triggers for flow state

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triggers for flow state

Postby everything on Thu May 12, 2022 7:37 pm

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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby origami_itto on Mon May 16, 2022 2:16 am

This is actually some really good stuff that is extremely helpful for me right now. Thank you.
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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby everything on Mon May 16, 2022 5:48 pm

it's fascinating as well as useful isn't it?

for me, taiji/qigong/meditation is "the way" to try to have the flow state faster and proportionately more of the time. because meditation puts the brain in the right waves and lets the "observer" self-regulate. qi flow feeling is like a "hack", it seems, to make that easier still.

but from the research, there are many other ways/triggers that also fit different personalities, activities, more.

also, "group flow state" .... like for sports teams or work teams or other groups ... has more variables.
Last edited by everything on Mon May 16, 2022 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby yeniseri on Mon May 16, 2022 9:01 pm

The Hungarian Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi originated an excellent piece on "Flow" and elements on how it can/may be experienced within the activity that generates it i.e. one personal path and how joy, bliss can be central to that experience. More than just physical enjoyment but a unity of frequency, energy and vibration with union of bod, spirit and mind ;D
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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby everything on Tue May 17, 2022 10:08 am

He is one of the researchers that Kotler cites, I believe.

It seems the knowledge is flowering rapidly.

I would claim MA folks know some (much?) of it…
…but likely not for “group flow”
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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby yeniseri on Tue May 17, 2022 10:26 am

everything wrote:…but likely not for “group flow”

It is quite the opposite for some qigong methods where the concept of "qi field" is part and parcel of "group practice". It may be not well known but the beenfit is for all.
By this I mean that e.g. you have 10 people who are in this "qi field" and they have varied and unique ways for doing the same practice but in this group practice the one with the less duration and frequency (of practice) get to "accumulate some benefits that strengthens his/her 'energy profile" and hence "experience" a "jump start" that invigorates their own understanding and vibration for wellbeing.

MMe Yang Meijun in her Dayan Qigong Method understood this concept as part of her qigong support groups and the recently modern descriptive of Hunyuan methodology, where group energy is multiplied by alll members being of the same mind, method and discipline!
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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby everything on Tue May 17, 2022 10:30 am

That sounds cool to me

But maybe not as doable for my work team or sports teams
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Re: triggers for flow state

Postby Quigga on Sat May 21, 2022 1:53 am

Reading this could be a trigger for some :P


Can't always think of everything, especially not at the same time. Tried it, made me go crazy.

Belief is formed by experience. Experiences reinforce beliefs. So believing in energy is like asking: do you believe in water being wet? At least in my world view it's like that.

Energy work without chakras - ok, look deeper inside of yourself
Types of energy - how many types of flavor, sound, touch, smell, impressions are there? a hierarchy of energy ranging from split up / highly differentiated to more unified instances / operating units could be said to exist

Two types of qi / Hermetic elements - when mixing systems, you need to know what you're doing or else you get stuck inside an unproductive loop

You using neither - what DO you use?

Drawing in external energy - depends on what, how, when. and on the practitioner themselves. for example, drawing energy from dirty water or graveyards or garbage dumps is not recommended. neither is delibaretely overcharging yourself with healthy energy unless you know what you're doing as you might just blow a fuse or two.

Internal being hurt by drawing form external - stop breathing and see how long that goes well :D... it's possible to hurt yourself, like with almsot everything else there is. or going outside during a thunderstorm to cultivate that... lots of potentially dumb shit to do. be smart about it. and one of my core beliefs is that you should use inside/outside to help mutually nurture each other. a symbiotic relationship with your close environment.

Channeling properly - yes, absolutely required for working with energy safely. also there are conflicting views about keeping some energy in the body after practice versus purging it out completely afterwards. it strongly depends on your current state and what type of energy one is working with. some should be urgently expelled like fiery Mars energy, some can be handled more safely - yet with respect.

Having different beliefs - yes!

How energy effected me - depends on me and the energy

How my mind was changed - realizing that I'm part of something greater, feeling it on an emotional level. just feeling connected to nature when i'm standing in the forest and nurturing that feeling. gratitude. lots of disillusionment.
Karma - the very basic fabric of reality on a spiritual level imo. a fabric woven so thin, long, smooth, strong that it connects us all. it penetrates body, emotion/mind and spirit. sort of like standing in a pool of water - if i stand in the centre and move towards the left for example, all movement is harmonously dissipated throughout the liquid. no force exerted is left unchanged so to say. it can even reach the corners of the pool and make it splash. i hope that's a useful explanation

How it made my life easier - well first it made it a lot harder because I was dumb, lol. Keeping the previous metaphor about standing in a pool of water in mind - the less I violently jerk around in it, wasting my energy via uncoordinated movement, causing unforeseen consequences because of my inadequacies - the less agitation occurs. And since I'm still in there, all that moving around would effect me too eventually as the force dissipated / dissolved evenly across the "body". So, better to skillfully keep to one's center and not make unnecessary movement.

Interaction between people with energy / witthout it: Yes, it's possible to stand in front of a person, talk to them, even move with them (martial arts) without their energy gaining a single entry point in towards you. Now this starts messing with the modulation of communication between people - it's easy to just shut yourself off completly from the world like that. That would be dumb.
Think about all the kinds of different qualities and "contents" you can put into:
a stare, a spoken word, an expression

Every person alive flows some energy, knowingly or not. It's the basic requirement of being alive. How that energy flows - especially in ways that are not conscious to us from the start - depends on what beliefs were formed during the lifetime and on where my intention is pointing towards, what goals I pursue.

The channels that construct themselves when two energetic fields come in contact can be perceived easier after some practice and then modulated. Karma applies always! Always!
Keeping your business to yourself - could be a way of picturing keeping energy close to your skin. But then be careful to not touch people with energy and to inject it without wise consideration.

The "untouched lotus rising in purity from the mud" woud be another common picture in spiritual circles. That's a very, very high goal to achieve though when taken seriously. Very high. But possible if one knows how to ration their food during a journey.


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Last edited by Quigga on Sat May 21, 2022 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: triggers for flow state

Postby everything on Tue May 24, 2022 7:05 am

Interesting long essay, thanks.
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