Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

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Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby dtactics on Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:08 pm

It's gotta hurt to lose with your own rules. So much for all that lop sao training:

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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby Areios on Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:53 am

yeah, that show is very informative in many ways.
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby GrahamB on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:04 am

Yeah - stop winning - you're doing it wrong! ;D
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby Ian on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:17 am

that was a laugh out loud clip for me ;D

seeing those guys getting pummeled in the head.. haha

if you don't have internal power, what is the point of doing wing chun?


Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby mrtoes on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:35 am

Lost on "style" when he spent the whole time smacking the other guy in the head? ???
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby GrahamB on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:38 am

Interesting to relate it back to the natural posture thread. Those WC guys are very 'vertical' all the time, and that has it's own problems. In contrast it's a lot harder to land a punch on the boxer guys who are dipping their heads. They seem to put their head down and flail away, so it's less accurate, but there is definitely less target area to hit when they do that.

It's a funny old game this fighting thing.
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby middleway on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:51 am

hahah ... bad ass! :D

good points G ... how does the obviously useful skill of bob and weave relate to maintenance of extended spine...

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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby mrtoes on Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:53 am

You can be mainly vertical whilst dipping the chin to protect the head, move to avoid incoming strikes rather than standing and chain punching, and keeping your hands up if you need the high guard. Perhaps that wasn't part the ruleset? Frankly though, they just seemed out muscled.

Hey I like this armchair commentary thing! It's much easier than training ;D

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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby middleway on Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:03 am

Hey I like this armchair commentary thing! It's much easier than training

Agreed! maybe a new style of Virtual Fu could be an option! that training stuff is too hard work! ;)

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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby cloudz on Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:54 am

how does the obviously useful skill of bob and weave relate to maintenance of extended spine...

depends what you mean by it I guess (extended) - I would venture that you can use more bend at knees and bend at the hips rather than bend the spine. If you mean maintaining the up and down force in the spine then that's no problem, I think you can maintain straightness if not necessarily verticality.. verticality?
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby middleway on Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:26 am

depends what you mean by it I guess (extended) - I would venture that you can use more bend at knees and bend at the hips rather than bend the spine. If you mean maintaining the up and down force in the spine then that's no problem, I think you can maintain straightness if not necessarily verticality.. verticality?

Agreed. I also think that the spine should be soft, flexible and able to undulate and wave as needed, so in that respect bending the spine is not an issue. the spine can bend to bob or weave, but still be open or extended IMO. It is simply that the extending up and down force is moving along a curve rather than a line. I guess like you see in Dai style squatting monkey postures etc.

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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby Andy_S on Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:31 am

Won the fight, lost the "style."

WC people really need to close immediately, as boxing punches have more range and, with more leg-body torque, more power. Moreover, boxing is generally more mobile in both footwork and bobbing terms. Unless the WC man gets in and bridges immediately to the point where he can dominate the centerline, chances are, things will go against him.

One of my old sparring partners in London was big into WC and Arnis, but in the UK had been doing much more Arnis, which included a boxing component. He was telling me how when one of his seniors came over from the Continent and they did WC, the guy slapped him around big time. When they sparred, and my boy started using more footwork, bobbing and weaving and jab-cross-hook, things evened out immediately.
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby GrahamB on Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:39 am

Was there any trapping going on in that vid?
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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby amanmtl on Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:31 am

Was there any Wing Chun going on???

I only saw 4 idiots punching forward without thinking ... they should have done it without the head gear

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Re: Jimmy & Doug vs. Wing Chun

Postby DuncanUS on Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:34 am

This was a really interesting TV series, and most of it is up on YouTube. Jimmy and Doug kick ass against most of the arts they come up against when it comes to the actual sparring... which ought to tell us a lot about how most MAs are trained these days.

The WC didn't look too good to me (and anything from Leung Ting's line in Hong Kong is kinda screwed up), but really... if these two guys came to your club/kwoon/training hall and spent a few weeks learning Xingyi, Bagua, Taiji with you... and then sparred with you... what would the result be?


They're both fit and trained, they resort to what they know when the chips are down... and they kick butt. They'd kick your butt too. Maybe your teacher's as well :o

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