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Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:17 am
by windwalker
might be good to include the original text text in Chinese....

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:23 am
by D_Glenn
Well, your experiment did figure something out: now we know how to defeat Skynet. Just give it a Taijiquan text or article to read and it will self destruct

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:25 am
by origami_itto
windwalker wrote:might be good to include the original text text in Chinese....

Don't have that, just the English translation there.
Does anybody have CMC's 13 treatises in the Chinese?

D_Glenn wrote:Well, your experiment did figure something out: now we know how to defeat Skynet. Just give it a Taijiquan text or article to read and it will self destruct ... ire%20time.

Eight Marines placed the robot in the center of a traffic circle and found creative ways to approach it, aiming to get close enough to touch the robot without being detected.

Two of the Marines did somersaults for 300 meters. Two more hid under a cardboard box, giggling the entire time. Another took branches from a fir tree and walked along, grinning from ear to ear while pretending to be a tree, according to sources from Scharre's book.

Not one of the eight was detected.

"The AI had been trained to detect humans walking," Scharre wrote. "Not humans somersaulting, hiding in a cardboard box, or disguised as a tree. So these simple tricks, which a human would have easily seen through, were sufficient to break the algorithm."

We've just got to stop training the damn things.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:59 am
by Giles
Bao wrote: However, straightening the spine is not something you should try to do consciously. The spine wants to prolong itself naturally, so aligning yourself with the space-curvature affected be the mass of the earth (i.e. "gravity"), and relaxing into the alignment, will naturally straighten the spine. So you need to learn how to "let go" without collapsing. That is all.

Agree. You can let go consciously, but the reaction of the spine and surrounding tissues and where the spine etc. actually ends up, what changes occur, is something you let happen instead of actively trying to adopt a new posture. The word "posture" derives from the Latin ponere, to put or to place. And hence posture isn't really a good term in this context, since we shouldn't try to "put" the spine in place but instead let it find its own hanging state, with gravity, like a plumb line. Which can then continually re-adjust from moment to moment, more 'by itself'.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:07 am
by Bao
Giles wrote: The word "posture" derives from the Latin ponere, to put or to place. And hence posture isn't really a good term in this context, since we shouldn't try to "put" the spine in place but instead let it find its own hanging state, with gravity, like a plumb line. Which can then continually re-adjust from moment to moment, more 'by itself'.

Excellent point, haven't thought about the word that way. Thanks.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:47 am
by robert

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:48 am
by Kelley Graham
Letting go, relaxing, fansong, hanging the spine, and other verbal concepts do not directly address the underlying issue. the underlying issue is our big brains and compensatory structural changes. this is a deep topic. what feels normal and relaxed for the beginner is the opposite of what internal training reveals over time. language, culture, power structures and social expectations reinforce these compensatory adaptations. a list of points or affirmations in practice do little to address issues of internal power in a full everyday life context. i teach according to this principle. "Big brains and socialization result in funny movement." Our identity is based on these postural expectations and adaptations and is very difficult to change. Again, a very deep topic.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:21 pm
by origami_itto
Oh I agree.
There's this direct bidirectional connection between posture and spirit.

The way we hold ourself is an indication of our internal state and self image and the image we are projecting to the world consciously or unconsciously.

That translates into tension that isn't necessarily conducive to health or optimum movement.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:24 pm
by Bao
Kelley Graham wrote: what feels normal and relaxed for the beginner is the opposite of what internal training reveals over time.

Nothing feels normal and relaxed for a beginner.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:06 pm
by ParadoxTeapot
I'm glad it turned out this way.

I have read a lot of writing online regarding Taijiquan that it would not surprise me if it wasn't an experiment and someone's genuine passionate essay.

I have literally read a giant post on a Taijiquan forum about the intricacies of picking up a cup of water, written in an overly dramatic and profound way.

And I'm just so bored. How are these people not bored as well?

It's like listening to people singing the alphabet song. I'm just thinking: "Is this seriously the most interesting topic you can think of? And why must it always be so unnecessarily verbose?"

"Hey kids! Did you know that the spine supports your torso!? Did you know the central nervous system connects the brain and body?"

I'm just thinking: "Who the heck is the intended audience here?"

It makes me miss reading people's bickering online because the disagreements are more mentally stimulating. Reading about a group of people agreeing that keeping an upright posture being a good thing is not exactly my idea of thought-provoking.

Apologies for me ranting to myself.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:32 pm
by origami_itto
ParadoxTeapot wrote:I'm glad it turned out this way.

I have read a lot of writing online regarding Taijiquan that it would not surprise me if it wasn't an experiment and someone's genuine passionate essay.

I have literally read a giant post on a Taijiquan forum about the intricacies of picking up a cup of water, written in an overly dramatic and profound way.

And I'm just so bored. How are these people not bored as well?

It's like listening to people singing the alphabet song. I'm just thinking: "Is this seriously the most interesting topic you can think of? And why must it always be so unnecessarily verbose?"

"Hey kids! Did you know that the spine supports your torso!? Did you know the central nervous system connects the brain and body?"

I'm just thinking: "Who the heck is the intended audience here?"

It makes me miss reading people's bickering online because the disagreements are more mentally stimulating. Reading about a group of people agreeing that keeping an upright posture being a good thing is not exactly my idea of thought-provoking.

Apologies for me ranting to myself.

Well my "Real" writing is on my blog. Some here but this is more of a crucible.

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:41 pm
by Trick
agree with paradox teapot, pat my back and i pat yours is getting a bit too much when its intention is a demand.
as for whos the adience of for example for this thread topic i think its more a case of TS somewhat practicing for his upcomming teacher status

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:51 am
by ThomasK
I think the worst mistake is having no tension in the pelvic floor, as then you will have to have pelvis misalignment to compensate for that lack of tension by either tucking in too much or sticking out the ass too much.

Edit: I'm not so sure about that lol

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:25 am
by origami_itto
Trick wrote:practicing for his upcomming teacher status

I got the go ahead, also strained some ligaments and have been on light duty for about a week so no workouts no form no push hands no new videos, waaa.
They want me to start a class at this temple but 8 AM??? Bruh. It's like an hour drive, insanity. Catch me on my zoom.

Hard launch in April. -break-

Re: The Heart and Spine are Important

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:36 am
by ThomasK
Oh cool, what temple you teaching at?