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Some things I have been saying for years

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:23 pm
by wayne hansen

Re: Some things I have been saying for years

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:20 pm
by Bhassler
Good stuff. Here's the direct link to the article: ... practices/

Re: Some things I have been saying for years

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:57 pm
by Appledog
wayne hansen wrote:

I don't really use facebook.

Re: Some things I have been saying for years

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 12:06 am
by GrahamB
Critical thinking ftw!

There’s some gold in there:

“Most of the corrections consisted of getting a muscle to work better, teaching a motion that was a “movement impairment,” or acting in a way to restore posture. So far, most of the exercises simply wasted time and turned rugged athletes that were fine into mentally frail patients. Now the new normal is to use conventional training in a clever way so it’s a corrective process.

The primary issues with corrective exercises is that they are low in load, low in usefulness, and based on a faulty interpretation of the evaluation of athlete movement. Dysfunctional patterns are easy to find if they are new movements to an athlete, but give an athlete a few tries to learn a body motion and the “faults” will likely change. It’s not that the athlete was dysfunctional to begin with; it’s most likely the screening was just a foreign or odd movement they hadn’t rehearsed before and it looked awkward.”

Re: Some things I have been saying for years

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:43 pm
by Peacedog
Corrective exercises are largely a waste and can burn huge amounts of energy/time for very little reward. Particularly in novice level athletes.

Even in the case of injury recovery merely de-loading with barbell work is a much better choice in most cases. If you look at Barbell Prescription by Sullivan, you will notice that they train novice geriatrics without corrective exercises from day one. ... escription

In the case of intermediate, and that rare individual the advanced strength, athletes some value to assistance exercises can be found to address an individual weakness. But even then, most intermediates would be better served by just getting stronger at the primary compound lifts.

Even advanced athletes in most non-strength sports do not need anything beyond intermediate barbell programming as they simply never get that strong and the barbell is being used as an aid to their sport as it is not a primary focus of their sport.

And the primary author of the written articles is simply wrong on single leg training. While useful for some flexibility based issues, 99% of the population is better off getting stronger at a barbell back squat. The injury risks are just too high with single leg work once it gets heavy enough to matter due to issues with balancing a load. I have done some single leg work as a warmup and when in an area where I didn't have access to a proper gym just for the sake of variety. But...if the old school split jerk and snatch guys competing at the Olympics didn't do it, it is certainly a waste for anyone performing at the amateur level.