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Dan Harden - The Netherlands, october 26-27

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:18 am
by Ernesto
We are pleased to announce Dan Harden will be conducting yet another seminar on Internal Power and Aiki Training in the Netherlands on October 26-27 in the city of Zwolle. Notwithstanding the growing interest in Dan’s teachings, there is only room for a limited number of people in the dojo.

Spots tend to fill up rather quickly, so if you are interested in reserving a spot, please send an email to [email protected] I will send out application forms on a first come first serve basis until reaching the target number.

Seminar fee is $180.00 for the entire workshop, or $100.00 per day for single day attendance.
Training schedule:
Saturday 10-1 lunch 2:30 -6pm
Sunday 10-1 lunch 2:30 -6pm

For more info content wise visit Dan’s website at
We hope to see you there and turn this into yet another successful event!
Best regards,
