Best internal guys alive today?

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby meeks on Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:44 pm

I ran into Yuan as well ...while attending Chinese Hong-kong university in New Territories...around 15 years ago. As I remember, he was also trained in Beijing opera too...I think he actually played the female role.. same guy? It was a real sharp contrast between those two personas.. He is as classically trained as they come and is a treasure for sure.. was the only reason I wanted to stay in HK .. to pursue studies with him.

15 years ago he was still residing in Vancouver. I trained with him from 1990 until 1996. I think he moved to HK in about 2002 after remarrying a HK woman. He's was formerly the head physician of the beijing hospital of chinese medicine, so, no...he wouldn't have been in Peking Opera.
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby martialartist on Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:09 pm

shawnsegler wrote:
If you can hit hard but don't get a chance to, that power is moot... Any of the martial artists here who have been in a fight can attest to the fact that once you get in the ring, things change quite a bit, there are a lot of other things you have to train for besides just being able to use force...

Just because power generation is what I chose to bring up, it doesn't mean that Luo doesn't have the full package...because he does. He's nimble and very good at controling the tempo of the fight as well.

Not to be a sycophant or anything, I'm just a fan. He's the real deal.

Edit: P.S.
But being able to generate a lot of force is very key to fighting skill, but also not the only factor.

Thanks for letting me in on that. I didn't know. :)

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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby Bill on Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:41 am

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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby williamwilson666 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:37 am

Not to blow my own trumpet, but my Bagua is pretty tight......
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby Haoran on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:30 am

for those asking about Yun Yin Sen ... annel_page

I met him unexpectedly one day in Shanghai in people's park. I did some push hands with him and he threw me right on my azz.

Definately highly skilled.
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby Juan on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:38 am

Bill wrote:Image

lol...the fact that he is delivering that "kick" with a smile on his face is freaking awesome.
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby cerebus on Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:10 pm

Juan wrote:lol...the fact that he is delivering that "kick" with a smile on his face is freaking awesome.

Dude, everything that guy does, he does with a smile on his face (and a crazed, insane look in his eyes)...
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby Andy_S on Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:27 pm


Luo and Su both won leitei fights in their youths, and I think that it is pretty clear that said experience has been incorporated in their 'styles' - which most certainly are not kickboxing. The school they came from (Hong Ihsiang's) was known for producing competitive fighters of calibre. I have NOT seen those fights, and I am sure, if we did, they would look messy as hell. But that is what knockdown fighting is about. (There is also much anecdote around re Su being a devil in the streets, but I cannot speak for the veracity of these tales.)

It is reasonably clear to me just by looking at them on film that their technique is sound, and we have plenty of testimony (just here on RSF) that they can do the business. Others who have proven records on leitai or other tourneys are Dan Docherty and Tim Cartmell. Years ago I had the pleasure of being pushed around by DD and there is no question in my mind that he can do the business.

Personally, I have more faith in those who have leitei/sanda/MMA exp than those who claim to be 'deadly in the streets' as the former format is open, against trained fighters. 'Deadly in the streets' could be against nobodies, or could simply be pure BS. Some years back, an HK-based CMA master - a man who claimed to have beaten off a horde of knife-armed gangsters single-handedly (!)- was humiliated on camera in about half a minute in Germany a decade or so ago. He later blamed his shoes for the defeat...
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby shawnsegler on Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:33 pm

I had forgotten about Ruby Motherfucking Topaz!!

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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby meeks on Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:04 pm

for those asking about Yun Yin Sen ... annel_page
I met him unexpectedly one day in Shanghai in people's park. I did some push hands with him and he threw me right on my azz.
Definately highly skilled.

started off slow - thought it was gonna be like watching wet paint dry... but very quickly saw this guy had some good power/skillz. thank you for posting that.
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby TaichiMantis on Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:50 am

grzegorz wrote:I've never met anyone else who could demonstrate to me what my teacher could do, although they might be out there I think some of the best teachers are probably far from the limelight.

You got that right. My Sifu, Ly(Li) Yen Hoa, was one of Chiu Chuk Kai's top disciples in Vietnam. He was one of the few that also focused on Chiu's tai chi applications. Someof his long time students have also learned the qigong he was taught. The man has incredible iron shirt skills. There aren't many of these old school guys left...

One of his senior students told me Sifu has said "If he get in my bagua, he not get out!"
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby alexsuffolk on Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:43 am

The late GM Chui Chuk Kai and his indoor students had excellent skill, in HK Island (circa 1984) we were in his little apartment when one of the students broke the leg sheer in half on the dummy using a seven stars shin sweep, another showed some of the best iron arm skill i have seen.....they were tough.

In action GM Chui's hands were a blur , his listening skills top notch, his smile full of kindness.


Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby C.J.Wang on Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:59 am

Andy_S wrote:Personally, I have more faith in those who have leitei/sanda/MMA exp than those who claim to be 'deadly in the streets' as the former format is open, against trained fighters. 'Deadly in the streets' could be against nobodies, or could simply be pure BS. Some years back, an HK-based CMA master - a man who claimed to have beaten off a horde of knife-armed gangsters single-handedly (!)- was humiliated on camera in about half a minute in Germany a decade or so ago. He later blamed his shoes for the defeat...

I think I know the master you are talking about. ;)

While I agree that sport fighting is definitely one venue to prove a master's skill to a certain extent, I also feel that street fighting credentials should not be dimissed entirely, especially if you've personally witnessed or heard from reliable sources that someone is a no-nonsense street fighter.

I know a master in Taipei who trains like a madman and sells rice noodles off the streets just to make ends meet -- because he feels that holding a normal job would interfere his daily training. Since my friend trains under him, I know for certain that he's at least sent several visiting challengers (one broken shin and two concussions), a couple of rowdy Thai construction workers, and two of his students (including my friend) to the hospital. His favorite pastime is riding his motorcyle around town looking for fights. This guy has no interest in entering competitions at all, he just likes to train and test his skill in the streets against strangers who look tough and ready to take him on. And since most of the guys he fights are hoodlums and small-time gangsters who tend to shun the police, almost none of the fights were ever reported -- with little intervention from the law enforcement. In fact, he even received a citation for assiting the police in arresting the two drunk Thai workers. ;D
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby Bhassler on Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:27 pm

George Xu should probably be mentioned somewhere in this discussion, as should Willem de Thouars.
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Re: Best internal guys alive today?

Postby XiaoXiong on Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:10 am

Marcus Brinkman, Lin Guozheng, Bill Tucker, and George Wood certainly should be mentioned. What about Zhang Yun, and Strider Clark? Other non-chinese masters perhaps?
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