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"B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:12 pm
by Samoobramba
I planned to study Chi Kung in a local school. I have the possibility to choose between the B.K. Frantzis school and the Mantak Chia school instructor. Any recomandations? I expect to learn more about internal power, internal martial arts usage (Taiji, Bagua and Xingyi), meditation and sexual qigong. Any suggestion what to choose (and why)?

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:36 pm
by Buddy
How good is the instructor?

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:39 pm
by CaliG
Hi Samoobramba,

I am pretty sure I know the BKF teacher in Slovenia. Is it Dusean (Americanized spelling )? We both trained with BKF in California years ago.

He's a great guy and he has trained BKF's qigong and martial art systems for a long time. If you're interested learning BKF's qigong, which sounds like it what you're looking for then I'm sure you'll be happy.

What is it you're looking for?

Good times,


Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:05 pm
by chud
Samoobramba wrote: I have the possibility to choose between the B.K. Frantzis school and the Mantak Chia school instructor.

I would stay FAR away from the Mantak Chia stuff. Mantak Chia's chi kung has been discussed several times here, and basically the gist of it was that you're probably going to need to get "roto-rootered" by a good acupuncturist if you do that stuff for any length of time.
I usually try hard not to be negative about other teachers, but I've read about too many bad side effects from the Mantak Chia system to trust it.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:55 pm
by Chris Fleming
I'd listen to Chud if I were you.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:36 pm
by Samoobramba
CaliG - Yes, he is Dusan (speled probably Dushan).
I also think that the Frantzis stuf is more down to earth and useful. However thant for the recommandation.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:34 pm
by Samoobramba
I am looking for good health and longevity practice. Also I want to learn more about internal power and the principles of the internal martial arts usage (Taiji, Bagua and Xingyi). Also I want to learn a good meditation method and do some exercises for sexual health.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:38 pm
by CaliG
From your screen name I figured you were also looking for martial arts.

You'll find that you can apply BKF's qigong to martial arts too, I'm not so sure of with Chia's stuff.

Say hi to Dusan for me and let me know how it goes.

Good times,


Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:13 am
by Samoobramba
CaliG, thanks for the suggestion! I will say hi to Dusan for you ;-)
From what I saw the Mantak Chia "Tai Chi" has no realistic martial application. Too much cooperative.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:12 am
by Fubo
Samoobramba wrote:I am looking for good health and longevity practice. Also I want to learn more about internal power and the principles of the internal martial arts usage (Taiji, Bagua and Xingyi). Also I want to learn a good meditation method and do some exercises for sexual health.

Correct IMA practice should not only develop good fighting skills, but also good health and longevity as a side product - I know nothing about sexual qi gong, but if you're interested in people that teach a combination of all the things mentioned, you might look into James McNeil's school.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:28 am
by Samoobramba
I don't have a James McNeil's school here, but from what I saw his sexual qigong is similar to the Mantak Chia's system. I do a basic Mantak Chia's sesual practice but I want to connect this in a whole (exercise, metitaion,..). I like some things from Mantak Chia's system but I don't like all his stuf and philosophy. Maybe Frantzis stuf is more practical and down to earth.
Here the instructor of the BKF's system also teach the sexual neigong and sexual meditation. It seems a very complete "Chi Kung" school.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:23 am
by Harvey
I'm not a fan of Mantak Chia's approach to his "sexual" qigong method as it doesn't hold 100% with neijia principles. Plus many of the external methods rely on both parties to be practicing the same system. As for keeping hte little soldier trained any of the 3 main IMA's work the pelvic floor muscles well enough to prevent him being medically retired from service. Also that particular probelm can also be exacerbated by lower back problems esp in the lumbar area.
The fact is many of the so-called sexual qigong are practiced better and more fully in the stardand neigong of any of the big 3 (and prob the other ones too but i sadly have yet to train any of them) and there is a great deal of caveat emptor with these sexual qigongs in the west as they are being sold to the chi-hugger crowd. Better to go train some cool kung fu than that, coz whats the pont of having potency at 60 if you can't do a press up.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:19 am
by chrislomas
Whilst I don't practise under Mantak Chia (nor advocate his approach). I do practise weight swinging from two lineages (one being James McNeil and therefore linked to the 'Nine Little heaven' style the other being from a non martial Daoist lineage). It is important to remember just like IMA there is great variation between the various lineages that advocate genital weight lifting as a small part of a Taoist approach to cultivation and they should not be lumped into 'one thing' good or bad. Like Qigong/TaiJi they are, unfortuanately, open to having all sorts of 'philosophy' grafted onto them and all sorts of textbook-gurus teaching them; it is very much a case of buyer beware. Just like IMA there also is great variation between lineages that advocate genital weight lifting as a small part of a Taoist approach to cultivation and they should not be lumped into 'one thing' good or bad. I think that for what you want Harvey is probably correct, get good at some IMA and improve general fitness.
IMO Taoist 'bone marrow washing' methods (as they are ususually known) can be complete comprehensive systems of cultivation and very very safe when taught correctly however they require a deep level of commitment (in lifestyle as well as practise) and should not be approached merely as methods to strengthen the pelvic floor, get better at sex etc (there are other quicker ways of achieving this). Nor do I feel should they be approached until you have a number of years of committed Nei Kung study behind you and you are sure the systems aims are the same as your own. These methods are very good when practised in context.

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:33 am
by GrahamB
chrislomas wrote: I do practise weight swinging ..SNIP

Chris - I've got to ask..... WHY?

Re: "B.K. Frantzis" or "Mantak Chia" system recommendation?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:45 am
by CaliG
Hi Samoobramba,

Dusan will probably know me as "Angel," it's an old nickname.

I recommend you check him out but still stay open-minded about other teachers and other systems.

There's a lot there in the world of martial arts and BKF's system is just one of many ways doing things. If I lived in Slovenia I'd probably also do a little judo/sambo and kickboxing to supplement understanding of CMAs. (In fact BKF encouraged me to study judo when I was training with him years ago, groundfighting and all.)

As Fubo said with intense martial training health comes naturally from both an eastern and western medical perspective.

Good times,