Feng Shui

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Re: Feng Shui

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:59 pm

Bao wrote:The people who are the real deal in Feng Shui have a great deal of knowledge, psychology especially. They know how people react to color, smell, different types of spaces etc, etc, etc. They can help shop owners with getting more people to enter their stores and get them to consume more. Mostly it’s about small, simple and most commonsensical things as placing a light at the right spot or placing shelves in a way they get most exposure as possible. As always, people have a hard time to understand simple and commonsensical things, they just won’t take those things seriously. But if you speak about qi and how to you qi flow to create luck and fortune, people will listen carefully to everything. So Feng Shui is more or less just common sense in an extraordinary well thought package.

There’s some building complex in Sweden called “dragon gate”? that a wealthy Chinese buissnessman planed and set up. According to Feng Shui principles the location is perfect to build a business on so the Chinese guy built his bussiness there, but seemingly the Swedish bureaucracy is a tough adversary for the good wind of Feng Shui, the dragon gate business never came in operation?


Re: Feng Shui

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:28 pm

windwalker wrote:
Trick wrote:The more visible Feng Shui(for us with untrained Feng shui eyes) objects that are a nice touch in our surroundings are the two lions, elephants or dragon creatures sush as the pixiu standing at the gate of banks or other corporations, big aquariums with colorful carps and the zig-zagged bridges in parks

A friend of mine helped to translate a book written by a feng shui master...in SF long ago.
He read my friends chart and told him things would be good....When he did mine he just said
that I would have some very hard times and things would get better in the end....

In each case he was right,,,I suppose sometimes its better not to know. and just go though it..
I asked him about this he said " one can not change it, only mitigate it" its fate....

makes one think....

Horoscopes both “western” and Chinese I sometimes like to read up on. Taurus in one and horse in the other, each on their own the tell fairly positive stuff, but i came along one reading that was a mix of them and that told mainly negative.but I’ve no fear I wear an Pixiu around my wrist and a Lingzhi round my neck, I’m protected 8-) ....A story about the founder of the Uechi Ryu Karate style, that he was foretold by a “reader” about his death. He got ill and bedridden long before the “set” time for his passing, he suddenly stood up from his bed and yelled while taking the Sanchin stance that it was not yet his time....and there he dropped


Re: Feng Shui

Postby Bao on Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:10 pm

Trick wrote:There’s some building complex in Sweden called “dragon gate”? that a wealthy Chinese buissnessman planed and set up. According to Feng Shui principles the location is perfect to build a business on so the Chinese guy built his bussiness there, but seemingly the Swedish bureaucracy is a tough adversary for the good wind of Feng Shui, the dragon gate business never came in operation?

Yeah, they planned a big complex, but it never got finished. About 15 years from start to closing. They had two official openings. But no one visited it and it was never really finished. It had restaurants, a museum and 200 Terracotta soldier copies. They planned a Buddhist temple and a wushu school as well. The hotel never opened. Li Jingchun didn’t want to follow Swedish laws and regulations. He hired Chinese builders, gave them almost no pay and when they built they used weak bamboo scaffolding. So the construction dragged. The hotel was never cleared from the authorities. You just don’t get away doing a lousy shit work here.

Feng Shui doesn’t help with marketing, branding or help you fix a shitty attitude. He wanted everything cheap from the start so he found a cheap place no one wanted, starting from a former hotel that went bankrupt. This place is way off and you need to have your own car to get there in the first place (not everyone has their own car here). Why would a Swede want to go there? Also they did absolutely no marketing. I never visited it and I hardly know where it is. Just right now I looked up what was finished or not. Didn’t have a clue. So if someone with a genuine interest in China hardly know what’s going on there and don’t know how to get there, who will visit it? About zero. :-\
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Re: Feng Shui

Postby Trick on Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:50 am

Read somewhere sometime ago that Swedish(government?) had/have in mind contracting Chinese railway builders/developers to modernize that infrastructure. Could actually be an idea. I often travel by train here in China and so far it works perfectly, quick and always on time. Not as in Sweden last year when I was back visiting, delays up to two hours each of the four times I traveled by train there...Maybe the Chinese tracks are built on some Feng Shui lay lines :) ...but maybe there are no such lines I Sweden(thinking about the Chinese guy and his missfortunated business plan)


Re: Feng Shui

Postby Trick on Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:05 am

Bao wrote:
Trick wrote:
Feng Shui doesn’t help with marketing, branding or help you fix a shitty attitude. He wanted everything cheap from the start so he found a cheap place no one wanted, starting from a former hotel that went bankrupt. This place is way off and you need to have your own car to get there in the first place (not everyone has their own car here). Why would a Swede want to go there? Also they did absolutely no marketing. I never visited it and I hardly know where it is. Just right now I looked up what was finished or not. Didn’t have a clue. So if someone with a genuine interest in China hardly know what’s going on there and don’t know how to get there, who will visit it? About zero. :-\

Yes I agree about the marketing and branding. I’ve seen many businesses here in China in the neighborhoods i lived in that come and go. Newly opened restaurants with fashionable exterior and interior decorations closing down after just a year. In many cases I think “ that business will be closed within a year” just because their location is just off. And advertising of their businesses I never see anywhere...I guess many think - here so many people so “advertisement” easily goes from mouth to mouth....Big dreams but often no plan, and probably also no professional Feng Shui magician hired :)


Re: Feng Shui

Postby Doc Stier on Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:02 am

Feng Shui in its earliest and most basic form, as the meaning of the term indicates, deals with the direction in which Wind (Feng) blows and the direction in which Water (Shui) flows across natural landscapes or around buildings and other man-made structures. The use of this information was perceived to be of practical value in choosing building sites in order to optimize cross ventilation and air movement in homes or buildings when no artificial temperature control like modern air conditioning existed, and in order to insure the best drainage and water flow around buildings to prevent the collection of stagnant standing water and thus resultant flooding following heavy rainfalls.

The more modern schools of Feng Shui, which assign a wide variety of supposed energetic correlations to each of the eight primary compass directions and how these alleged energetic associations affect virtually every aspect of human life, as well as all interpersonal relationships with other people, oftentimes seem to be more than a bit of a stretch to realistic credibility and practical usefulness, imo. :-\
Last edited by Doc Stier on Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:44 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Feng Shui

Postby Trick on Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:35 pm

As how the wind blow and the water flow most cities, towns and villages around the globe where built with this in mind( I would guess) -common sense, as mentioned earlier in the thread. The directions of the compass is also(kind of)used by people around the world. Want to open a coffee shop for example, choose the sunny side of the street/block/building, south/south-west is best. Big businesses that fills a whole building, hotels for example, best with main entrance to the south or west. Build a house, place the living room and dining room to the south, kitchen preferably to the north, and the garden of course not northward. Now this don’t really follow the compass in the sense of the earths magnetic field, but more how the sun shines on us. Also traditionally churches where built with the altar side to the east and entrance to the west, but this follows religious beliefs that correlate with the suns rising and setting.


Re: Feng Shui

Postby Giles on Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:02 am

Doc Stier wrote:Feng Shui in its earliest and most basic form, as the meaning of the term indicates, deals with the direction in which Wind (Feng) blows and the direction in which Water (Shui) flows across natural landscapes or around buildings and other man-made structures. The use of this information was perceived to be of practical value in choosing building sites in order to optimize cross ventilation and air movement in homes or buildings when no artificial temperature control like modern air conditioning existed, and in order to insure the best drainage and water flow around buildings to prevent the collection of stagnant standing water and thus resultant flooding following heavy rainfalls.

Ah, that makes sense. Reminds me of the town of Korcula in Croatia, which I have visited a few times. Built in the 14th and 15th centuries (I think), it has:
"Twenty-six streets made of stone built throughout this beautiful town in the shape of a fish bone. They overlap with the main street which runs from the southern part all the way to the northern part of the town, dividing it in two equal halves. The streets to the east have been curved around the town and for a good reason too. During the winter months they protect the town from constant torture of the cold Bura wind and the rainy Jugo. On the other side, the streets to the west are straight and freely allow the refreshing western Maestral breeze to flow through them, in which process cooling the town during the hot summer months. This natural and oldest air-conditioning system still makes the life of Korčula townspeople more endurable and enjoyable in the summer."

I'm sure there are many such towns built on similar principles.

Last edited by Giles on Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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