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Neigong / Internal Power "Peng Jin" Seminar Frankfurt

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:06 am
by Bugang
Save the Date:
April, 5.-7.2019,

Advanced Seminar, strictly centered around maximizing your (Taijiquan-)Peng-Jin Energy.
Frankfurt / Germany (Frankfurt has a very good traffic connection)

SIFU H. Won Gim, 2nd Disciple of Chu, Gin Soon SIGONG, 2nd Disciple of Yang, Sauchung TAI SIGONG teaches the key to all martial aspects of Taijiquan: PengJin, developed by one-to-one teacher-student training of Push Hand (Tui Sau) and Striking Energy Push Hand (Ta Sau).
Mainly for experienced Practicioners (about 10+ years of Taijiquan [any Style] or other M.A.)

Register quick! SIFU Gim teaches each student individually; so the Workshop is open only to a small group - limited to maximum 15 participants. First come first served.

Enquiries to: [email protected]

Re: Neigong / Internal Power "Peng Jin" Seminar Frankfurt

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:57 am
by Bugang ... =3&theater

Leider schon zuende ist das Seminar mit H Won Gim. Sifu Gim war gut aufgelegt und hat in Stefan Freys wunderschönem Tao-Zentrum am Samstag Abend eine Stunde länger unterrichtet als geplant. Teilnehmer aus 4 Ländern, mit Tai Chi bzw Kampfkunst-Erfahrung zwischen 10 und 35 Jahren in verschiedenen Stilen wurden - jeder auf seinem individuellen Level - von Sifu Gim in fast allen Kerngebieten des Yang-Tai Chi-Curriculums unterrichtet: Handform, Säbel, Schwert, Tui Sau, Ta Sau, Schnelle Form, Drills, Neigong - lediglich um den Speer zu üben war zu wenig Platz. Tagsüber hartes Training bei guter Stimmung und dann ein genussreicher Feierabend; Ein rundum gelungenes Seminar, auch für die "Neuen".- Wir sind gespannt auf das nächste!

Google translate:
Unfortunately, the seminar is already over with H Won Gim. Sifu Gim was in a good mood and taught one hour longer than planned on Saturday night. Participants from 4 countries, with tai chi or martial arts experience between 10 and 35 years in different styles were taught by Sifu Gim in almost all core areas of the yang-tai chi curriculum - each on their own individual level: hand form, saber, sword, Tui Sau, Ta Sau, Fast Form, Drills, Neigong - just to practice the spear was not enough space. During the day hard training in a good mood and then a pleasurable after work; An all-round successful seminar, even for the "new" .- We are looking forward to the next!