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Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:41 am
by Steve James
Damn. Mark Meadows and now Ben Carson test positive for the virus.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:23 pm
by Ian C. Kuzushi
Questioning scientists isn't always wrong, but when someone repeatedly states that Covid is not a virus on this thead, I'm not sure how much of a grasp they have on how things work.

The CDC's credibilty was absolutely compromised--by Trump and to a lesser extent themselves. It's certainly unfortunate.

The latest batch of positive Covid patients in Trump's orbit got his election day party where not all were following CDC guidelines. That includes the good doctor Carson. Hope they are all okay. I also hope they start taking reasonable precautions.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:39 pm
by Steve James

What's happening in the mid-West?

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:36 pm
by Trick
Does the CDC receive fundings from “privateers”? Perhaps the CDC is an private entity ? If it is, and receive fundings from private organizations then in whose interests can we believe they foremost work for ?

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:44 pm
by Trick
. Pfizer say they've developed a good vaccine.
not surprisingly at all that it came around right after the election, and that Gates foundation is an sponsor to Pfizer

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:17 pm
by Ian C. Kuzushi
A not-so-motley crew of folks who don't belive in masks, viruses, or vaccines. Yikes.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:41 am
by Trick
I’ll guess we will in media see and read less of those folks pretty soon, actually you can look around here and find no one that denies the existence of viruses, the value of wearing face mask and that vaccines does not work.......

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:43 am
by Giles
In that sense at least, China is one up as compared to many other parts of the world. Here in Germany, and to a great extent Europe as a whole, the great majority of people don't deny this 'Big 3' of public health either. But a smaller and possibly growing minority is still very vocal about their opposition to these concepts. Well, facts actually ;) . And it looks like some may also be increasingly violent in their opposition, too.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:31 am
by meeks
Trick wrote:
. Pfizer say they've developed a good vaccine.
not surprisingly at all that it came around right after the election, and that Gates foundation is an sponsor to Pfizer

it says they're in stage 3 of testing, which means it's been happening for awhile, not some anti-Trump conspiracy. Also their stocks shot up when they made this announcement... there's a few pharma companies that have reported they have a vaccine, their stock shoots up, then you don't hear anything further about it. I'll believe it when there's a proven vaccine on the market.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:05 pm
by Ian C. Kuzushi
Trick wrote:I’ll guess we will in media see and read less of those folks pretty soon, actually you can look around here and find no one that denies the existence of viruses, the value of wearing face mask and that vaccines does not work.......

People have certainly claimed that Covid is not a virus, that mitigation strategies don't work, and have spoken out forcefully against vaccines.

by roger hao on Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:53 am
roger hao wrote:Covid-19 is an exosome - not - a virus.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:25 pm
by roger hao
Yes Ian -
I dropped that line of discussion because there is no fruitful
intercourse on this topic in RSF - only responses were character assassinations
of authors and group nagging to drown out radical ideas.
I find it funny that with you if someone wants to discuss - let's say masks.
You label them as idiots and say they are against masks. You might have missed a reply
by me where I describe my protection and methods. I have a KN95 on my dashboard
- in the sun - right now waiting for any errands to grocery store and bottle of
disinfectant wipes on the floor of my truck. I just keep getting this message......
OBEY - SUBMIT. I already spoke up about exosomes and the fact that the coronavirus was never actually isolated and you would think I had kicked your puppy.
Rate of infection is going up and lethality is going down but all I hear is
Wear Your Mask - Wait for the Vaccine. I ask you is everyone wearing masks more or
less now and if so why is the infection rate rising?
BTW - have you been directly exposed to Covid and have you cared for a Covid patient?

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:50 pm
by roger hao
For the record - I do not denounce masks LOL

I have no idea if the Covid is exosome or not. Just putting it out there.
You know - for discussion - but not for ridicule by the mob.
I just listened to assistant administrator @ Johns Hopkins lauding
the coming Biden era of Covid response with hope and optimism. But wait..
the beautiful plan is to shut down - wear masks in your home - and wait to be rescued
by miracle vaccine. Now that is original and sounds like it is going to be great.
Follow the science - administrator? Would you be comfortable with
an administrator working on your heart or your brain?

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:14 pm
by Ian C. Kuzushi
roger hao wrote:Yes Ian -
I dropped that line of discussion because there is no fruitful
intercourse on this topic in RSF - only responses were character assassinations
of authors and group nagging to drown out radical ideas.
I find it funny that with you if someone wants to discuss - let's say masks.
You label them as idiots and say they are against masks. You might have missed a reply
by me where I describe my protection and methods. I have a KN95 on my dashboard
- in the sun - right now waiting for any errands to grocery store and bottle of
disinfectant wipes on the floor of my truck. I just keep getting this message......
OBEY - SUBMIT. I already spoke up about exosomes and the fact that the coronavirus was never actually isolated and you would think I had kicked your puppy.
Rate of infection is going up and lethality is going down but all I hear is
Wear Your Mask - Wait for the Vaccine. I ask you is everyone wearing masks more or
less now and if so why is the infection rate rising?
BTW - have you been directly exposed to Covid and have you cared for a Covid patient?

Radical ideas, yes. But, also dangerous and baseless ideas that can cause harm, thus my counters.

And no, I never said you were against masks, that was others--although in this post you are bizarrely equating masks to some sort of domination of your free will. So, now you are forwarding a narrative that is antimask. You made it clear you are a germaphobe and your actions sound pretty similar to mine (although I go beyond using a single digit to open doors and push buttons and use a copper tool designed just for germ avoidance).

The infection rate is rising as predicted because there has been no universal or even widespread, simultaneous compliance. Like I said: it was predictable. Conspiracy theories and antimask messaging like the one you are forwarding above as well as the self-motivated and criminal misinformation from the White House are primarily responsible.

I don't know if I have been exposed to Covid or not, but it's very possible. My wife works in a very large hospital in downtown Chicago. She cares for Covid patients, as do many our our friends.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:18 pm
by Ian C. Kuzushi
roger hao wrote:For the record - I do not denounce masks LOL

I have no idea if the Covid is exosome or not. Just putting it out there.
You know - for discussion - but not for ridicule by the mob.
I just listened to assistant administrator @ Johns Hopkins lauding
the coming Biden era of Covid response with hope and optimism. But wait..
the beautiful plan is to shut down - wear masks in your home - and wait to be rescued
by miracle vaccine. Now that is original and sounds like it is going to be great.
Follow the science - administrator? Would you be comfortable with
an administrator working on your heart or your brain?

Did the administrator come up with these ideas? Of course not. A silly post.

Also, when is this shut down going to happen? Haven't seen one here in the US yet. Everyone I know who worked construction, in most retail, and many other professions never stopped going to work. Yeah, bars and restaurants have been proven to be vectors and should be shut down according to guidelines. If the guidelines had been followed, we would probably not be in this mess. But, they were never followed, and things opened up both before they ever really shut down and against the guidelines.

Re: Crazy (and not-so-crazy) shit about Covid-19

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:00 pm
by roger hao
Hi Ian -
See - that is the one and only problem I have with 'the squad' or 'the mob'
You are not my spiritual advisor - I don't consider you or your knowledge superior
to mine - but yet you jump all over any fun hypothesis as you confessed - to keep
the sub-class on RSF in line. I was college professor for 4 years as Trick once said -
that is the golden measure for trust and guidance although I have no idea what
Integrated Circuit Design has to do with Covid virus. Can you describe how your
schooling has brought you to be an expert on the Covid virus? Maybe I am wrong.
Maybe I should fall in line. If it would stop the constant insults and constant repetitious
posts that offer nothing new I could consider it.