Crazy dinner

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Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Strange on Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:49 pm

more info... ... Flight_117 ... ions_Force

sof training operates on a "ring-out" basis, if u feel you are not able to carry on you can opt out.
when they go for runs the distance is not announced and training cadres there always urge trainees to give up

thats what someone i know did
after a whole night of particularly hard and dangerous sea training
he said when his group was back in camp: "this thing endanger my life!" and promptly rang out
even now when you mention this line, ppl there knows who said it heh heh

In Singapore, the president's aide-de-camp must under some training with the sof before commencing duties
Last edited by Strange on Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Overlord on Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:18 am

30 seconds! 30 seconds! What in the worlds name is that....? This is not one crazy dinner topic any more, this is now officially 30 seconds picnic- faster than eating a sushi role! :P Elite of the elite, they deserved that! :)
Last edited by Overlord on Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Strange on Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:17 pm

"this" takes slightly longer than 30 secs. i am working on a story about Dai family... this part is about DaLu (Dai WenYing) being caught by ppl seeking revenge and being burnt alive before ErLu (Dai Wen Xiong) can save him... give me your honest opinion





说道: "我找大驴去"

维韩,良栋大声说:"我也去!" 也像二驴伸手拿兵刃


再望着戴老与戴老太太说 :" 爹娘,我去去就回"

戴老太太望着儿子只能大哭 道 :"你要小心啊!"

戴老一脸铁色知道就只能怎么办 说:"动起手来千万别犹豫,快去快回!"

二驴一句 "孩儿遵命!" 向外飞奔跳上马背,直奔城外

二驴的快马在深夜飞奔了二十里, 看见远处有六七个大汉在大树下哈哈大笑。



二驴大喊: "主手!!!"

原来红胡子一帮人马 把大驴打昏捆绑起来,淋了火酒,吊在树上准备点他天灯。

红胡子 : "哈哈, 来的正是时候啊,就让二儿子跟戴老说他大哥是怎么被我烧死的!" 说完便将火把往上抛,大驴被捆绑的身子立即着火。




红胡子一帮人听到哀嚎, 个个都是兴奋的呵呵,嘿嘿,哈哈地大声长啸。




红胡子说:"兄弟们咱们走喽, 哈哈哈哈~~"



大驴用体内仅存的一丝气说:"好弟弟,我还想再也见不到你" 说完大驴最后一口气便虽风散去...

二驴大声哭喊: "大哥!"; 可是人已不在

二驴把大哥的尸首抬上马, 回去见家人。回到时,众人涌上看二驴回来,只见他神色凝重地把尸首放下, 说道"爹,娘,我把大哥带回来了。。"



天官指星 单对月 风摆荷叶 影成双

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Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Overlord on Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:27 am

Once i said it, you may not like it!
If i say it good, i may not like it!
Since you requested it, how can i refuse it,
But if i pointed it out, you may refute it,
So the best thing i do, have a laugh about it!
See the last thing i want to, deterred you finish it!
Lets pause it now, till the new year to come,
clink two vodka clank, lets us gargle it down!

Unfortunately strange, your long awaited book critique is postponed to next year! ;D
Last edited by Overlord on Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:01 am, edited 6 times in total.


Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Overlord on Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:35 am

I post it up as honestly as i can. But honestly i hate to comment on others efforts, while i just criticize with little contribution!

We want climax with action!
So, when is he gonna use them? If these mean little, why bother mention them in such detail?

说道: "我找大驴去" Redundant and wordy?!

再望着戴老与戴老太太说 :" 爹娘,我去去就回" Sometimes, a simple stare in the eyes is more than thousands words.

戴老一脸铁色知道就只能怎么办 说:"动起手来千万别犹豫,快去快回!" Thanks dad, i know you really care for me! I will take care of myself. Well, any other tips from my martial art expert dad? (Assuming that he is)

二驴大喊: "手!!!" What do you think you are? Zohan? Where is the plan of the rescue? Thought he will have pretty good idea by 20k.

脚下鸡形快步冲向红胡子一帮人。Just run boy, just run!What happened to 腰带飞刀 ?

红胡子 : "哈哈, 来的正是时候啊,就让二儿子跟戴老说他大哥是怎么被我烧死的!" 说完便将火把往上抛,大驴被捆绑的身子立即着火。What? No hostage? Just good timing?

Come on, if you cant save your brother, you may as well kill some thugs! We want read some martial art in action!What happened to 身缠九节鞭/手持大刀 ?

一帮人跳上马背向深夜奔去。。。留下大驴二驴两兄弟。 That is it? We wants him to be nasty, not just bad, he has to be bad to the bone marrow! Dont they want to kill erlu as well or at least cripple him?


这时二驴也倒下. I like this part! Bit like some dramatic entry in the movie!

ps, i am no good writer, so you can discard my comment, cheers! i feel like a those ungrateful bastard restaurant critic after a full meal!Back to the meal again....gee! :-[ But please dont stop this piece, because i enjoy it after all! I want to know what happen next!
Last edited by Overlord on Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:54 am, edited 5 times in total.


Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Strange on Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:37 am

heh heh its ok.
i did not set out to pls everyone; if you read in detail, no matter whether u like or hate, i still appreciate it.
i just need to tell this story.

"we want some martial art action"
there will be lots... like the scene when Da Lu lure the attackers away
i intend to add some parkour (the real qing gong) and he whacks off 20 attackers heh heh heh
(Da Lu is slim and handsome guy like a scholar - cool, fast, skillful, deadly, and also uses his brains... to fuck with the enemy's mind)

i have not written what happens next, some scenes take their time to come to me heh heh
they important thing about the above one is Da Lu's scream
it sticks in Er Lu's mind and almost drives him mad, it is in his training that he finds a little peace
he thinks that by taking revenge his brother's scream will stop
he hunts them down and whacks more than a hundred of his enemies in a night
but alas the screaming does not stop

but only it does stop at the end... but i cant say how heh heh heh
Last edited by Strange on Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Overlord on Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:47 am

Strange wrote:heh heh its ok.
i did not set out to pls everyone; if you read in detail, no matter whether u like or hate, i still appreciate it.
i just need to tell this story.

i have not written what happens next, some scenes take their time to come to me heh heh
they important thing about the above one is Da Lu's scream
it sticks in Er Lu's mind and almost drives him mad, it is in his training that he finds a little peace
he thinks that by taking revenge his brother's scream will stop
he hunts them down and whacks more than a hundred of his enemies in a night
but alas the screaming does not stop

but only it does stop at the end... but i cant say how heh heh heh

Ha, the mysterious ending is going to hunt my mind now.... until erlu finds his resolution. This is the story i love to hate, or hate to love! Cool! :)


Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Overlord on Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:17 am

Strange wrote:heh heh its ok.

"we want some martial art action"
there will be lots... like the scene when Da Lu lure the attackers away
i intend to add some parkour (the real qing gong) and he whacks off 20 attackers heh heh heh
(Da Lu is slim and handsome guy like a scholar - cool, fast, skillful, deadly, and also uses his brains... to fuck with the enemy's mind)

This sounds like Bourne- Once upon a time in China to me, only better! Cant wait! ;D


Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Overlord on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:57 pm

Story about Dai xin yi is going to be a hard case to work on, but at last someone in the martial art circle start to write martial art novel (wu xia).


Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Strange on Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:21 am

天官指星 单对月 风摆荷叶 影成双

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Re: Crazy dinner

Postby meeks on Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:31 am

i intend to add some parkour (the real qing gong) and he whacks off 20 attackers heh heh heh

I had a kungfu instructor that could jump onto the roof of his garage from a standing position. He could clear the railing of his 2nd floor balcony from the bacl yard without touching the railing...with 1 step from a standing position. That was more than 10 feet (3+ meters). The fact that guys are training to be nimble in their environment does not necessarily equate to 'real qing gong'.

just my 2 cents
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Re: Crazy dinner

Postby Strange on Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:58 pm

wow thats some crazy awesome skill there!!
i know nuts about high jumping, i try stay rooted all the time
if he can do that, he can call it car bear shine! and still have my respex
天官指星 单对月 风摆荷叶 影成双

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