Beijing Xingyi / Bajiquan

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Beijing Xingyi / Bajiquan

Postby tuibudahu on Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:51 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm a martial arts enthusiast from germany and have been enjoying many of the topics on emptyflower for a while now. Because I have the impression that there are many experienced and serious martial artists on board here I would like to ask your advice.

Since I will be studying in Beijing for 6 months from February 2009 on, I am looking for a teacher. I actually am not really fixed on the style but in my martial arts journey so far I came to appreciate specific traits in a teacher and in styles. All in all I have about 10 years of training in martial arts, so I hope I am not a total beginner when it comes to body mechanics. Since many of you know the MA scene in Beijing, I was hoping you guys could help me to find the right teacher.

I would prefer a style that does not teach many, or very complicated forms. Rather something that stresses training rather simple moves to maximum efficiency. Since I will be in Beijing for 6 months only, I was also hoping to learn something that I can integrate into my training when I get back home to germany. I imagined maybe some of the elements from xingyi, or a basic form of baji might be possible in 6 months to a level where I can keep practising. But since I never practised Baji or Xingyi, please correct me on that! Don't get me wrong - I don't thing that Baji oder Xingyi or any martial art is simple. I just
had the impression that both XY and Baji are quite compact boiled down systems with proper training of martial body mechanics. And I love the issuing power of both styles!

No matter what style, a great thing would be if the teacher teaches applications, or different forms of power generation that are beneficial for every martial artist, so even if I don't make it back to Beijing the effort is not lost and I can continue to train these basics, and the basics will improve me as martial artist.

So the ideal teacher would be:
- in Beijing, close to Beida (Haidian)
- not too expensive (I'm a student on government grant- fluent in Chinese)
- know xingyi, baji, both, or any martial art that is worth checking out
- offer many lessons per week (I would try to train as much as the body can hadle-after class 3-6 times per week)
- offer applications / sparring (at least at higher level)

Is there a Martial Arts community in Beijing? I would love to have a look at different styles in Beijing (cma heaven) and now and then maybe have a beer or jiaozi with people who share the same love for martial arts.

Please excuse me for being so demanding in my first post. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. So if there is any teacher I should definetely check out, please let me know.

Thank you in advance
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Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:50 pm

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