bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Dmitri on Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:36 am

Rikimaru wrote:If you were praticing bowling from your youth, and somebody tells you that you can't play bowling at all, for sure you are going to "challenge" him for a match. Any word in the world will not replace the outcome of this match.

Sure, if you feel like you need to "prove" it to that guy. I wouldn't care the slightest bit... I know EXACTLY how well (or not) I can play. Comparing that against someone else is nothing but an ego trip IMO. (Not that there's anything wrong with that; I guess we all have those, in one shape or form or another...)
If you do it for some other reason, e.g. to improve your game -- that's a completely different story. But just for the sake of "showing them" how awesome you are... it's a waste IMO. Others' mileage will vary of course.
Last edited by Dmitri on Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Rikimaru on Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:52 am

one way or the other, you are going improve your game, whatever you engage in a confrontation leaded by an ego trip or not.
I think that if you are testing your skills, you are improving it.
Unless you are an idiot.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Dmitri on Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:01 am

True, but I do think the driving intent/reasons for doing something matter a lot.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Adam S on Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:22 am

Dmitri wrote:I do think the driving intent/reasons for doing something matter a lot.

Very true

Testing yourself to find your limitations or those of your style(as u currently understand it) is important I think
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Rikimaru on Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:28 am

Dmitri wrote:True, but I do think the driving intent/reasons for doing something matter a lot.

I do agree.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby cerebus on Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:40 am

Dmitri wrote: I know EXACTLY how well (or not) I can play.

Or at least you THINK you know. But then so did Maoshan. He was POSITIVE that he knew EXACTLY how well he would do in a "fight". We can all be deceived from time to time about our own abilities. Testing them against others can often be a way of getting a truly objective view of where we stand. That's how I look at it anyway...
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Dmitri on Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:46 am

I think you've missed my point Troy... I'm all for testing things, as I mentioned above. I'm just against juvenile posturing.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby cerebus on Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:24 am

Dmitri wrote:I think you've missed my point Troy... I'm all for testing things, as I mentioned above. I'm just against juvenile posturing.

I certainly agree there. But it would almost be surprising to see such a match take place and be posted on the internet WITHOUT such juvenile posturing, sad to say.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby xingyijuan on Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:25 am

Too much agreeing here. Next thing you know, we'll all hug a big tree and sing Kumbaya. ;)

Testing should always be part of MA training, no question about it. But, If you go around posturing, as Dmitri said, you should get your clock cleaned. I am glad that this particular dude (in the vid) did get clocked. As Mixjourneyman said, they have a bad rep here in Mtl, not because what they do is any good, but because they have a reputation for setting up mismatched bouts, putting up safety rules and dismissing them when the bout starts, trying to pull lawsuits when they were the instigators. In other words, cheating... At least that's I've "heard".

OTOH, their school is always chanting how the shit they do is "orthodox", "traditional" Chinese gong-fu and how they adhere to a higher path. To my "purist" ears, this is irksome. I know a few Chinese masters here in Mtl that are also irked by this. They think it's disrespectful. To that, add the fact that their classes are overpriced, that their graded students are not taught by the "grad-master", that they have "cultish" attitudes towards their students; What you get, is one of the most despised schools here in the area.

All of this, is of course, my 0.02$CA.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Frazetta on Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:14 pm

Rikimaru wrote:ahah..
one way or the other, you are going improve your game, whatever you engage in a confrontation leaded by an ego trip or not.
I think that if you are testing your skills, you are improving it.
Unless you are an idiot.

Or dead... from the 45 that the other guy shoots you with when you go out to handle your business.

By the way, I had to chuckle at the title of this post and others like it. "Bare knuckle"? It's just fighting. When I was coming up we fought in our school without an protection and it was just "sparring". Sometimes it got out of hand and turned into a "fight". I've never looked back and said "I used to fight bare knuckle." I suppose it's sort of romanticizing the idea.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Andy_S on Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:25 pm

Really? "Very commonly seen?" Seen where, on the "cops" show? When was the last time you, Andy, went out on a parking lot and fist-fought with another MA practitioner to prove that your style is better? Just curious.


I was referring to the first clip, which looked to me like a slightly rougher than average sparring match and nothing unusual in many MA clubs. You'll see harder blows delivered in the ring of your local amateur boxing club most nights.


Well, let me see...there was the bare-knuckle kungfu challenge in the car park on Monday night, the NHB fight at coffee break on Tuesday, the swarm of ninja i had to fight through to reach the bar last night - oh, and I have a chap coming round for a death match after dinner later. Better sign off now: have to warm up.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Jerry_f on Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:14 pm

xingyijuan wrote:@ Mix: Yeah, last time, they thought it was me messing up with their videos and I recieved an nice e-mail with weak passive-agressive threats from one of their students. Bunch of idiots!

They finally released this one. I thought they would. This was around the time I was with them. This is the kind of shit they glorify themselves with.

This is the back story, as far as I remember it: The meeting was supposed to be a challenge covered as a "technical exchange" between Nam Anh's school and his nephew's, Huang Phan. At that time, they an epic family feud and his nephew had his school segregated from the main school. In the video, the nephew is the guy wearing a black t-shirt with a white stripe and jeans in the background. This bout was one of many they had that day. The other fights were what they were supposed to be, technical exchanges with no clear winner. Nam Anh sent this guy, Flores, to send his nephew a message. The matches were supposed to be light contact. Then this idiot went all out on the poor kid. I was told that the younger guy who got hit had only a couple of years of training and not much sparring experience. I believe he got his jaw broken in that fight. You can clearly hear the old fart Nam Ahn laughing when the kid hits the ground. Nam Anh is the old fart walking in in the last few seconds of the video.

No, it wasn't a good fight. It was a set up where a poor kid got hurt. By the way, watch how flores sets up his kicks. It's basically the same he does with the vietnamese student on the other video Rikimaru posted. But that time, his opponent had more experience and reacted better... well much better considering flores got floored! lol.

Oh, and another thing, the student that wrote to me was bitching about how the vietnamese guy hit flores harder that what they agreed uppon. If you look at the whole video, you can clearly see that it's floored... I mean flores, that escalated the intensity of the fight.

edit: I just saw the video called Tribute to Nam Anh. In that video, you can see one student called Nam Loi and is identified as being is son. He's his adopted son, in reality, he's his nephew.

The dude who fight against flores, is name is Felix, he was Huan most advanced student at that time and he was felix who's ask flores for a match. I know this very well, i know who you are ;) , i was there,i was studding with Huan. At that time, huan was talking that nam anh was to old to teach and he was trying still students from the main school.

I remember when he told us how his uncle (nam anh) kick him out from the school but after a few years, i understand why, huan is a selfish, violent and stupid, he betrayed me and i am not surprise that he betrayed he's own family.

For the other fight with the Vietnamese, is a all history behind. In 2 main vietnamese forums, and, about corruption, cheating involving a president of the unesco in hanoi and a click of wing fighting against the saigon wing chun.


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby xingyijuan on Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:13 am

I remember when he told us how his uncle (nam anh) kick him out from the school but after a few years, i understand why, huan is a selfish, violent and stupid, he betrayed me and i am not surprise that he betrayed he's own family.

Funny, I know at least three people training or that trained with Huan and that would train with him no matter what. I have never heard anything bad regarding him from these people. From what you wrote, it would seem that you're with nam anh now. So what does that make you? I suggest that, if you have a grudge with him, take it upon him.

i know who you are ;)

Really? How so?

I never knew or heard of, yet alone trained with a Jerry, so, no, you don't know me. You've probably heard of me, and probably from our "mutual friends".

And as for the link you provided... Chinese potion to diminish his performance?

Put down the KoolAid. Get real man!
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby amanmtl on Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:14 am

Damn ... now there is going to be Nam Ahn ppl posting on this forum ... I predict sudden decline in the level of discussion =)
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Jerry_f on Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:16 am

Ho boy!!Work, family take all my time but i keep practicing at home. I will love to come back to the practice but not in wing chun or anything have to do with nam anh or his nephew.But I cannot help my self when i saw miss information spreading on this forum by a people like you (xingyijuan) punk!! i hate that, i know all this history...
you are talking about Felix like he was a novice..c mon!!!!he waned and he got it, that's all.
My level is not good enough to match against huan but i can tell him is a corrupted person and a liar.

''Jerry'' ;)
Last edited by Jerry_f on Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.



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