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exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:04 am
by origami_itto
So, being over 45, I slept wrong one night a couple weeks ago and now I'm practically crippled.

The ER doc said that I have a pinched nerve or cervical radiculopathy, possibly due to a slipped or bulging disk.

So the symptoms are tingling and numbness in my left ring and index finger, loss of strength in the arm, and muscle spasms/cramping in the muscles controlled by that same nerve from my neck down through my forearm like a guitar string pulled too tight. Which pulls me out of alignment, causing other muscles to work harder, spreading the problem.

The constant tension causes a painful buildup of lactic acid. About the only way to reduce the pain is to keep moving to keep the blood flushing it out, stretches, forms, weapons drills, house work...

I mean which is all well and good but I work mainly at a desk, standing, but still. Typing on a keyboard. And I have to sleep, and cuddling with my best girl is nice sometimes... All impossible without pain meds or a hot bath. I took so much ibuprofen and acetominophen I think I poisoned myself over the weekend.

So, after all that whining... What do you masters of bodywork recommend to help me stretch and straighten my neck? While I wait for my chiro and massage and GP appointments...

I'm not entirely unconvinced that this isn't actually due to overcorrecting some other fault, since I had a sort of underlying tension going on that had migrated from being chronically on my right shoulder to my left, and then when life got a little more stressful it aggravated the condition into the agony that now is my life.

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:53 am
by Peacedog
Tom Bisio has a great course for this kind of thing.

Whenever my neck acts up..this knocks it out in a few days.

https://www.internalartsinternational.c ... -nei-gong/

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:34 am
by greytowhite
I've had good experiences with ART.

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:46 am
by GrahamB
Have you tried Tai Chi? 8-)

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:52 am
by everything
bummer man, sorry to hear.

no advice/knowledge on c5, but feel your pain in a different way. have different nerve (ulnar) issue. "muscular" exercise can just aggravate it, probably making less space with the "guitar string pulled tight" (good visual/analogy) already. qigong helps some in a very general way in the sense of an overall soothing feeling. more yin, less yang.

good luck with the diagnoses/recovery

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:54 am
by windwalker
GrahamB wrote:Have you tried Tai Chi? 8-)


Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:55 am
by origami_itto
GrahamB wrote:Have you tried Tai Chi? 8-)

By all measures, not really.

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:46 am
by Bhassler
I like Feldenkrais work. As with anything, proceed carefully and see what works for you.

Here's a channel with some stuff that might be interesting:

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:45 pm
by marvin8
I've had a pinched nerve in my heel for a couple months that I feel, when I extend my knee and flex and rotate my foot. I have been flexing and stretching it. It's better now.

origami_itto wrote:What do you masters of bodywork recommend to help me stretch and straighten my neck? While I wait for my chiro and massage and GP appointments...

Excerpt from "Exercises to Relieve a Pinched Nerve in the Neck:"

Exercises for a trapped nerve in the neck

A physical therapist can demonstrate the best pinched nerve stretches for your symptoms.

Mild pain, however, may be relieved with gentle exercises. These moves focus on stretching neck muscles and alleviating pressure on the nerve.

To prevent further nerve damage, do these exercises slowly. You can perform them while sitting down or standing up.

Trap stretch

Your trapezius muscles are in the back of your neck. If they’re too tight, they can compress your spine and nerves.

This exercise will loosen these muscles and release trapped nerves.

1. Place your right hand under your thigh.
2. With your left hand, gently bend your head to the left side.
3. Pause for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times on each side.

Chin tuck

This move reduces tension in the neck muscles by lengthening your neck. It will also improve posture in the head and neck.

1. Place your fingers on your chin
2. Gently push your chin toward your neck, until you have a “double chin.”
3. Hold for three to five seconds. Relax.
4. Repeat three to five times.

Once you’re comfortable with the move, try chin tucks without using your fingers.

Chin tuck with extension

You can add an extra movement to the chin tuck. It will help stretch your neck in a different direction.

For some people, this exercise might cause dizziness. You should avoid it if you have dizziness issues.

1. Pull your head back to do a chin tuck.
2. Slowly tilt your head up to the ceiling.
3. Return to the chin tuck. Relax.
4. Repeat two sets of five reps.

Head turn

A pinched nerve can decrease your neck’s range of motion, but head turns may help. Perform this exercise in a slow and controlled manner. If you feel pain, try smaller movements.

1. Straighten your head and neck. Look ahead.
2. Slowly turn your head to the right. Pause five to 10 seconds.
3. Slowly turn to the left. Pause five to 10 seconds.
4 You can also tilt your head side to side and up and down.

Neck bend

If you have a pinched nerve in the neck, exercises like neck bends will provide relief. You should also do this stretch slowly.

1. Gently move your chin down and toward your chest.
2. Pause. Return to starting position.
3. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Shoulder roll

Shoulder rolls release tension in both the shoulders and neck. This can help relieve pressure and pain from a pinched nerve.

1. Lift your shoulder blades up, and then roll them back and down.
2. Repeat five to six times.
3. Repeat in the opposite direction.

Re: exercises for pinched nerve in c5

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:14 am
by wiesiek
you may try:
in riding the horse position
place your fingers on dazuhai point
and do bending and twisting (look back and down, look left and right)
next -
breath in when movin` up.