Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Appledog on Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:57 pm

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Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Trick on Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:26 am

These kind of exercises exercise and stabilize overall bodily functions. So if one eats relatively healthy, counting calories would not be necessary.…But if I go back some 13-15 years in time I where in Beijing to seriously practice YiQuan. I had been practicing some basic YiQuan and also TJQ previously in Sweden but I where overweight eating too much junk food with too many beers. But in Beijing i began eating healthy and and very much cutting down on the beer, this in combination with the intense practice i where into made the excess kilograms to vanish in a very short time.


Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Trick on Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:30 am

Should add that my basic body structure is slim so that’s probably also a factor to why I could get rid of the overweight in no time.


Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Appledog on Sun Jul 22, 2018 2:07 am

Hello, I'd like to maintain a 'cool post count' of 108 posts. This particular post has gone beyond that number and has therefore expired.

I'm sorry if you were looking for some old information but I'll do my best to answer you if you send me a DM with a question in it.
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Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Trick on Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:24 am

During my first 6 months I practiced 2 to 2,1/2 hour in the morning and 2 hours in the evening six days a week,this was strictly in YiQuan in most of its aspects. I lost the excess 10kg I had been carrying and was back to my ideal weight. Eating three good meals a day but no junk food. There was no eating during practice as you write about but during the morning practice that where held in my teachers house we had small tea breaks where we discussed the training methods.…Yes ones eating habits is important to consider if one want as much benefits as possible from ones training, and also to get enough quality rest.


Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Trick on Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:41 am

I would like to say this too, “standing meditation” at least when it comes to YiQuan Zhang Zhuang I feel is not a good English name for that exercise……My teacher initially said one gain more if stand correct for just 5minutes than incorrect for 50 minutes, that mean one must have all the mental aspects in play during practice(and that’s not an easy thing) than just standing there and eventually force oneself to continue to stand.


Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby yeniseri on Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:34 pm

It is not a function of zhanzhuang/zhuangfa to burn calories though in standing, calories burned will be minimal.
Studies on yiquan zhuangfa, zhanzhuang, etc are lacking in any robust methodology though in some quarters, it has its benefits for health and wellbeing.

Personally, I would look at lab chemistry for clues as opposed to calories burned during zhuangfa.

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Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Trick on Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:18 am

Yes these exercises do not have that goal, it’s not even considered in these traditions, as what is the goals and considerations of people going to the Gym mounting exercise-bikes and step-machines or whatever Gym inventions……… But for sure calories will be burned and fitness will be achieved when doing these exercises of TCMA’s, even if the exercise no longer feel (very)physically demanding.


Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby C.J.W. on Wed Jul 25, 2018 6:06 pm

Other than lower the stance, I feel that the intensity at which Zhan-Zhuang is performed is also a big factor.

I used to practice a hard southern family style that focuses on developing iron body and explosive power through ZZ by expanding and stretching the muscles, fascia, and tendons to the maximum while utilizing specific breathing techniques. The type of ZZ I learned is so intense and uncomfortable that, when done right, you shouldn't be able to hold a posture for more than a few minutes without gassing out. (If you can, it means you are not working the muscles, fascias, and tendons hard enough.)

My teacher used to compare this type of "heavy-duty" ZZ practice to "sprinting" as opposed to "jogging," which is what most people who practice ZZ for long hours are doing.
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Re: Calories burned during Standing Meditation

Postby Trick on Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:36 am

That sound similar to the Sanchin/Sanzhan exercise of som southern CMAs and Karate ? In that exercise one work with constant intended dynamic tension, quite exhausting to go through it just once. Similar in a way does “jogging” ZZ work on dynamic tension, but on a deeper level. To reach that deeper dynamic tension J-ZZ does not use the mind to think, how do I breath, do I tense/relax the right muscles, do I move from the Dantian/Hara and so on. In J-ZZ one work with visualize outside forces the body(and mind) interacts with and from this gets the correct breath, work on a deeper muscular and tissue level, and getting naturally centered. Maybe “Jogging”ZZ is a more complex exercise than “Sprint”ZZ to grasp, but then in learning these arts one can not be in a hurry.


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