Chen-Style Taiji Classes in Queens, NY?

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Chen-Style Taiji Classes in Queens, NY?

Postby leewanwang on Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:51 am

Hello all. In the past month, I have shamelessly bombarded readers with threads in multiple sub-forums asking about different Chinese Martial Arts styles and different teachers who teach in New York City or via remote. However, in the past two weeks I took a deep hard look within, and must admit to myself that I have long COVID symptoms; after using my treadmill on low speeds for under 20 minutes, I would feel light-headed, lethargic, and out of breath. I also have developed new bladder issues. I chatted with an online friend and he suggested Taiji training (though I will also speak to my primary care physician about my symptoms as well). After watching many videos, and reading of its history, I am humbly asking if there are any Chen-Style Taijiquan teachers or classes in Queens that teaches in the borough on the weekends? Due to some of my health issues, and the horrors of the local public transportation system's weekend service, I want to take classes in Queens only. I already contacted Master Wang Fengming to see if he still teaches in Queens, but I have not gotten a response yet. Anyone else have any leads for me?
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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:54 am

Re: Chen-Style Taiji Classes in Queens, NY?

Postby nicklinjm on Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:04 pm

Not sure whether he is based in Queens, but isn't Chen Xiaowang's disciple Ren Guangyi teaching in NY?

Also if you are interested in new frame (xinjia) Chen style, Ma Hong's disciple Yu Guoshun teaches in NY as well - think he has a Facebook group ("Yu Guoshun Tai chi Kungfu Fitness Center").
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