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Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:48 pm
by CaliG

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:28 am
by ilove_thistuff
Went there for a short time then i moved....zhong luo is an awsome teacher, real nice guy...and the school is really tough but yes these folks know how to fight. Internal power...yes, external power...yes....what you get out of it depends on what you want to focus on and he's good because he likes to train with folks all the time instead of letting others do the work for him. His belief is that kung fu was allways Mixed and evolving and now has his guys going to local mma places. I think he's great for the kung fu community especially since everybody thinks kung fu is crap on youtube. You'll all see them say do muah thai or bjj kung fu sucks ass!

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:44 am
by I am...
I have fought with some of his guys in the past, they were pretty tough guys, came in aggressive. That is more I can say for most Chinese schools unfortunately :(

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:23 pm
by JAB
Bare knuckle fighting is silly and un-needed. Otherwise looks tight. Do they do BJJ or something to supplement their stand up? I saw some ground stuff there.
Jake -sumo-

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:57 pm
by TaoJoannes
Bare knuckle fighting is far more practical than gloved fighting, in my opinion. More realistic for what you'd expect in a self-defense situation.

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:26 am
by JAB
Also more dangerous, and not needed. If you break your hand on my head, or split open my face then both of us are out of training for some time. Wated time, for really no good reason. If you want "reality" that is that "real" just go fight.
Stupid. You don't see pro fighters fighting without protection do you?
Jake -box-

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:45 am
by DeusTrismegistus
When I spar without gloves I tend to naturally use more open hand strikes than closed fist. Our regular gloves are really thin which helps prevent serious injuries while keeping most of the realism of bare knuckles. I think its a happy medium. I also agree that getting hurt training isn't worth it, which is why when sparring with a lot of contact it is important for everyone to be in complete control of what they are doing.

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:31 am
by JAB
If you are using open palm strikes then it cannot hurt anything by wearing glovs. Complete control is not something to rely on. Gloves should always be worn if there is any contact. But to each their own.
Jake -saber-

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:36 am
by CaliG
JAB wrote:Bare knuckle fighting is silly and un-needed. Otherwise looks tight. Do they do BJJ or something to supplement their stand up? I saw some ground stuff there.
Jake -sumo-

I'm told that their ground fighting comes from one of the Chinese styles they do.

I could be wrong but that's the word in the bay area.

Omar, any help?

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:38 am
by JAB
BS No Chinese styles have any ground fighting. I cannot tell how extensive it is because all the clips on the site are very short and fast, not showing anything more than 1-2 seconds of ground work.
I contacted them awhile back re: their claim of doing Mongolian wrestling, but they did not elaborate, just tried to see me their DVD's.
Jake -joint-

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:44 am
by strawdog
Bare knuckle fighting is where it's at. I like this kind of sparring. It's better preparation for a real world use of fighting skills.

Gloves are cool if you're boxing, but bare knuckle is realistic. You can't just throw punches to my head with impunity when you fight bare knuckle. When you wear the light mma gloves your fingers are also a bit spread out. You can't slap as well and your fingers get tweaked easier.

Pro-fighters rely on their hands to make a living. In the combat sport they participate in jabs and punches to the head are common practice. They wrap their hands as to minimize the chance of the hand being broken from a punch to the head. Even with gloves and wraps boxers still break their hands. People get knocked out and cut all the time when punching with gloves. So what's the difference?

In sparring, people with gloves often punch a lot harder that without gloves. Why? Because they feel protected. When you go bare knuckle in sparring people are a lot more careful, IME.

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:02 pm
by I am...
strawdog wrote:Bare knuckle fighting is where it's at. I like this kind of sparring. It's better preparation for a real world use of fighting skills.

Gloves are cool if you're boxing, but bare knuckle is realistic. You can't just throw punches to my head with impunity when you fight bare knuckle. When you wear the light mma gloves your fingers are also a bit spread out. You can't slap as well and your fingers get tweaked easier.

Pro-fighters rely on their hands to make a living. In the combat sport they participate in jabs and punches to the head are common practice. They wrap their hands as to minimize the chance of the hand being broken from a punch to the head. Even with gloves and wraps boxers still break their hands. People get knocked out and cut all the time when punching with gloves. So what's the difference?

In sparring, people with gloves often punch a lot harder that without gloves. Why? Because they feel protected. When you go bare knuckle in sparring people are a lot more careful, IME.

I agree. There is a place for both in the way I train, but gloves also encourage you to use a fist "hand-shape" and in Hung, the regular fist is not the majority of our striking method. I tend to work with people so that they spar and drill without protection most of the time, and then work bags with and without gloves to develop their power, along with supplemental equipment training like SC uses. Learning how to hit the body without gloves on is an art in and of itself.

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:05 pm
by strawdog
Learning how to hit the body without gloves on is an art in and of itself.

I agree. It's so easy to mess your hands hitting the wrong way.

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:50 pm
by DeusTrismegistus
strawdog wrote:
Learning how to hit the body without gloves on is an art in and of itself.

I agree. It's so easy to mess your hands hitting the wrong way.

Thats why I do 90% of my bag work at home w/o gloves. Once you get used to small gloves or no gloves its hard to put on the giant bulky boxing gloves, they make your hands feel so awkward.

Re: Sifu Zhong Luo's School - White Eye Brow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:26 pm
by strawdog
I do 50/50 of my bag work with and without gloves. Hitting a body is different from a bag. There are bones and weird angles that can mess you up.