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Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:53 pm
by origami_itto
I challenge you to find any aspect of civilization that doesn't ultimately come down to getting a woman and keeping her, well if not happy, at least unable to leave.

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:32 pm
by Steve James
Sure, but I never knew there were such a thing as an incel.

Yeah, marriage is an invention to keep women. Otoh, success has always been an aphrodisiac or a narcotic. Anyway, it's a competition -in the entire animal world. Males of our species do whatever they can to attract females. Other species of male animals don't blame the females if they're not successful. :)

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:51 pm
by everything
Florida Man can possibly just be big, strong, and dumb to pass on those genes, depending on the women he's trying to impress. Probably not the same ones a von Neumann would be interested in. There is probably a "Florida Woman" nobody ever talks about. Maybe she is a typical "Karen". We are really evolving, lol. The AI overlords will figure out what to do. Guess we're pretty fucked :P ;D

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:05 pm
by Steve James
:) Remember the old myth of the caveman knocking a woman over the head to drag her into his den? Ya know that, maybe coincidentally, the reason for a "best man" at a wedding was to help you stop anyone trying to snatch her. They called it "marriage by capture." Umm, it hasn't really gone away.

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:21 pm
by everything
ok maybe we haven't "degenerated', just haven't "evolved" as much we probably would like to believe.

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:21 pm
by Quigga
Why do people think it's ok to rule what other's life is about?

Anyway, life and everything anyone ever does is about getting ice cream and your next breath


and forgot a word lol

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:28 pm
by Quigga
Who doesn't like happy women?

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:55 pm
by everything
Someone is always “in charge”.

There is a king, a queen, whatnot. Hopefully democracy.

Decisions that affect many other humans. Other species. The planet.

After July 6, 1945, we could destroy most species all at once.

We could say we are already doing that slowly, though.

What you propose is not really possible.

For non homo sapiens, even less so.

If there is a robot overlord, who knows.

If you prefer The Matrix, so be it.

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:00 pm
by Quigga
Am I proposing something?

Are there people alive right now that aren't homo sapiens?

Is the robot overlord king or queen?

We already live in the matrix and I have no desire to change that. It's comfortable and cozy if you're on the right side. That side may change from time to time tho

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:01 pm
by Quigga
I don't care if the atomic bombs are dropping or if we kill the planet

Just here to enjoy the ride while it lasts

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:31 am
by everything
it's a fine philosophy. live and let live.

i was trying to answer your (political aspect of) question. somebody has to make traffic rules, for example. it's not "live and let live". people would be far too stupid for "anarchy" (I see it every day where I live, and good god, people are such bad drivers, stopping to let someone who doesn't have the right of way go first even though they cannot see if it's safe). this will hamper your "enjoyment of the ride". but ... you don't have to be interested in it. other humans will handle it.

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:05 am
by origami_itto
Quigga wrote:Who doesn't like happy women?

Mediocre men

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:36 am
by Quigga
Not a fan of politics - as you said, people will handle it and the rest of us are free to live our lives

But then you get stuff like Egypt where the young peeps failed to vote and then were angry that the old peep favored party got in power and they wanted new elections etc

Other than voting it's way too much of hassle to get involved, for me personally

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:14 am
by everything
Yup I am apathetic.

But in my old age, I feel I/we should get more involved.

We=whomever wants to be more thoughtful about it.

Re: "dragged into degeneracy"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:49 am
by origami_itto
The penalty for being uninvolved in politics is being lead by inferiors.