Online Buddhist meditation lecture- sun. oct 5 12pm est

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Online Buddhist meditation lecture- sun. oct 5 12pm est

Postby neijia_boxer on Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:45 pm

my buddhist teacher is having a free teaching on internet on sunday- meditation practice


On Sunday, Oct. 5, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will give his first
live Internet teaching of 2008. Please join us from your home
computer at 12 noon Eastern Time U.S. for this special 1 1/2-hour

The Sherab Chamma Practice

During his Oct. 5 broadcast Rinpoche will teach and guide the
practice of Sherap Chamma.

The teachings of Sherap Chamma ('Wisdom Loving Mother') comprise one
of the most important tantric cycles of the Bon Buddhist tradition of
Tibet. In many cultures the primordial female energy is seen as the
origin of existence and the source of wisdom, love and compassion.
The ancient Bon Buddhist tradition offers a method for retrieving and
deeply connecting with this divine feminine energy, bringing the
potential for profound healing at all levels of experience —
physical, energetic, psychological and spiritual.

This teaching is open to newcomers as well as experienced students.
As always, Rinpoche presents the ancient Bon teachings in a way that
is fresh and relevant to modern daily life.

This is the first of four Internet teachings to be offered by
Rinpoche in 2008 and 2009. For advance notification of future
Internet broadcasts, you may subscribe to Voice of Clear Light, a
free e-newsletter of Ligmincha Institute. Visit: ... light.html

If you would like to learn more about the Sherap Chamma practice, a
variety of support materials are available for purchase from
Ligmincha Institute's Bookstore and Tibet shop. Visit: ... of-sherab-

Instructions for Participating

To participate in the live Internet teachings with Tenzin Wangyal
Rinpoche, for best results you will need a PC with speaker or
headphones (broadcast is not Macintosh accessible.) A microphone is

So you won't miss any of Rinpoche's teaching, we recommend you visit
the broadcast site at least 15 minutes beforehand to download the
required plug-in and test out your connection.

To download the required plug-in and enter the broadcast site, visit: ... ningl.html . When
entering the broadcast site, the password is: meditate


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