All the CIMA?

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: All the CIMA?

Postby windwalker on Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:03 pm

Giles wrote:
If you have another video of "cotton needle" that you think is a better illustration, feel free to post it.

my comments

"Even for arts considered external practices had specialized internal practices, recognizing the differences....
example "needle in cotton" set of Tibetan white crane that I've seen ...looks almost taiji like in practice thought to develop focus on the internal aspects"

"Needle in cotton set, one of the last sets learned, considered as high level embodying the characteristics and philosophy of the styles movement
in a format thought to enhance and integrate internal movement thus "similar" to what is viewed commonly as taiji practiced for the same reasons within a format specifically develop for doing so."

almost taiji like , thus,

qualifiers denoting it is not Taiji but has " what I feel" are similar qualities done for the same reasons
some of which you noted...

Maybe a little hard to see in Ron's rendition which seems to be more of a teaching format showing front and back views.
A little surprised as the set is considered to be high level material by some....

at any rate,,in the US there is a saying about opinions
everyone has one....

Believe you mentioned training in Adams courses correct me if I'm wrong :-\
Thoughts on the current "minzer" clip

He has his way of explaining it, there are other ways of looking at whats going on...

thoughts ?
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby origami_itto on Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:31 pm

windwalker wrote:
"origami_itto" wrote:

What is it?
What are you doing?
What causes the physical movement?
How or why does it cause that movement?
How do you train it?
What is it

A practical example during our practice, echoing all that is often quoted here
written by noted by masters following using this method.

To question, be skeptical not a bad thing in of itself.
All do who practice are encouraged to do so...
validating their own experiences

Find the focus on "persona" here often
detracts form any real type of discussion

All I care about is learning, personally.

I repeat the questions. I understand there are people that train this. Just answer the questions to the best of your ability. You can pm if you like
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby wayne hansen on Mon Mar 06, 2023 6:06 pm

Thanks Marvin
Who is his jump bunny and where can I see more of this
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby windwalker on Mon Mar 06, 2023 6:21 pm

wayne hansen wrote:Thanks Marvin
Who is his jump bunny and where can I see more of this

jump bunnies is that what you'er calling your students these days

any clips of your latest work,,?
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Mar 06, 2023 6:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby suckinlhbf on Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:35 am

any clips of your latest work,,?

Windwalker.... Thanks for your clips to support your writing. I hope everyone can do the same. ::)
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby cloudz on Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:55 am

marvin8 wrote:
windwalker wrote:interesting detailed comments, :)

On this site those who don't practice / know taiji, are often used as examples to show "similar" ideas in use "marvin8" ;D

Your apparent lack of understanding of fighting itself may cause you not to see some of the similarities. :)

marvin8 wrote:Apparently, one can "push" regardless if one is wearing a winter jacket. windwalker's "work, skill sets and jin."

Excerpts from "Volley Jin:"


what did I just watch :D

to be fair, I don't dislike it

funky old dudes, honestly.
the gentle and chilled version of dragonballZ

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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby cloudz on Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:10 am

Bhassler wrote:
cloudz wrote:
Bhassler wrote:Here's a scholarly look at the history of the term: ... l-nei-jia/
In short, it's marketing and propaganda, and doesn't mean anything.

I disagree with the opinions you share with David Ross. I wouldn't consider either of you an authority on the subjects of Language and Meaning ..
Meaning and language is very much cultural and it's own sub culture. There is always a creative aspect to language, so history misses the point as any meaningful basis for critique of its development.

The sub culture has imbued its meaning on the terms. And clearly there has been an uptake of its use and acceptance. Otherwise we wouldn't be here
The issues with the history or when and where it happened don't matter.

If it is propaganda then this is counter propaganda and if it's marketing then so is every name given in TCMA.
History in this case is not a justification for any particular treatment of the term in question.
The horse bolted and this just comes off as a grand case of sour grapes if ever there was.

It's really typical of what is a petty world (of martial arts in this case)
Personally I will accept SLT's credentials in this sub culture and related arts to coin what he did, when he did, and why he did so.

It makes me uncomfortable when you say I share an opinion with David Ross. I guess in this case it's true, but I'm not happy about it. To be clear, I first heard that from other people who studied long term in China and spoke the language-- citing David Ross was just convenient based on what came up in a Google search.

Beyond that, I pretty much agree on all points, except your conclusion. My point was not that "internal" as it is commonly understood does not exist, it is that the term is in and of itself an arbitrary application of language after the fact. Because someone does taiji does not mean that they, or even their system, contains "internal" power. A lot has been lost over the years or, in some cases, may never have existed. And just because someone does an "external" art does not mean that they do not do things that many would consider to be manifestations of "internal" power. As an individual, one has to look past the labels and see with their own eyes what's going on with any given practitioner or school.

It's for similar reasons that I object to appeals to authority with regards to SLT, or the taiji classics, or anything else. None of us were there, so all we have to go by are written records and the living arts as they have been passed down. Personally, my first exposure was to the Taiwan lineages of taiji and bagua, and later on I switched to Chen taiji coming out of the CZK lineage in Beijing. Both are internal and effective, but they are markedly different. People love to say that they're all the same, and they use their own experience or the experience of some famous person as evidence, but the problem with that is that it's the practitioner that's the same, not necessarily the original arts.

I've seen karate guys with internal power that would make most taiji guys shit themselves. I've seen really good taiji guys with muscles upon muscles, or silat guys with iron body, or capoeira guys controlling their opponents with pure intent, or aikijujitsu guys knocking over retired pro kickboxers without touching them (using physiology and reflexes, not ki). Really good practitioners do amazing shit, and it's not limited to one brand or label. Conversely, because something is widely repeated or believed does not make it so. I am in favor of experience and thinking, and then the literature is there to help provide context and language around what's already been learned through trial and practice. Too many people put the cart before the horse and wander down the paths of delusion.

I don't think it is arbitrary at all.
it's simple actually. so simple that people don't want it or reject - who knows.

internal arts - what are they
self cultivation, meditation, spiritual practices, chi gong, shen gong, neigong, neidan.

internal and external are analogous to the esoteric and exoteric in western conceptualisation.
martial arts, what are they?

so yeah, there are some martial arts that have integrated practice principles, concepts and theory etc. from internal arts. In this case from the Taoist canon of esoterica.

it's not much of a leap for someone to come along and go oh yeah, let's reflect that integration with a suitable name so we know what we are talking about.
What the fudge does arbitrary have to do with it, it's perfectly logical and reasonable.

The people that reject it are the 'non beliivers', so to speak, maybe you are one. And that's absolutely coolio. But this denial stuff has been around a while.
I say it's for all to see it and accept it for what it was.(and remains so..)

For me i would rather take it as it is, and it has come to be something I dig. I can still separate out these things, but i also love that they can be and have been integrated. There are plenty of great martial arts around, with or without baggage per se. What's the point of choosing or staying with something based on ideology and or concepts you come to reject, because of whatever reason(s)..

When you mention "internal power" though... i see what happened. i was there after all.
yeah. no, forget all that shit. it's not about the physical power yo. power is power - talking in terms of internal and external power is nonsense because the only measurable power in martial arts is external.. some special ass mechanical ways of moving is not internal powah yo.
internal power is the power of mind, and more to the real point it's internal training - infusing mind into the body training and all that other funky stuff we be training. That's the magic beans right there. These are training systems being described so to include internal in the name seems and feels perfectly normal and correct to me now.
Last edited by cloudz on Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:23 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby cloudz on Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:39 am

have chi, will travel ? ;D
as long as it's fun yo, do your thing.

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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby Bhassler on Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:09 am

Arbitrary is not the same as random. All physical movement involves the mind, and any ongoing practice involves development of the self. If there is "internal" and "external" based upon those things, then there must be a point of inflection between the two. Your point of inflection when one becomes the other might be a (metaphorical) millimeter different than mine, and no one can definitively say one is right and the other wrong. Hence, arbitrary. These practices do not exist outside of the practitioners, and include all aspects of being human by virtue of being done by/within humans. Regardless of what the marketing says, the focus within in an individual is ultimately up to the individual, themselves. The label is not the practice. If someone has a particular outcome they are seeking, most would be best served by finding someone who has and can teach what they want, rather than fixating on what it's called. It has nothing to do with belief or disbelief or whatever attitudes you seem to be projecting onto my statements.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby cloudz on Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:46 am

no, we do plenty of movement without any conscious thinking about them whatsoever. Driving a car is an excellent example. Autonomous.
If most of the time there's no difference mentally in doing tcc form ("internally") with a certain level of internal (mental focus) compared to going out for a light jog around the park, something is not quite right imho.

talk about millimetres all you like, you still seem miss the point sadly. It's spoken language, do you get the drift or noT? It's not mathametical equations where having some variations in thought and definitions isn't acceptable. We are in the realm of intersubjectivity not strictly subjective or completely objective. Talking about arbitrary is kind of silly seeing as it's all arbitrary in the sense you are alluding to. Intersubjectivity require agreement between two minds and language IS intersubjective..

I am just giving examples in a general way about people that reject 'internal'; if it doesn't fit don't wear it. It's really as simple as that.
What I just read a lot of from you was stating the obvious, so I think we are almost about done .

But, one more thing.. in good old Colombo tradition. These "millimetres" are super common btw. Take "night" and "day" for instance. Presumably you don't have a lot of trouble with that difference, yet we even went to the trouble of naming the millimetres in between them as "dusk" and "dawn". No one goes around saying the difference between them is "arbitrary", even though the exact defining line between night and day is indeed blurry.

This is the Way.
Last edited by cloudz on Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:24 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby Bhassler on Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:13 am

I'd agree we are about done. I disagree with much of your latest post, but lack the energy or motivation to discuss it.

Oh, I almost forgot (I love Colombo)...

cloudz wrote:But, one more thing.. in good old Colombo tradition. These "millimetres" are super common btw. Take "night" and "day" for instance. Presumably you don't have a lot of trouble with that difference, yet we even went to the trouble of naming the millimetres in between them as "dusk" and "dawn". No one goes around saying the difference between them is "arbitrary", even though the exact defining line between night and day is indeed blurry.

No one discusses the arbitrary delineation between day and night because no one is running around saying "which days of the week are 'day,' and which days are 'night?'" Nor is anyone saying that days at the equator are more or less day-ish than days at the poles. A day is a rotation of the earth, and is not defined by ephemeral attributes like moments of relative light and dark. The millimeters are not discussed because they are not relevant, not because they don't exist. Since the OP was about "all the Chinese internal martial arts," then a definition of internal is inherent in the question, and if someone wants to draw a hard line between internal or not, then the millimeters are, indeed, relevant.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby windwalker on Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:21 am

@ George,

good post..

"Intersubjectivity "

helleva word ;D

In China, where the distinctions have come from. It's quite clear used more as a
way of understanding the different outcomes and focuses of different types of training..

There is hard line between the practices...never quite understand the question of their not being one..
Whether one accepts the distinction, or not, or even makes up their own seems to be the question.

It's understood in China, that all Chinese martial arts contain internal aspects.
A cultural way of looking at how things are thought to work.

How the practices are developed and used can quite different depending on the focus..

one does not automatically lead to or develop the other, for those expecting the same outcomes..
There are reasons why this is so based on the distinctions of what is trained and developed.
Last edited by windwalker on Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby origami_itto on Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:55 am

cloudz wrote:
marvin8 wrote:Excerpts from "Volley Jin:"


what did I just watch :D

to be fair, I don't dislike it

funky old dudes, honestly.
the gentle and chilled version of dragonballZ

I forgot about this. It's just silly, isn't it? Absent the little hop the partner does, it's just bad movement.

I thought these studies were supposed to strip away delusion and increase clarity. It seems like this is moving in the other direction.

Windwalker, where are you located? I will make time to visit and feel this first hand. Then you will have your most fervent supporter and hype man.
Last edited by origami_itto on Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby windwalker on Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:20 am

origami_itto wrote:
I forgot about this. It's just silly, isn't it? Absent the little hop the partner does, it's just bad movement.

I thought these studies were supposed to strip away delusion and increase clarity. It seems like this is moving in the other direction.

Windwalker, where are you located? I will make time to visit and feel this first hand. Then you will have your most fervent supporter and hype man.

As I've mentioned to others save your money,,buy a steak or something...

"bad Movement". feel free to post your own for comparison

what is shown a small clip of some of my practice..

Reactions shown typical of what is being affected...
Many can and do this type of practice...

whether touched or not the effect is the same....
Whats shown in the practice is not the way it would be used although the effect would be similar.

"When the resultant force or momentt they act on the line of gravity of the body is no longer zero, the human body will lose its balance and tilt. At this time, the human body must adjust the positions of the limbs so that the resultant force they act on the gravity line is zero, thereby restoring or establishing a new equilibrium state."

outlines some thoughts on the reactions to what was shown in the clip.....

For those interested in this type of work PM or email works...
Last edited by windwalker on Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All the CIMA?

Postby charlie_cambridge on Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:38 am

Windwalker's alignment looks much better than most people's I've seen. His sudden movement at the end seems consistent with what PK has written about other people he knew (and personally experienced this sort of demo from) doing. Similar to a video I've seen of Henry Wang. There are lots of obviously silly "empty force" people but there are some that I'd be more skeptical of but extend some benefit of the doubt because they have remarkably good form that shows they obviously have some refinement and skill.

That said PK's comment is to generally not believe this sort of thing, and that for people who do this sort of thing you can put a feather (or other light object) on the ground and ask them to do it to the inanimate object, almost none of the people who can do this sort of demo on people can do it to a simple inanimate object.

origami_itto wrote:
cloudz wrote:
marvin8 wrote:Excerpts from "Volley Jin:"


what did I just watch :D

to be fair, I don't dislike it

funky old dudes, honestly.
the gentle and chilled version of dragonballZ

I forgot about this. It's just silly, isn't it? Absent the little hop the partner does, it's just bad movement.

I thought these studies were supposed to strip away delusion and increase clarity. It seems like this is moving in the other direction.

Windwalker, where are you located? I will make time to visit and feel this first hand. Then you will have your most fervent supporter and hype man.
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