Some kind of "change"

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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby MikeC on Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:56 pm

So is this now the Obama bin Biden ticket?
Last edited by MikeC on Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Steve James on Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:53 pm

MikeC wrote:So is this now the Obama bin Biden ticket?

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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Michael on Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:15 pm

Buddy wrote:he is clean and articulate.



Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Muad'dib on Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:34 pm

Steven, try this one. It's freakier

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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Steve James on Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:48 pm

Yeah, it really makes ya want to laugh.
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Muad'dib on Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:07 pm

Actually, it kind of makes me wish I had more kids. Then I come to my senses, but I loved it when my kids were that age.
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby steelincotton on Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:20 pm

We all know there isn't any such thing as a perfect politician, and they ALL put the proverbial foot in their mouths sooner or later (dems and reps), but I gotta admit, Joe Biden is a breath of fresh air for me. The man speaks with conviction, passion, and solid experience, so I'm personally very happy with this decision to make him VP. After seeing his speech today, I was all fired up once again! Joe's gonna be the hatchet man for Obama, and like he said today, he's not about to stand by and put up with John McCain's swiftboating and outright dirty low-brow tactics. Biden's going to eat McCain alive!! Furthermore, if Romney becomes McLame's VP, Biden will eat him alive too! Think what you want guys, but Biden is no joke baby! He's brings it bigtime!!! ;)
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Muad'dib on Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:32 pm

This was a true damned if you do, damned if you don't thing. It's like how it came out that McCain's camp had two strategies for when Obama was abroad:

1. If he visited the troops, attack him for using them as a "photo-op" to boost his image.
2. If he didn't visit the troops, attack him for not supporting them.

Really, having that kind of mentality is just good politics on McCain's part, and I won't fault him for it. Obama has set himself to a higher standard, so it is easier to attack the image he has built up.
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby Leimeng on Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:41 pm

~ Well, the Dem-facist party screwed themselves royally again.
~ First they fielded a bunch of kook fringe neanderthals for their party's nomination. So unimpressive was the dem-facist field that they went and voted for the republican McCain.
~Then they narrowed it down to two of the most corrupt politicians in Washington history. One, who rode the coattails of her husband into office while never having a meaningful accomplishment in her entire life, had the lowest initial negative rating of her from her own party that it is easy to see how she is considered the most despised politician in American history. The second individual has NO accomplishments to speak of in his entire career. He has never excelled at anything really except for reading a telepromter. His radical associations and corruption are soo bad, that if he was to try to get an government job on his own, he would not be able to get a security clearance giving access to classified information.
~ When they finally did get Barry O' as their presumptive nominee, they started looking at his actual record and statements and realized they were screwed. Their only salvation was to find a running mate who would not make Barry O' look like the inexperienced, stalinist he is. With Biden they failed.
~ What is funny that both McCain and Barry O' are trying to move to the right to get elected.
~ McCain, while being center-left, at least is not the neophyte coward,facist that Barry O' is.
~ Either way, America is screwed.
~ Continue to discuss amongst yourselves...



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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby chud on Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:13 pm

Leimeng wrote:~The second individual has NO accomplishments to speak of in his entire career. He has never excelled at anything really except for reading a telepromter. His radical associations and corruption are soo bad, that if he was to try to get an government job on his own, he would not be able to get a security clearance giving access to classified information.
~ When they finally did get Barry O' as their presumptive nominee, they started looking at his actual record and statements and realized they were screwed. Their only salvation was to find a running mate who would not make Barry O' look like the inexperienced, stalinist he is.

I must agree. My in-laws are true blue democrats (hispanic) and they will not vote for Obama. My mother-in-law is a Hillary supporter, and has said flat out that she will NOT vote for Obama. My father-in-law liked Bill Clinton, Hillary not so much, but likes McCain because he has worked with Democrats, is a Vietnam Vet, former P.O.W., and thus has the "street cred" that that entails. Neither one will vote for Obama. Both seem to believe the "he's a muslim" bit that's going around. Both have said that they would be willing to vote for a black candidate, but just NOT Obama. I think Obama is doomed, no way middle America will turn out for him. McCain by default unless he says something stupid and screws himself.
Me, I am undecided, it will be McCain if he picks a decent running mate (NOT Mitt Romney) or I will vote Libertarian (strong possibility).
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby steelincotton on Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:16 pm

Speaking of facists, John McLame McCain has stepped right in line with them. He and his very good buddies like Wolfowitz, George Bush, Jack Abramoff, and Dick Cheney are so homo for each other it's sickening. McCain is nothing more than another Bush team lackey, and he did what he was told for the last eight years so he'd get his chance to run this year that little biatch!

The only problem now is, the double-talk express is too darn old and senile to really stand for anything of any substance anymore. It's time for grandpa McCain to tend to his garden and leave the business of politics and honest governing to decent moral adults like Obama and Biden. I mean really, if the man (McCain) couldn't even stand by his first wife when she became crippled, I certainly wouldn't expect an adulterer and a criminal like him to care about us little people. McCain's one and only agenda is to keep feeding and funnelling the cash to his super elite friends and campaign contributors. I can't wait for the Keating Five Scandal to come up in the debates. That'll show McCain for the douchebag he clearly is.
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby MikeC on Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:47 am

steelincotton wrote:The only problem now is, the double-talk express is too darn old and senile to really stand for anything of any substance anymore. It's time for grandpa McCain to tend to his garden and leave the business of politics and honest governing to decent moral adults like Obama and Biden. I mean really, if the man (McCain) couldn't even stand by his first wife when she became crippled, I certainly wouldn't expect an adulterer and a criminal like him to care about us little people. McCain's one and only agenda is to keep feeding and funnelling the cash to his super elite friends and campaign contributors. I can't wait for the Keating Five Scandal to come up in the debates. That'll show McCain for the douchebag he clearly is.

In February 1991, the Senate Ethics Committee found McCain and Glenn to be the least blameworthy of the five senators. (McCain and Glenn attended the meetings but did nothing else to influence the regulators.) McCain was guilty of nothing more than "poor judgment," the committee said, and declared his actions were not "improper nor attended with gross negligence." McCain considered the committee's judgment to be "full exoneration," and he contributed $112,000 (the amount raised for him by Keating) to the U.S. Treasury.

Yeah, if this doesn't stick we can always pull the old age routine again, eh steel?



Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby steelincotton on Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:34 pm

MikeC wrote:
steelincotton wrote:The only problem now is, the double-talk express is too darn old and senile to really stand for anything of any substance anymore. It's time for grandpa McCain to tend to his garden and leave the business of politics and honest governing to decent moral adults like Obama and Biden. I mean really, if the man (McCain) couldn't even stand by his first wife when she became crippled, I certainly wouldn't expect an adulterer and a criminal like him to care about us little people. McCain's one and only agenda is to keep feeding and funnelling the cash to his super elite friends and campaign contributors. I can't wait for the Keating Five Scandal to come up in the debates. That'll show McCain for the douchebag he clearly is.

In February 1991, the Senate Ethics Committee found McCain and Glenn to be the least blameworthy of the five senators. (McCain and Glenn attended the meetings but did nothing else to influence the regulators.) McCain was guilty of nothing more than "poor judgment," the committee said, and declared his actions were not "improper nor attended with gross negligence." McCain considered the committee's judgment to be "full exoneration," and he contributed $112,000 (the amount raised for him by Keating) to the U.S. Treasury.

Yeah, if this doesn't stick we can always pull the old age routine again, eh steel?


Yup that's right Mike, McCain got away with it (it's not his first time either) that fukking criminal! When he got CAUGHT he "contributed" ::) the $112.00K, but he would have NEVER DONE THAT IF HE DIDN'T GET CAUGHT! There was also much much more to the story than that, like the secretary he was banging while he was cheating AGAIN on his second wife, and how ostracized he became in the US Senate. The man truly is a bona-fide douchebag and the funny thing is you know I'm right too! You rethuglicans will go to any length, even avoiding common sense, FACTS, and human dignity just so your senior citizen McLame can destroy our country further. I honestly think you guys are mentally ill, I really do. Why you, or anyone else who'd vote for a republican would want another 4/8 years of Bush's policies is beyond my wildest imagination.
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby edededed on Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:03 pm

I think it is just the mentality - when I was younger, I completely just thought Republican by default (the "other" was just unthinkable). It was my duty as a Christian (for some reason, nobody ever told me that, but that's how it was). I think this is the main reason why the Republicans seem to win most of the time.

(Another interesting tidbit I saw in Newsweek recently was that of fairly recent candidates, the only Democrats who won were southerners (i.e. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton). Does that mean that Obama will lose?)
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Re: Some kind of "change"

Postby MikeC on Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:02 pm

steelincotton wrote:
MikeC wrote:
steelincotton wrote:The only problem now is, the double-talk express is too darn old and senile to really stand for anything of any substance anymore. It's time for grandpa McCain to tend to his garden and leave the business of politics and honest governing to decent moral adults like Obama and Biden. I mean really, if the man (McCain) couldn't even stand by his first wife when she became crippled, I certainly wouldn't expect an adulterer and a criminal like him to care about us little people. McCain's one and only agenda is to keep feeding and funnelling the cash to his super elite friends and campaign contributors. I can't wait for the Keating Five Scandal to come up in the debates. That'll show McCain for the douchebag he clearly is.

In February 1991, the Senate Ethics Committee found McCain and Glenn to be the least blameworthy of the five senators. (McCain and Glenn attended the meetings but did nothing else to influence the regulators.) McCain was guilty of nothing more than "poor judgment," the committee said, and declared his actions were not "improper nor attended with gross negligence." McCain considered the committee's judgment to be "full exoneration," and he contributed $112,000 (the amount raised for him by Keating) to the U.S. Treasury.

Yeah, if this doesn't stick we can always pull the old age routine again, eh steel?


Yup that's right Mike, McCain got away with it (it's not his first time either) that fukking criminal! When he got CAUGHT he "contributed" ::) the $112.00K, but he would have NEVER DONE THAT IF HE DIDN'T GET CAUGHT! There was also much much more to the story than that, like the secretary he was banging while he was cheating AGAIN on his second wife, and how ostracized he became in the US Senate. The man truly is a bona-fide douchebag and the funny thing is you know I'm right too! You rethuglicans will go to any length, even avoiding common sense, FACTS, and human dignity just so your senior citizen McLame can destroy our country further. I honestly think you guys are mentally ill, I really do. Why you, or anyone else who'd vote for a republican would want another 4/8 years of Bush's policies is beyond my wildest imagination.

And speaking of the Keating Five, 4 out of 5 of them were Democraps BTW... ;)



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