Former student went crazy

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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby Peacedog on Mon Oct 02, 2023 6:30 am

He came to Hermetics after having had a series of esoteric experiences related to breaking away from a cult, he was raised in.

Initially, for the first several years, it appeared to fix all his crap. He got married, had some wonderful children, and started a successful business.

Covid hit. The business collapsed and he relocated his family to Texas.

Around this time, he started having some long-term pain management problems associated with his prior career as a semi-pro athlete. He started using CDB products to help with this.

I warned him about the possibility of there being THC in these kinds of unregulated products. And re-warned him about the dangers of mixing Hermetics and THC. Psychosis is a common outcome of combining the two. Usually short lived, but not always. For people who have had this problem, neither myself, nor any of my teachers, have had any success treating it. Sometimes they get better and sometimes they don't.

He stopped being my student around this time and started to become a little too interested in conspiracy theories. Then he turned on the gas with Enochian practice. Again, something I had warned him about repeatedly.

And now he's completely out of his mind.

For those unaware, a whole series of meditative, and yogic, practices often come with a steep risk versus reward curve. Enochian is one. Kundalini yoga, the micro-macro cosmic orbits, and some aggressive forms of pranayama are all known for breaking people. Some say this is a byproduct of incorrect practice. Either way, some things come with a body count.

Intense practices require intense personalities. So, when things begin to go wrong, those same personalities that can result in success often pour on the gas instead of hitting the breaks.

FYI, the example about building a car is a good one. I'll be using that. And yes, I hope he makes it through this.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby Trick on Tue Oct 03, 2023 4:03 am

Appledog wrote:
Peacedog wrote:I was recently informed a former student went insane.

It was a mixture of THC use, meditation and Enochian magic that seemed to do it. All of which I had repeatedly warned him about as things to avoid.

Has anyone here dealt with anything like this and what was the outcome?

Message me if you don't want to discuss it here.

I have had quite a number of students who took marijuana in various forms, and when I tell them they have to quit it or they won't be able to get better at kungfu they stop coming to class.

i agree to that, even an addiction to training could prove to eventually become an obstacle, although drugs are probably the worst.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby origami_itto on Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:04 am

Peacedog wrote:He came to Hermetics after having had a series of esoteric experiences related to breaking away from a cult, he was raised in.

Initially, for the first several years, it appeared to fix all his crap. He got married, had some wonderful children, and started a successful business.

Covid hit. The business collapsed and he relocated his family to Texas.

Around this time, he started having some long-term pain management problems associated with his prior career as a semi-pro athlete. He started using CDB products to help with this.

I warned him about the possibility of there being THC in these kinds of unregulated products. And re-warned him about the dangers of mixing Hermetics and THC. Psychosis is a common outcome of combining the two. Usually short lived, but not always. For people who have had this problem, neither myself, nor any of my teachers, have had any success treating it. Sometimes they get better and sometimes they don't.

He stopped being my student around this time and started to become a little too interested in conspiracy theories. Then he turned on the gas with Enochian practice. Again, something I had warned him about repeatedly.

And now he's completely out of his mind.

For those unaware, a whole series of meditative, and yogic, practices often come with a steep risk versus reward curve. Enochian is one. Kundalini yoga, the micro-macro cosmic orbits, and some aggressive forms of pranayama are all known for breaking people. Some say this is a byproduct of incorrect practice. Either way, some things come with a body count.

Intense practices require intense personalities. So, when things begin to go wrong, those same personalities that can result in success often pour on the gas instead of hitting the breaks.

FYI, the example about building a car is a good one. I'll be using that. And yes, I hope he makes it through this.

Like I said I really try not to judge people because I don't know shit and their path is their path.

I don't mess with the Enochian stuff, got more in my practice already than I should be trying to juggle honestly but that sort of magical intent has never been my thing.

I did enjoy your book, though it serves more as background texture than the core of my work.It would be great to have a private conversation about multi point concentration in re: neigong
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby ThomasK on Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:02 am

First of all I'd like to say that Kundalini Yoga, as taught by 'Yogi' Bhajan, is a complete scam and fraud. It's unfortunately what you will most likely stumble upon first when searching for Kundalini Yoga on the net.

He was a rapist, abuser, drug dealer, weapon smuggler. Didn't even awaken Kundalini himself. Made up most of his 'methods' on the spot.

His trap to catch gullible suckers was to show them exercises which would produce funny exciting feelings and attribute divine significance to these. Plain hyperventilation, for example.

He was as far away from a Yogi as is humanly possible and I sincerely hope people won't be hurt no more by his bullshit teachings. Unfortunately, he has many followers who support him to this day.

That being said...
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby meeks on Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:12 am

in my experience most people that claim to be doing enochian magic are not capable of 'piercing the veil' to call in the entities you are expecting, and end up opening themselves up to things that are simply there to consume them.

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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby ThomasK on Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:28 am

I would advise your student to read 'Illusions' by Richard Bach a couple of times. Should give him some much needed clarity.

Also, his wife kicking him out wasn't enough of a wake up call for him? Ouch.

There are multiple degrees of psychosis and delusion.

Many vets report having paranoia of some sort. It's based on anxiety.

Some people have 50+ plastic surgeries. I wouldn't call these people exactly healthy and in full possession of their mental abilities, but they're deemed healthy enough to not present a (harmful) problem to others. Nor do they usually enter psychiatric facilities.

Point being, there are all sorts of deluded people, ranging from minor misunderstandings to catastrophic errors of analysis.

Is your student forming a sect around him? Will he instruct his gathered victims to commit mass suicide?

Is your student a danger to public order? Probably not yet. Probably won't get that far.

Does your student believe he can fly... and goes on to try it out by jumping?

It would suck if he hurt himself. It would suck even more if he hurt others AND himself.

Drugs come in various forms. Let's be happy he didn't take PCP/angel dust and tried to eat his face.

Weed (THC) absolutely has a cumulative effect. There's no precise threshold to clearly show when you've gone off the rails. Like, 0.1 units above X value and off you go.

But to say long term use has no long term effects on the mind is just naive imo.

Drugs can lower your usual cognitive filters generally and allow you to perceive processes inside of yourself more intensely. Catch is, that those processes aren't anything new. You didn't get more energy or deeper access. You added a layer of delusion.

Many people think that because they perceived something new, that 'new' thing wasn't there before and thus they made some kind of progress energetically. Which is of course bullshit. But it lures them in to take another hit, another hit, another....

He probably would have been better of growing his own CBD hemp. But the seeds can be impure or of uncertain quality so you can never know.

Chronic pain sucks tho and there aren't many if any safe long term medications. Xanax? Fentanyl? Morphine? Certainly not ibuprofen. Kratom? No effective drug comes without it's issues. Especially with yogic meditation included.

Being completely sober is best for serious yogic endeavors. Kundalini is as serious as you can get with this. If he already awakened, he will likely get his face stomped in a couple of times to help him wise up more quickly. If he didn't, things can go more smoothly.

It all depends on what HE wants for himself and how good he is at adapting and changing.

This can be a beautiful learning opposite for him, as tragic as it already is.

So to recap: imo there are levels of delusion. Not all require professional psychiatric treatment. Some do. Some are at the boundary.

Oh I forgot to mention the psy. issues where you have legit hallucinations, voices telling you to do stuff, etc

Derealization and depersonalization can appear during times of intense stress and or rapid personal change.To the point where you don't recognize yourself in the mirror anymore. This usually goes away after some time has passed and you settled down a bit into your changed version of yourself.

Continuing in the next post...
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby ThomasK on Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:03 am

PS: I've never dealt with enochian magic or astral projection myself. Neither seem all that useful.


Many meditation methods, as they utilize mental focus, push energy up into the head. Not all to the same degree. All recreational and hallucinogenic drugs push energy into the head as well.

If you live a balanced lifestyle (good food, being outside, mental hygiene, practicing love, having sex) you can pull the excessive energy out of the head again.

It shouldn't be stuck up there in the first place of course. That can cause all sorts of problems.

You also can send some energy down the arms into the earth. Work on your root in general.

You can also work on transmuting that excessive energy into your directly to emptiness/void/Infinity, but that's ill advised for beginners and also ill adviced in the context of helping your student heal. Akashic coma sucks lol.

So lots of grounding, touching grass. AVOIDING spirituality, except for the very basics. Not hounding for information and looking for the next supposed secret puzzle piece.

In time, he has to understand why his way of thinking is flawed. The book 'Illusions' by Richard Bach will help him with that.

Some flaws of the messiah mindset and heart felt belief system are:

- thinking you know better than literally all other people combined on this planet

- feeling so superior that you think it's okay to enforce your own limited opinion on all other people

- attempting to MANIPULATE people into adapting your 'one and true only right belief system TM'

- attempting to force people to grow beyond their means and capabilities while not even being able to deal with their own growth

- thinking that one's own life isn't worth shit and being way too eager to throw it away

- living too much in the future and not enough in the here and now

- assuming it's okay to rob people of their own learning opportunities and situations by resolving their conflicts (it's impossible to learn in place of another person - can't replace personal experience)

- assuming that our earthly world was ever meant to be 100% perfect (perfect doesn't exist, remember?) and thus completely void of learning opportunities

- assuming it's okay to attempt to remove suffering as a drive of human evolution

- assuming it's okay to throw away his wife to pursue his delusions

- how can you claim to love everything as it is while constantly trying to fix everything there is?

- ...

There are many reasons why such beliefs come to be.

For example, if your parents were always fighting and you had to make peace between them, you unconsciously continue to live out the belief that it's your 'duty' to 'bring peace to the people'.

And then when you manage to hurt your barrier of conscious/unconscious via drugs and meditation and fail to see what is what, you start to sincerely believe you're the one and only true messiah.

If such a crisis is primarily spiritual in origin, meaning caused by excessive yet lacking practice, sometimes the way forward is to push through with CORRECT practice instead.

To not give up. To keep changing and transforming oneself. To not get stuck.

Each case is different.

Also maybe a small re: elements... I found that working directly on yourself and developing your heart and mind is much more effective than working with elements.

Your mileage may vary according to how you build your car, haha.

Hope this helps a bit.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby ThomasK on Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:05 am

Oh and of course mix in various karma from past life into the conscious/unconscious soup and things can get even more complicated.

The way forward largely remains the same tho, whether issues arise from this life or from past lifes.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby origami_itto on Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:06 am

meeks wrote:in my experience most people that claim to be doing enochian magic are not capable of 'piercing the veil' to call in the entities you are expecting, and end up opening themselves up to things that are simply there to consume them.

let the hilarity ensue...

I mean, that's exactly what they warn against, but do they listen?
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby origami_itto on Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:20 am

ThomasK wrote:Oh and of course mix in various karma from past life into the conscious/unconscious soup and things can get even more complicated.

The way forward largely remains the same tho, whether issues arise from this life or from past lifes.

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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby Peacedog on Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:40 am

Origami Itto,

Send me a DM and I'll give you a number you can contact me at. Always willing to discuss the finer points of three-point concentration.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby everything on Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:51 am

oof man. really sorry to hear. hope you can find a way to be of some help to him (if that's what you want to do). either way, hope he improves quickly.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby Peacedog on Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:50 pm

Thanks everyone for the feedback.

The individual in question has disappeared and is no longer communicating with anyone. I hope he is okay.

Now it is a waiting game to see what happens next.
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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby jimmy on Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:32 pm

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Re: Former student went crazy

Postby Taste of Death on Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:33 pm

Jimmy is the only one on this thread making any sense. I start at zero and finish at zero and keep the lights on at home.
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