Basic Training Baji/Pigua Adam Hsu

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Basic Training Baji/Pigua Adam Hsu

Postby Bob on Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:24 pm

Very basic but solid training (not the entire system) - often before you learn a formh

Note that the Pigua Palm clip later progresses to striking a dog (or in our case coyote - we could buy those in the area) - Liu Yunqiao felt that the hand training should never damage the bones or skin

Xiao Baji Chun Zhang Training—Shifu Adam Hsu

“The old saying, ‘the slightest difference leads to a huge error,’ can best explain why it is so crucial that all martial arts practitioners must learn correct basics from the beginning.”— Shifu Adam Hsu
In this video, Shifu Hsu shows students the correct training method for a movement from baji quan 八极拳 using the whole body and proper chan si jin 纏絲精 to develop high-level skill.
止戈武塾Adam Hsu Kungfu School


The qi shi opening of the first form of Piqua Zhang (Piqua Jia) contains a lot of rich training material. It requires the practitioner to smoothly link 8 distinct movements: raising, pushing backward, embracing, sinking, lifting, extending, folding and splitting.
All body parts must coordinate to execute each movement correctly and flow into the next, expressing the pi qua flavor. In some ways this opening sequence is like bagua zhang — continuous, overlapping movements without issuing power, but inside each of the movements are many techniques and applications — for example, raising (gua -blocking upward), embracing (bao - striking horizontally with arms) or training the whole body to sink or lift as a single unit. And like bagua zhang, or any other martial art, piqua zhang requires a strong foundation to get "inside" the movements and execute them in a relaxed manner with strong power available on demand.


Palm Training

Piqua Zhang Basic

Great Old One
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