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Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:29 am
by GrahamB ... KKBN28J2A6

I nominate Tom to bring back this dying tradition.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:30 am
by GrahamB

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:02 am
by roger hao
He should work on Iron Man Boobs a little.

Couple of observations -
it seems learning to bring the testicles up
into the body is easier / better

regards prowess - better to train to thrust your
appendage thru 1/2 inch pine board

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:02 am
by Peacedog
No thanks.

Hanging stuff from my junk is fun enough.

Although I do think the photo is hilarious.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:55 pm
by Finny
How's that going btw peacedog? You're doing James McNeil's stuff aren't you? Hung any blondes off buildings lately? Seriously though curious for an update.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:29 am
by wayne hansen
I did a demo of this at the Tang Shou Tao championships in Taiwan in 1975
Allowing my teacher to hit me in the throat ,solar plexus and groin
Master Hsu pulled me aside after and said
Don't let anyone hit you not even your teacher
He said if I can affect you with an acupuncture needle it is easy to change your health with one blow

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:27 am
by wiesiek
[quote="roger hao"]He should work on Iron Man Boobs a little.

it seems learning to bring the testicles up
into the body is easier / better

this is 1st step, I suppose
when you`re able to hide testicles inside body - punching is the next step.
Kinda of blind shot from my side, cause I learned pulling up only (during different practice), .

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:33 am
by Peacedog
It's going well.

I had to take a break between recovering from Covid-19 and making a couple of small mistakes. The mistakes were items that Master McNeil specifically warned me about as well, but I didn't listen closely enough to.

Main observations so far: (1) the sense of physical well being is generated very strongly at the 25lb/12kg point; (2) increases in physical energy are not really noticeable until about 45 pounds/20kg and rapidly ramp up after that; (3) never ever move up more than 5 pounds per increment; (4) you have to keep your pubic hair trimmed or it is very easy for the belt to slip, I learned this the hard way, but if you keep up with it you can lift large amounts of weight without risk; and (5) seminal retention for the first 100 days is critical if you want to see substantial increases in testosterone levels and this can be challenging for some after the first month or so, particularly if your libido has been in the tank for awhile.

My suspicion with #5 is that when it come to regeneration of cells in the testicles that the body preferentially favors fertility over testosterone. So, if you ejaculate your body directs more resources towards keeping you fertile than virile. I think this tracks with a lot of the traditional views on not losing too much jing.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:17 pm
by Finny
interesting. thanks much for the reply mate, hope it continues to go well for you

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:00 pm
by Peacedog

Out of all the chi gong technology I've seen this is the only one that appears to have an effect on ultimate longevity. I'm not saying you are going to live to be 120 doing this, but I've seen too many 90 year old men running around who have been doing this for decades for it to just be chance.

My guess is that by keeping androgens elevated, but within natural bounds, that a lot of late life issues are held at bay. It is nice that it is not pharmaceutical. It does take a good hour per day so that has to be accounted for.

The hanging itself is only maybe 2-3 minutes.

The rest is self massage and wire beater work.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:20 am
by wayne hansen
To know the effect of this on longevity you would have to take away all other aspects of their life
People who devote an hour of their day to this training are most likely also doing other beneficial activities

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:10 am
by Peacedog
This is beyond the scope of this thread, but from what I've seen longevity in that territory (90+) is almost purely genetic. If you live over 100 years of age in the USA that is a three standard deviation shift in relation to mortality of the general population and occurs with roughly 1 in a 1000 people. It is purely a genetic driven event.

When dealing with geriatrics I've come around to the understanding that while many things exist that can shorten a lifespan, virtually nothing exists that is going to extend a lifespan past its genetic set point given state of the art medicine.

Many things do exist that can improve quality of life (exercise, diet, etc.). But ultimate lifespan not really.

Routine use of moxibustion, perhaps shih shui gung, some of the pharmacological interventions I've mentioned on other threads (rapamycin, metformin, and telmisartan) are the only things I've seen that have compelling anecdotal evidence of ANY extension of ultimate lifespan.

While use of exogenous hormones definitely improves quality of life over the short to mid-term the long term indications are generally negative. HRT in women definitely decreases lifespan through a massive increase in the incidence of cancer. In men, the almost immediate cessation of fertility is a big warning sign from a TCM perspective. This is reversible with short term, or cyclic, use, but is probably permanent if used over the long term (i.e. 10+ years).

Now if running TRT prevents obesity that would keep someone from dying early as a result of all of the problems obesity creates it might be worth it if the individual cannot bring themselves to control their body mass using diet. But this again is an example of something, i.e. obesity, shortening an individual's preprogrammed lifespan versus extending their lifespan past its genetically determined point.

AFA the shih shui gung crew is concerned all of these guys seem to have a variety of bad habits that should be shortening their lifespans. Mostly smoking, drinking and screwing around.

Anything is going to be anecdotal at this point as running a study is really beyond the scope of what is going on. But the consistency of observations is curious.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 7:23 pm
by nicklinjm
I think people often get caught up in debates as to whether X increases absolute lifespan, when actually there's a lot of evidence that it's mostly genetic.

However, if these practices (xi shui gong, yi jin jing, etc) increase quality of life in your later years then to me that is already a pretty strong reason to practice them!

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 7:45 pm
by Peacedog
Honestly, the thing I like best about shih shui gung is that it leaves me feeling energized without feeling wired the way a lot of heath chi gung does.

Re: Iron Crotch Style

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:35 am
by Quigga
Peacedog, maybe you feel better because the bones absorb the energy?

And what about the concept of nourishing Jing and pre-heaven attributes? IMO a large part of taoist practices revolve around at least ensuring one lives one's determined lifespan in a state of vitality, if not prolong lifespan.