal methods
  • Tuishou (push hands)
  • Tuina (osteopathy)

For enquiries or to register interest, please post here or email us at [email protected]


Footage from a seminar in Singapore a few years back.
With the exception of the English gent, everyone else was a stranger to GSL at the point of this vid. (Most of them became disciples afterwards though.)
So yes, it's entirely possible to toss people out even if they're not cooperative students. ;)

Our guy in blue won the 80kg division. He used only our basic lead/rear diagonal slash throughout his fights.
Our other guy (not in vid) won the 50kg bracket.
Last edited by eastpaw on Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:45 am, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 187
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:29 am

Re: Ma Weiqi Bagua seminar in Vienna by Guo Shilei

Postby nicklinjm on Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:49 pm

Great to see M Guo getting better known! Is the seminar being hosted by one of his Austrian students?

Also could you give some detail on the last video - which one is M Guo's student, how long had he been training, etc?

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Ma Weiqi Bagua seminar in Vienna by Guo Shilei

Postby eastpaw on Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:31 am

Hey Jon, good to see you here. :) Sorry I hadn't noticed your response - thought I had email alerts set up but guess not!

The seminar is being organized by his German student who is a professor in Vienna at the moment.

Tournament video: thanks for that question! I've edited the first post to give some context.

The one in blue was our guy. He won the 80kg bracket and our other guy (not in vid) won the 52kg.

Both of them basically only used our basic lead/rear diagonal slashes. They look somewhat like weird-looking hooks in this vid; I suspect that's due to the gloves.

Would love to see a fuller vocabulary and more pronounced use of our footwork as they get more used to ring fighting, but I think this is a decent start.

Two more students are taking part in a K1 style tournament in Europe soon. Looking forward to that!
Last edited by eastpaw on Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 187
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:29 am

Re: Ma Weiqi Bagua seminar in Vienna by Guo Shilei

Postby nicklinjm on Wed Jul 25, 2018 5:58 pm

Really good to see guys from your teacher's school sparring, and think it says a lot that your guy won - even if only using the basic techniques, means his conditioning, reactions and footwork must already be decent otherwise he would have been knocked down in the first minute.

Just curious, I saw several opportunities for sweeps / takedowns on both sides but they didn't take it - was it not allowed under the ruleset?

Hope M Guo's seminar is well attended, hopefully his European visits will become a regular thing :)
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Re: Ma Weiqi Bagua seminar in Vienna by Guo Shilei

Postby eastpaw on Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:46 am

Hm.. not sure what the rules were. I think Sanda does allow sweeps and takedowns?

I know our guys basically trained to just go in and slash. They're 2-3 years students, I think.

Other guy may not have had the chance due to suppressive fire or exhaustion. Or just wasn't very good maybe.

In any case, Shifu keeps saying we don't fight enough. :p So he's been pushing students to start getting into tournaments.
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Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:29 am

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