Safety Concepts - Castle Rock, CO - Sept 14-15

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Safety Concepts - Castle Rock, CO - Sept 14-15

Postby Bhassler on Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:53 pm

Safety Concepts will be presenting their flagship course CRIME, CONFLICT, AND INTERROGATION in Castle Rock, CO on Sept 14 &15, 2019.
The Safety Concepts team consists of Marc MacYoung, Jenna Meek, and Dan LoGrasso.
Read about the team here:
Link to the course on their website:

If you have to use force to defend yourself someone is going to be unhappy with that choice. The legal system will demand you fully explain yourself. If you use a weapon everything you said and did will be mercilessly scrutinized to find fault with your actions.

It’s not enough to simply say it was self-defense. There has to be more behind what you did than fear or your imagination. You need to have been in real and immediate danger, but later you will also have to be able to explain how you knew that:

  • the situation was dangerous
  • force was necessary
  • you used the appropriate response for the level of the threat

If you can’t do that, you’re going to prison. We’re here to help keep that from happening to you.

While Crime, Conflict, and Interrogation will teach you how crime happens, we also address likely scenarios, which include the fact most violence is between people who know each other. We address the actuality that some types of conflict are more prevalent than you think, and the common mistakes that lead to physical violence. These same mistakes also will destroy your self-defense claim.

Even if you didn’t make any mistakes if you are the victor in a self-defense situation, you will be treated as the ‘bad guy.’ Mistakes in your actions will be implied during questioning as the authorities try to assign blame. It’s imperative you can articulate you didn’t make these alleged errors because you knew long before the situation not to take specific actions.

This actually is a life skills class aimed toward keeping you safe long before you ever are involved in a physical altercation. This class is for shooters, martial artists, and anyone who has any type of self-defense training. Even more importantly—it’s for your loved ones who refuse to have weapons as part of their self-defense plans. They’ll learn to recognize and avoid developing crime as the trap is set. With this knowledge, they will have more time to keep out of most dangerous situations.

Crime, Conflict, and Interrogation will serve to complement your existing knowledge. Yes, physical skills are important. But there is more to staying safe and out of prison for defending yourself.


Castle Rock Crime, Conflict, & Interrogation Class
September 14-15, 2019 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Castle Rock, Colorado

Price includes breakfast and lunch both days.

Seats are limited! Register early!

Questions? Contact us: 303-900-8567 | [email protected]
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