Best teacher(s) in Changzhou? Shanghai then?

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Best teacher(s) in Changzhou? Shanghai then?

Postby Djimbe on Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:37 pm

Just as the title says... Im more of an "Its the Teacher not the Style" kind of guy, so Im looking for someone that makes people who can really "go". I dont care if its XY/Bagua/TJ/Shuaijiao... whatever is clever. Ill also take references in Shanghai as a backup as its only an hour away or so.
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Re: Best teacher(s) in Changzhou? Shanghai then?

Postby nicklinjm on Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:40 am

Haven't been to Changzhou, but from a cursory search online it seems like there is quite a lot of mediocre Chen style (most of which seems to be form practice only), which I'm guessing is not what you're interested in.

If I was in Changzhou the people I would be checking out would be:

1) Liu Guoqin (刘国勤), who teaches xingyiquan (Li Cunyi -> Shi Peiwen) and baguazhang (Zhan Zhankui -> Wang Boxun), but has also exchanged with several Sun style people here in South China

2) Chen Zhiming (陈志明): teaches Zhaobao taiji (He style from He Youlu / He Dingqian), should have quite good tuishou / qinna skills.

3) Students of Tian Yurong (田毓荣): Tian Yurong was a Shuai Jiao master who learnt his Shuai Jiao at the famous Shan Pu Ying in Beijing and then came south, teaching many good shuai jiao athletes in Shanghai, then retired to Changzhou. Supposed to have taught at least 100 people in Changzhou, should be able to find some of his students if you look hard enough.

PM me if you want contact info on any of the people above.
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