cutting the distance

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cutting the distance

Postby windwalker on Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:07 pm

How xingyiquan change the stand fighting system,chapter 1
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby Subitai on Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:38 pm

I'm not saying good or bad...just some observations ok.

Ever heard of Attack the attack? The dude is using his shield to JEET or Intercept the taller guys punches.

After he bridges, his hand doesn't come back empty. If he didn't DO THAT, the bigger guy would have NO deterrence and just feel comfortable attacking. Pretty basic and common to "Cut the distance " .

I do appreciate that he's showing his Cross hands... XING YI ... Shield Guard. But there in lies the weakness... If I were a boxing coach and saw him explaining that, i'd focus on combinations ending with uppercuts to the chin. Set him up for 2 rounds and boom he's open.

There is NO Infallible guard, everything has a weak point or counter.

I don't think there's a revolutionary's just hard work and are you better at the basics compared to your opponent.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby windwalker on Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:31 am

Subitai wrote:I'm not saying good or bad...just some observations ok.

Must be some confusion

The post was posted for informational purposes only, showcasing the work of a friend of mine...
His work somewhat controversial in China aligning traditional Chinese internal martial arts theory with modern concepts and usage.

The video a demonstration, introduction for beginning, level students, who might be interested in internal martial arts, and how they relate to modern usage in the combative sport contests of today.

To look at it as anything else seems strange...
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby Subitai on Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:11 pm

I'm not confused are you? I'm not trying to offend you.

You said you posted "informational purposes only,"

Ok, does that mean we are to read it and NOT make our own observations?

The dude introducing the Xing yi guy starts by saying that his buddy has got something to show us that is goin to be a "Game changer" revolutionary. Pretty bold.

Are there any fighters on this forum that think what he presented was goin to "Game change" how traditional fighters can win in MMA?

Honestly it smacks of dozens of attempts during the late 90s early 2000s to solve the "how traditional can bridge the gap.....literally vs MMA.

Lastly, I didn't say that what he presented wasn't good ...just need to point out caution when people make big claims.

PS . The way he Cut the nothing more than Bruce Lee's "Jeet". He intercepts with his xing yi shield guard.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby everything on Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:23 pm

having zero striking arts/sports experience with no plans to obtain any, this shield idea seems sensible (as does watching out for uppercut or other holes)
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby windwalker on Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:35 pm

Subitai wrote:I'm not confused are you? I'm not trying to offend you.

You said you posted "informational purposes only,"

Ok, does that mean we are to read it and NOT make our own observations?

No offense taken...

"informational purpose's only "

"emphasizes that the information is not intended as professional advice or guidance, and individuals should not solely rely on it for making decisions. It serves to clarify that the content is for reference or educational purposes and may not cover all aspects or specifics of a topic."

Allowing for those who may find it interesting to be able ask questions, contacting him directly...

By all means observations are good...provided they'er based on what is being shown...

Rather then inferences based on what is shown for something they're not doing..
For anyone with experience it is basic as intended..

For those with out experience they may find it ""Game changing"

His main audience is in China... normally his clips are all in Mandarin.
Takes a lot of effort for him to be able to translate the concepts involved and speak in English not his native tongue.

Find his work interesting, a dedicated practitioner, trying to bring the arts into the modern times.
Support and appreciate the effort in doing so...

Most of his clips are in Mandarin, some have English subtitles....
Should anyone have helpful suggestions on his English presentations or something they would like to know about
the best place to contact him is

his channel: Chinese wushu:taichi xingyi bagua kungfu庞超形意太极八卦

We mainly teach Taijiquan, metaphysical boxing, bagua palm and other traditional Chinese kung fu, Chinese martial arts culture is extensive and profound, I hope friends all over the world can understand and learn Chinese traditional martial arts."
Last edited by windwalker on Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby BruceP on Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:54 am

Subitai wrote:Are there any fighters on this forum that think what he presented was goin to "Game change" how traditional fighters can win in MMA?

It's a basic type of "mixing" and works best at a shorter range than what the smaller guy is working from in his demonstrating the idea. And, yes, as a training method, it could be used by someone with a shorter reach as passive forward pressure against hands to get inside the longer guy's power zone. We've trained the same idea over here, and some of our guys have used it to great effect in the ring and on the mat. It aint the be-all end-all because there are kicks, knees, elbows and tie-ups to deal with as well, but the 'game changer' IME is that it has imbued in some of our beginners the courage one needs to work at that range while under threat of getting hit. Once they've experienced how effective it is at 'confusing' and breaking the rhythm and flow of the other person's hitting hands, they get right in there with a purpose.

As for the lengthy explanations/demonstrations in the video,...I've always used the Sixty Second rule and Thirty Second rule in introducing fighty concepts to beginners. If I can't demonstrate and explain the idea in sixty seconds and have the trainee applying it within 30 seconds after that, I've already wasted 90 seconds of our time. More than sixty seconds is too long for them to stand around waiting to learn it, and the imprint/mental image of the action is lost after about 30 seconds.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby BruceP on Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:54 am

Last edited by BruceP on Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby GrahamB on Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:56 am

I don't think these gentlemen are going to have quite the revolutionary effect on the world of MMA that they think they are :-\

Bless them ;D
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby Steve James on Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:45 am

GrahamB wrote:I don't think these gentlemen are going to have quite the revolutionary effect on the world of MMA that they think they are :-\

Bless them ;D

It may be the opposite, though. They're sharing by comparing. It's not that they can re-invent striking, but if the "mma" guy sees the xy/tcc ? guys method, he'll adapt or adopt if it's effective. That's been the pattern of "mma" development.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby GrahamB on Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:38 am

Steve James wrote:
GrahamB wrote:I don't think these gentlemen are going to have quite the revolutionary effect on the world of MMA that they think they are :-\

Bless them ;D

It may be the opposite, though. They're sharing by comparing. It's not that they can re-invent striking, but if the "mma" guy sees the xy/tcc ? guys method, he'll adapt or adopt if it's effective. That's been the pattern of "mma" development.

;D ;D ;D

Are you kidding?

The "pattern of MMA" is get in the ring and prove it. With the best will in the world, nobody serious in MMA (pro level) is going to care a shit what two middle aged out of shape men in slacks and an office shirt have to say about their amazing and unproven theory of fighting. LOL! ;D ;D ;D
Last edited by GrahamB on Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby windwalker on Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:57 am

Interesting comments..

Teacher Pang, is a coach, the other gentleman, "Qiao Bo,chinese MMA promoter,agent of Chinese fighters"
There is a lot of carry over for those in China exponents of MMA ie Sanda there..

Teacher Pang, is trying to align IMA with what is done in the modern ring fights...
Analyzing them, and comparing them to traditional Chinese styles.

Support his effort and agree, what is said should be shown, proven in todays
events for those focused in this aspect..Just as the often used examples of those who
did historically back in the day.


Pang Chao: Mayweather used traditional martial arts techniques and amplified his moves. You don’t know how good traditional martial arts is? Xingyiquan

His normal audience are in China and those who speak Mandarin natively.
This means what he says in English, thinking in Chinese, may not translate as well to English...Just as google or other digital translators
do not always get the correct tone or meaning in the translation.

Takes a lot of effort to do so...

Support his efforts in allowing English speakers to listen to someone attempting to modernize the thinking, and functions ,
explaining them, from within the culture.
Last edited by windwalker on Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:53 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby Steve James on Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:08 am

GrahamB wrote:
Steve James wrote:
GrahamB wrote:I don't think these gentlemen are going to have quite the revolutionary effect on the world of MMA that they think they are :-\

Bless them ;D

It may be the opposite, though. They're sharing by comparing. It's not that they can re-invent striking, but if the "mma" guy sees the xy/tcc ? guys method, he'll adapt or adopt if it's effective. That's been the pattern of "mma" development.

;D ;D ;D

Are you kidding?

The "pattern of MMA" is get in the ring and prove it. With the best will in the world, nobody serious in MMA (pro level) is going to care a shit what two middle aged out of shape men in slacks and an office shirt have to say about their amazing and unproven theory of fighting. LOL! ;D ;D ;D

Hey, afa competition goes, sure it has to work in the ring. Two guys in a gym never 'proves' anything. Whether an mma guy can learn anything from a traditional stylist is the more general question. Maybe they couldn't get anything from this, maybe they could.
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby BruceP on Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:22 am

GrahamB wrote:I don't think these gentlemen are going to have quite the revolutionary effect on the world of MMA that they think they are :-\

Bless them ;D

It isn't about innovating MMA. It's a xyq style cross-parry entry to shorten the distance in getting the xingyiquan practitioner into their operable range.

Anyway, it's more than you've ever done...going full marvin8 on your blog - talking about chickens and monkeys and larping around your back yard with a piece of wood. Too timid/scared to have ever tested your ideas against real resistance. Unproven theory much?

Bless you :D
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Re: cutting the distance

Postby everything on Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:37 am

I liked it from a "xingyiquan" or tma pov wondering about reach.

are there already solutions from an armchair keyboard warrior pov? sure. too lazy to channel my inner-marvin and look up the same old same old gif I've posted before of fedor "attacking guard" of tim sylvia to get inside. tyson had other (even more effective? or just different?) answers to closing the range against a longer reach.

it'd be nice to hear what the other coach says as the counter to the counter. ... but hey, we have the entire sport of boxing to watch, too
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