Taijiquan/tuishou in Harbin

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Taijiquan/tuishou in Harbin

Postby snorri on Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:27 pm

I will be moving to Harbin in Heilongjiang province later this year for a job and was wondering if anyone knew of any taijiquan practitioners there. I am not really looking for a teacher, although of course I'm always open to pointers and fundamentals instruction, but I'm more interested in finding people to practice push hands with. I currently practice the Shanghai lineage of Wu style (Ma Yueliang's lineage) and find it quite suited to my body structure, so I'm not really seeking out tutelage in other forms and whatnot. I'm just addicted to push hands and don't want to get there and have no one to play with. If anyone knows of any English speaking players that would be really brilliant, but language isn't a major obstacle. I'm sure I can find people once I get there, but Chinese cities are pretty big so it would be nice to have some leads ahead of time.
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Re: Taijiquan/tuishou in Harbin

Postby nicklinjm on Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:12 am

I know you're not looking for a teacher, but will just throw out some teacher's names for you to follow up on.

From Wu style, think would be interesting for you to see if you could get in touch with Zhan Bo (战波) or his students, they practice Northern Wu style coming down from a student of Wang Maozhai called Xiu Pixun, apparently has very good push hands skill and can also use it in sanshou.

From Sun style there is a teacher called Qu Xingtai (曲兴泰), he is a grand-student of the famous Li Yulin through Zhang Jixiu (张继修), is said to have good push hands skills. \

For competitive push hands, there is a Chen style teacher called Zhang Baozhong (张保忠) who was Henan province push hands champion from 1992-1996, might be worth checking out.

Hope that helps!
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