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Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:30 am
by Trick
jimmy wrote:[


. It would help them to avoid making such mistakes and might also teach them that any old youtube video is not a credible source.
I think it’s the future of academic learning -online universities. Even AI professors will come around I’ll guess, eventually when transhumanism becomes the norm we will all be as multi knowing professors, Brain plug in-down load, that’s it...

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:16 am
by Taste of Death
Overlord wrote:You can appreciate studying ethic/moral or African noveil at your own leisure, and course like this can boost one's ideals and horizones. But like all hobbies, there are not necessity.
But you cannot be an engineers or medical physicians without any study, and the occupations that are necessity.

According to your logic, we should all quit the martial arts and get guns. I'm sure President Trump would agree with you. He doesn't read either.

I see from the Steven Seagal thread that you are a big fan of his. Now, try to defend that using science.

Overlord wrote:Love this guy samurai spirit.

President Lee was a kendoka.

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:44 am
by Steve James
But like all hobbies, there are not necessity.
But you cannot be an engineers or medical physicians without any study, and the occupations that are necessity.

It's interesting to propose that ethics and morality are unnecessary because they are hobbies. Though I suppose it's the study of those things that are unnecessary. However, I'd argue that ethics and morality have to be taught; they aren't innate; and, they exist primarily because humans fail to act ethically and morally.

Iow, there are no Commandments (for ex) against things people didn't do. (It could be argued that the societies with the most rules/laws have the most criminals because those societies are the most criminal). God gave the Ten Commandments because the people were sinful. (And, that's why Moses "threw the book" at them). :) The point is that the people must be taught right and wrong.

Anyway, about engineers, it's true they need to study; but nobody went to school to build the pyramids or the Temple of Solomon. Architecture and engineering are practical vocations. They were taught father to son or master to apprentice. It wasn't about finding a school. It was a matter of being accepted as a student. And, in my experience, most skills are learned on the job. There are carpentry schools, but you learn when you've actually done the work.

Einstein also said;

"After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are always artists as well."

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:39 pm
by jimmy
? wrote:
! wrote:
Steve James wrote:I'd argue that ethics and morality have to be taught; they aren't innate

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:21 pm
by Trick
.Einstein also said;

After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are always artists as well.
he was probably patting his violinist back......wishing he was greater in the field

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:37 am
by Trick
. According to your logic, we should all quit the martial arts and get guns.
. One of the greatest soldiers in history, Napoleon Bonaparte, upon hearing that the Okinawans carried no weapons, could only reply in astonishment. “No weapons?” “You mean they have no cannons?” he said. Two Englishmen, who had traveled with the fleet to China and then to Naha, the main city of Okinawa, told Napoleon about the Okinawans on a visit to Saint Helena in 1816. Napoleon could not believe that the Okinawans truly did not bear arms, and asked if they used spears or bows, or possibly knives and swords? When informed that the Okinawans carried no weapons of any kind, Napoleon exclaimed: “I can not understand a people not interested in war!”

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:47 pm
by jimmy

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:17 pm
by Overlord
You do understand when you claimed that Declaration of Independence is an illegal document, you are actually saying it’s a legal document.
As for morality and ethics unless we agree on the nature and belief of this document, there is really nothing to talk about.

If situation allows, I think gun is obviously more effective method of self defense.
But learning martial arts help when there is no weapon available.

Re: Jordon Peterson

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:41 am
by Overlord