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Lying Flat’ in China vs ‘Quiet Quitting’ in US

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:39 pm
by windwalker

The term "quiet quitting" has taken social media by storm in both China and the US and it is particularly favored by the Gen Z in the workplace.

How does "quiet quitting", or "Lying flat" as it is called in China, manifest itself in China and the US, given their different economic systems?

Re: Lying Flat’ in China vs ‘Quiet Quitting’ in US

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 7:38 am
by everything
it's very interesting (but disturbing) how the economic cycles of boom/bust, growth/recession line up with generations of kids entering the workforce. if you enter at a boom time, you get a job and accelerate your career, have income, get a mortgage with low interest rates, etc., etc. if you enter at a bust time, you cannot get a job, everything is not affordable. it affects micro-generations on a mass scale, but it also fits into the haves/have nots within and across generations. because if you have a lot of money, what a time it is to turn it into an absurd amount of money. rich boomers (millionaires not billionaires) cannot possibly spend it all if they stay healthy. in that sense, some millenials (many but not all) will be quite well off soon despite the generational disadvantages. it's hard to make sense of it all.