Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Postby Earth_Monkey on Thu May 15, 2008 5:46 pm

Posted by: AWESOME X...Awesome. Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 8:17pm
I was doing ZZ this morning at around 5:30am, so it was freezing cold and my hands were cold and I was wearing gloves. About 10 mins in my pinky and ring finger on my right started heating up to the point where it was really really hot, however my middle finger, index finger and thumb were still really cold. my left hand followed soon after and then the sensation switched fingers, i.e. my index, middle finger and thumb became really hot and my pinky and ring became a little cold. about 5 minutes or so later both my hands became really warm (usual for me for zz these days), but I was curious if anyone had any insight to why this might have happened. I dont really know much about meridians and whatnot in the hand, and the warm sensation is quite normal for me but its usually throughout my whole hand, and never gets as hot as my pinky and ring fingers got.
Posted by: Ben Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 8:44pm
I can't help you out but I'm really interested to see how this thread turns out.
Posted by: Zhong Kui Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 9:04pm
I had a friend who went through this. He had a yang imbalance from lack of sex. I went through a similar thing, but in my case the coldness was caused by overdrinking. As I understood it, symptoms like this can be highly individualized, so the question is, is there anything you are doing too much or too little of?

Posted by: Royal_Dragon Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 9:06pm
I occasionally have that sensation at the bubbling well point on one hand or the other. It happens intermittently at random. I don't know why, and I can't make it happen, or stop it when it does.
Posted by: Qiphlow Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 9:09pm
it could be any number of things. you'll probably feel all sorts of weird shit during your zhan zhuang career because your physical body is adjusting, and your mind and energy are adjusting. i was always taught not to pay much attention to these sorts of sensations.
and hopefully john medurga can give you a less vague answer than i just did.
Posted by: Interloper Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 9:12pm
My whole core heats up and I get a "buzz" while doing ZZ. Maybe it's the neurons getting all fired up with no place to go, from the dynamic tension/opposing forces push-pull.
Posted by: Qiphlow Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 9:15pm
naw, that's just your bad-assery waiting to come out.
Posted by: Earth_Monkey Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 11:29pm
That is definitely some blockages or imbalances that need to get open. I have had 1 finger be really cold and others hot stand more will usually fix. If you must do some movement exercises than go back to ZZ. Just my
.02 cents. Sometimes I get a not so comfortable pressure feeling in my hands and sometime my hands tremble a bit too. These are some of the things a teacher would need to hear and see.
Posted by: KiltedTaiji Posted on: May 7th, 2008, 11:33pm
ZZ is a usful tool to help see if there are some problems in the body. (imbalances rather than real physical problems)

Below are a list of problems based on ZZ diagnosis.

Cold digit

Thumb - lung and digestion (spleen)
index finger - liver large intestine
middle finger - heart nervous system.
ring finger - triple burner + liver
pinky - kidney and heart.

Based on Wang Peisheng's Family small qigong. (Comfinmed by the good TCM Dr...my wife)
There are treatments (excerses) to cure/strengthen the above. But don't have time to write just now got to go teach yingyu!
Posted by: Mike_Strong Posted on: May 8th, 2008, 3:52am
Excellent post Kiltedtaiji, ...

... my teacher taught diagnosis of fingers when in The 7th Posture ...

... based on the fingers that involintarily move; when you have been told to keep them in the same place.

This is a good thread, - I'm in a little tourni over on spadeclub, but I'll be back be back for more weird ZZ sensations...
Posted by: Swede Posted on: May 8th, 2008, 8:32am
This has nothing to do with your sensations, but my weird sensation was the first time I had a lesson in ZZ from an Yi Quan person, it got so intense I almost passed out. When he started me on shi li I had to sit down! Went away in a few minutes, but it was really weird.
Posted by: Royal_Dragon Posted on: May 9th, 2008, 11:15am

Cold digit

Thumb - lung and digestion (spleen)
index finger - liver large intestine
middle finger - heart nervous system.
ring finger - triple burner + liver
pinky - kidney and heart.

I have been having an experience since I was little of my left pinky finger, on occasions though it is worse and the left hand, or whole left arm going numb when I sleep. I have to wake up and shake it around vigourously to get it to feel normal again.

It allways starts with the left pinky though.

It's not actually a numb feeling though, but more like a low grade electrical shock that won't end untill I get the blood moving again.

I also have Gout, and since it is triggred by exhaustion, stress, dehydration or toxic enviroments instead of my diet, I concluded I have the kidney variety.

I wonder if the issue when I sleep is a symptom?
Posted by: Zhong Kui Posted on: May 9th, 2008, 11:18am
RD how old are you that you have gout? A friend of mine has it and she is 27. Is it genetic in your case?
Posted by: Bär Posted on: May 9th, 2008, 12:17pm
on May 9th, 2008, 11:15am, Royal_Dragon wrote:Interesting

Cold digit

Thumb - lung and digestion (spleen)
index finger - liver large intestine
middle finger - heart nervous system.
ring finger - triple burner + liver
pinky - kidney and heart.

I have been having an experience since I was little of my left pinky finger, on occasions though it is worse and the left hand, or whole left arm going numb when I sleep. I have to wake up and shake it around vigourously to get it to feel normal again.

It allways starts with the left pinky though.

It's not actually a numb feeling though, but more like a low grade electrical shock that won't end untill I get the blood moving again.

I also have Gout, and since it is triggred by exhaustion, stress, dehydration or toxic enviroments instead of my diet, I concluded I have the kidney variety.

I wonder if the issue when I sleep is a symptom?

Maybe that could be something as simple as your neck being out of alignment. When my neck goes I get electrical zaps (as well as numbness) down my arm to the pinky and other fingers as it gets worse. Your pillow might be the culprit at night.

Just a thought.

Posted by: Royal_Dragon Posted on: May 9th, 2008, 12:55pm
Hmm, I never thought of that. I have noticed it is tied to my cardio conditioning, and flexibility. If I am in shape, it does not happen.

I got gout like 7-8 years ago. I am 40 now.

Staying as healthy as I can seems to be the best thing to help it.

My Father has Gout too, so it probably is genetic.
Posted by: KiltedTaiji Posted on: May 10th, 2008, 8:54am
on May 9th, 2008, 11:15am, Royal_Dragon wrote:Interesting

Cold digit

Thumb - lung and digestion (spleen)
index finger - liver large intestine
middle finger - heart nervous system.
ring finger - triple burner + liver
pinky - kidney and heart.

I have been having an experience since I was little of my left pinky finger, on occasions though it is worse and the left hand, or whole left arm going numb when I sleep. I have to wake up and shake it around vigourously to get it to feel normal again.

It allways starts with the left pinky though.

It's not actually a numb feeling though, but more like a low grade electrical shock that won't end untill I get the blood moving again.

I also have Gout, and since it is triggred by exhaustion, stress, dehydration or toxic enviroments instead of my diet, I concluded I have the kidney variety.

I wonder if the issue when I sleep is a symptom?

Best advice see a TCM Dr if western med isn't working.

A quick excersies to help the kidneys is to make your hands into fists and push/rub the kidney area of the back with the backs of the hands. You should have the left hand slightly higher than the right one and movements should be form the outside of the body (kidneys) to the mingmen point (spine about the same level as the dantian). I have been taught to do it 90 times but other systems say 81, 72 whatever the more the better i think. Helps to open the Ren/du channels.
Posted by: Royal_Dragon Posted on: May 10th, 2008, 9:55am
I have found that a lot of Taiji Ruler Qi Gong really helps/

Most of all thought, staying in shape, eating lots of raw veggies and drinking lots of water.
Last edited by nianfong on Thu May 15, 2008 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zhang Zhuan sensations continued

Postby Craig on Thu May 15, 2008 8:50 pm

If anyone else has any experiences to share I'd be interested to hear. What kind of things should I worry about and what things are normal in my upcoming practice?
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Re: Zhang Zhuan sensations continued

Postby cerebus on Thu May 15, 2008 8:58 pm

I'm waiting for Fong to pipe in with a title correction.... ;D ;D
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Re: Zhang Zhuan sensations continued

Postby Craig on Thu May 15, 2008 9:10 pm

he already did in the original thread...i only spelled it wrong to stir him up :D
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Re: Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Postby nianfong on Thu May 15, 2008 9:36 pm

punk ass biatch ;D
it was hurting my eyes, so I just fixed it.
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Re: Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Postby Sprint on Fri May 16, 2008 1:33 am

The main thing when beginning zhan zhuang is to relax, especially the shoulders. One of the best ways of doing this is to imagine your head is suspended from above. It is good practice to really focus on this aspect. You can expect to get aches and pains in your back of course, but adjusting the angle of your pelvis as needs require will allow you to find the most relaxing posture. Some systems advocate deep bending of the knees for chengbao zhuang, this is just not necessary. If you really want to strengthen your legs you can do fu hu zhuang which will kill you after a few minutes. As for the numbness in the hands, well there are of course plenty of nerves running down the arms, some of which pass around the elbow which when bent can stretch those nerves, especially if you have bone spurs on the elbow joint ( caused by years of punch pad work and a bad diet). One nerve in particular supplies the pinky and half of the ring finger. If your hands get warm or your feet or you get itchy sensations these are all normal.
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Re: Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Postby Craig on Fri May 16, 2008 2:20 am

it wasnt numbness it was warmth, and quite extreme. my arms were straight hanging by my side.
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Re: Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Postby qiphlow on Fri May 16, 2008 6:06 pm

some sweat, some shake. it's all normal stuff. personally, i get sweaty more often than shaky, but the trembling will happen if i'm doing a really extended (for me) session (45 min+). i wouldn't worry about it.
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Re: Zhan Zhuang sensations continued

Postby everything on Sat May 17, 2008 7:28 pm

These are all normal sensations and indicative of qi blockages releasing, according to BK Frantzis' book and others.
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