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US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:03 am
by everything

If the truth is out there, the US Congress wants to know.

The House of Representatives convened a landmark panel on unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAPs), known more colloquially as UFOs, on Wednesday, in the most serious acknowledgement yet that mysterious sightings deserve scrutiny at the highest levels of government.

US lawmakers were "not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing… we're just going to get to the facts," Republican Tim Burchett said at the beginning of the meeting. Yet the testimony at times strayed into the unknown.

Over the course of two hours, three witnesses shared their encounters with objects that defied physics and told of pilots afraid to speak up, biological material recovered from crafts, and alleged retaliation against whistleblowers. All acknowledged that anomalous phenomena were a potential national security threat.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:50 pm
by Steve James
I watched the hearings. What bugged me was when the whistleblowers (?) said that they knew where the biological (alien) material and technology was, they said they weren't allowed to say. I was waiting for them to explain who it was that said they couldn't. AOC asked the question directly. I didn't see the point, if that question wasn't answered. I'd also like to know how they knew the "remains' (?) were biological. Well, iirc, they said "non human," but there's a lot of non human biology floating around.

I don't doubt the existence of UFO/UAPS. I agree that it's a national security issue, and that they're worth investigating. I just think it'd be easier just to show what is there. I'd have to believe that every previous President was told or had to know. That's especially true for the founder of the space force. So, I think it'd be easier to show than to tell.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 3:32 pm
by everything
it all seems very circular.

if there are serious national security concerns, then ok, if you an expert witness with security clearance (no idea how that works), maybe that is the reason you can say "there are UAP to be concerned about" but then you cannot go into further detail because:

1. it is "top secret" and you have been told you cannot reveal this info to the public (including to Congress in public).
2. you/the military found "technology" that seems "advanced" but you actually have NO IDEA if it's dangerous to the USA or humans ... just that something seems more advanced than what these tech experts think... I mean that might not even be weapons or dangerous tech.
- this could go back to the "Aquarium" explanation: these advanced aliens really don't give a shit about us as we're just like goldfish in a bowl. Kinda interesting to look at. Not gonna get out of the bowl and pose a threat to them, and just no reason to go killing all the pet goldfish.
- but to us (the goldfish), we're scared as shit and have no clue / cannot say. we're like this guy, totally afraid of the "alien tech"/magic:

3. some combo of the above.

but that seems to point to "it's nothing" (hence all the memes about how the public doesn't give a shit). except that the "Tic Tac" flying object is still supposedly not explained at all. nobody knows how it "defied physics" (how could anyone), nobody says if it's a threat, nobody says if "biological material" was found from such another Tic Tac. Maybe we really are just "goldfish" (or live in a simulation hahaha).

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:10 am
by yeniseri
This alien stuff is a continued attempt to introduce Chaos, a distraction strategy, a Trojan hore and it seems to be gathering smoke and mirrors!
It works and AI will definitely show this pattern that FOx News has used to their benefit to fool the people and it has done a great job. Conflict
and disagreement can be manipulated and profit/deception can be maintained by the gullible and seeking to destroy the Current Social Order!

I have never seen the GOP pass so many laws without fanfare as I have seen with the vilification of women's health care (and this has nothing with womens' health per se
but of the lowered birth rates of 'certain women' (who will remain nameless ;D ), the vilification of LGBTQ+ rights, the refusal of certain GOP memebers to withhold promotions
or appointments of members of the US military, and the Secret Agenda to destroy majority rule by introducing special laws that abrogates that special states rights rules that has the capacity
to allows less than 'majority rules' to become the rule of the State'!

I observed 3 state laws (different states!) where after the Supreme Court took over decisiion about womens' health, the respective states passed their 'law' in less than 1 month after said decision.
While the GOP rep {Turdville) has been sitting on the military appointments for over 6 months and more> Link: ... 232023007/

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 am
by everything
That would be plausible only if there is some reason to believe in totally non partisan distraction.

Plus the public is barely paying attention.

Most of the divisive politics sells eyeballs fueled by rage stoked by morons. Then politicians can play off that.

None of that seems to be happening in this curious case.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 1:52 pm
by Steve James
The diversion is the claim that the gov't is not telling us something. But, that's to be expected. The question is why, and the answers are where the conspiracy theories start. After that, there's no end.

I think the general public cares, but imo the result is that they don't know who to believe.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:23 pm
by Bao
I watched some of the hearings. Another drawing attention to nonsense campaign. I still believe 0% on that UFO/Alien crap. The Universe is just too big and the distances too great.




Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:00 pm
by everything
I guess the assumption is if the Tic Tac exceeded "our" physics laws using more advanced tech, then it didn't need to be bound by them to get here from ... wherever... :P

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:57 am
by Steve James
Well, "our" physics, as Bao notes, relies on certain rules, like the speed of light (or causality). The only way for any alien civilization to know about us is for light (or radio signals) to have reached them. The closest places from which aliens could come are light-years away. Sure, suppose there is a civilization that has technology that allows them to exceed the speed of light or, imo more likely, allows them to get around it someway (warping space, for ex). However, they can't "see" faster than light. And, if they're light years away, they can only see here long before we invented radio -or even fire. It'd be extraordinarily lucky for them to find us in our 100 million light year wide galaxy.

That doesn't mean such aliens don't, haven't, or won't exist somewhere in the universe. Someday an alien civilization may pick up the cd with nudie pics we sent into space on our Voyager satellites. :)

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:43 am
by everything
According to “our math” new learnings, warp drive is theoretically possible ... arp-drive/

(Warps space time so speed of light is possible)

Of course it takes more power than we would know how to apply.

If “they” already figured that out, we are really still goldfish in a bowl.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:15 pm
by Steve James
Sure, it's theoretically possible. So, let's say we could do it now. Where would you go among the trillions of star systems in no billions of known galaxies? How would you know where to go, given that what we see now existed millions of our years ago? Otoh, how would another civilization know we are here? Btw, space can "travel" faster than light, but that means there is space with stuff we will never be able to see.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 8:55 pm
by everything
I’m just saying we can scratch the surface to have some ideas how the Tic Tac got here.

No idea where we would go.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:47 am
by Bao
everything wrote:According to “our math” new learnings, warp drive is theoretically possible ... arp-drive/

(Warps space time so speed of light is possible)

Of course it takes more power than we would know how to apply.

If “they” already figured that out, we are really still goldfish in a bowl.

"warp drive", "wormholes" and bending time-space are all theoretically possible. But the Universe is huge. So how would anyone find us? Our own signals have hardly left our own solar system. There are billions and billions stars in one galaxy and there are trillions and trillions of galaxies in just the part of the Universe we can see. What is the likelihood that an advanced species would even consider scanning our solar system?

Also "they" imply several "species" would have the same technology. Then again, how would they find each other and build the same technology? The distances in the universe are extremely huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:24 am
by Giles
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

There could be many ways in which “sufficiently advanced” aliens might overcome the light-speed limitation on travel. There might also be ways in which certain far-distant aliens could become aware of us and locate us while themselves being in places outside the current (slowly expanding) envelope of our electromagnetic emissions. How? By “magic”.

But this means that such aliens who drop by – in some shape or form or state of being – would be “magicians”. And if they're able to somehow bridge thousands of light years, I very much doubt they would have any need of little rigid boxes that go hopping and bouncing around in the thin layer of our planet’s atmosphere. Little boxes that an F-15 or similar is able track in its gunsights. Nor would they have to rely on organic bodies that end up lying around dead on the planet after suffering a nasty accident. They could be here checking us out without us ever noticing a thing, if that’s what they wanted. Maybe they would need 3 seconds to map every aspect of life on Earth, and they’re done.

Or maybe they have something like a sense of humour, and they’re trolling us.

Re: US Congress is nonpartisan when it comes to ... aliens?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 5:54 am
by Steve James
Yep, there's always the possibility of magic. Maybe some civilization has the power to transport anywhere instantaneously. Ok, even on Star Trek, they have to beam something from and to a receiver. To me, that's part of the problem. For ex., if I want to go to Chicago, I have to know there is a Chicago, and where it is. Even if they could magically travel here instantly, how would they know --if they hadn't received some form of information from here? The problem isn't speed of crafts; it's the speed of information.

I agree with Giles that, if they could do all these things (imo, breaking causality), they'd have no reason to interact with us (biologicals) at all. And, their ability to communicate with us would compare to our ability to discuss with clams. DeGrasse Tyson points out that humans are only 2% genetically different from chimps. If aliens were 5% different from us, how much more intelligent would that make them. But, then they'd be biologicals and be subject to our rules.

Imo, the idea of "aliens" started when people were thinking in terms of Martians, moon men, etc., beings that could exist in our relative time frame. It wasn't until the mid-20th century that people started thinking in terms of aliens from other star systems. To solve that, there were characters like Dr Who, who had a 'Time And Relative Dimension(s) in Space' machine. Could the tic tacs be shooting in an out of our dimension? Maybe they're not coming "from" anywhere out of space. From Wakanda, maybe? Think about it.:)

Mustn't forget another choice: gods, demons, spirits, jinn. I wonder if the gov't really has a Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD). Maybe they'll have a Congressional hearing about that.