Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby meeks on Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:21 am

hmmmm... I kinda read BKA's post as "don't add your own energy, add that of a deity" and yours kinda reads like "I scoff at people that say don't add your own energy...why, I add deities' energy all the time..."

just trying to figure out if you agree with BKA or disagree.
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby wiesiek on Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:26 am

bubble will do the trick... :)

interesting thing, that IMA and spiritual work share the same basic and advanced tech.,-
energetic bubble -
you have to learn how to build it around the body and maintain strong structure /field of force :D / when moving,
this is the key and basic tool for defence against not only psychic attacks.
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Miro on Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:54 am

I do not think the problem was in that Shaolin monk, in the way of empowering statue, in the system of qigong author used to practice etc. I think the problem lies in naivity (foolisheness or feel free to use some similar, even stronger term) of the writer. Obviously he was brainwashed at least twice - first time by his qigong teacher, second time by that religious person he calls sheikh... Personally, I think the author wrote that story because of his religious agenda.
I also met several similar fools - once a young man (18 or so) came to me asking for helps. When I inquired about his problems, he told me that he loses control over his body and when I asked how he got into that situation, he told me that from the time he started to practice hatha-yoga a year ago, he practices head-stand at least 1 hour, sometimes even 2 hours daily... He started his yoga practice right on with 1-2 hours long sessions of sirsasana!!!


P.S.: Methods, very good post, I am sorry you deleted it... You should write even more.
Last edited by Miro on Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Coiled_Spring on Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:15 am

I am also pretty much sure about the religious agenda of that author who also even posted a link that shows how Buddhism is an "idolatry religion". I have read many such articles in the past by authors, usually of Abrahamic faith, trying to associate Eastern/Asian spiritual practices with "evil" or "Satan".
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Methods on Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:18 am

That's weird, I didn't delete my post. I have more issues than not posting on this forum!
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Coiled_Spring on Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:18 am

I am also pretty much sure about the religious agenda of that author who also even posted a link that shows how Buddhism is an "idolatry religion". I have read many such articles in the past by authors, usually of Abrahamic faith, trying to associate Eastern/Asian spiritual practices with "evil" or "Satan".
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby BaguaKicksAss on Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:15 am

That was a good post by Methods.

Usually there is an agenda when making a website. LOL, as if one religion is any better then another, or more affective at exorcism then another, or more likely to have followers messed up by unethical or inexperienced "holy people" then others.

The author's other pages are a bit out there ;).

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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Chris Fleming on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:01 am

Coiled_Spring wrote:I am also pretty much sure about the religious agenda of that author who also even posted a link that shows how Buddhism is an "idolatry religion". I have read many such articles in the past by authors, usually of Abrahamic faith, trying to associate Eastern/Asian spiritual practices with "evil" or "Satan".

Unless you're sure he's lying, I'd say that indeed he has an "agenda" (as if that always is a negative word) of telling his experiences. When you bow down to idols, you are serving demons. I don't care if it is a fat bellied buddha, a guy with an elephant face, guan gong or a statue of "the virgin mary", you are serving and worshiping demons. I know his story wasn't the cool, new age, follow-your-bliss-maaaaaan story you might typically find regarding Eastern religions but I am astounded that this isn't talked about MORE.

Back when I taught martial arts in a commercial school we had this one student who was buddhist (now i know, i know, not all buddhist have these problems, others that i have met were great people) and she would, right there in the middle of class or practicing afterwards let out these crazy moans or would spontaneously start crying or would snap at other students/instructors. She claimed she had every right to this disruptive behavior because it "let the negative out" or something like that. The kicker of it all was this mentally unstable person was....wait for it....a psychological therapist. Physician, heal thyself!
Chris Fleming


Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby meeks on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:32 am

Chris Fleming wrote:
Unless you're sure he's lying, I'd say that indeed he has an "agenda" (as if that always is a negative word) of telling his experiences. When you bow down to idols, you are serving demons. I don't care if it is a fat bellied buddha, a guy with an elephant face, guan gong or a statue of "the virgin mary", you are serving and worshiping demons.

So can i assume that is the same when you bow to a cross with jesus? Its idolatry as well. Keep in mind that to people that DO worship ganesha, jahweh is a demon.
Last edited by meeks on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Chris Fleming on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:37 am

"So can i assume that is the same when you bow to a cross with jesus?"

Yes, that is correct. That is idolatry as well. Even worse in my opinion. I do not bow down to a cross or an idol of "jesus". I do not know who that figure is.
Last edited by Chris Fleming on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Chris Fleming


Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Dmitri on Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:53 am

So the next question is, is there a difference (and if yes -- what is it?) between an "idol" created in some physical form and worshiped, and an "idol" created in one's mind and worshiped?
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby lazyboxer on Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:29 am

Same as the difference between having sex with a real or an imaginary person. Often it's both. :D

Reminds me of the joke about hearing your doorbell ring one morning and seeing a miniature pink elephant on the doorstep wearing a tutu and playing the violin.

If you shut the door and go to finish your breakfast, it's illusion.

If when you thanked the elephant it held out a hat and you gave it some money, it was a delusion.
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby klonk on Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:30 am

Christianity offers a clear and useful distinction between harmful or unhelpful spirits, or influences, or whatever, and the other sort. The book of First John contains the essentials; you need to trace the matter through the rest of Holy Scripture to get the fuller facts. Why? John presupposed he was writing to Christians who knew their faith already. It's a point you have to be aware of in reading any of the apostolic era writings: It's written for insiders--for converts, who wanted to understand things better.

If anyone wants me to, I'll comment at fuller length. In essence, if something tends to deny or minimize the divine origin and earthly ministry of Jesus, you have gotten hold of something extraneous to the faith, and unhelpful. It isn't always a demon in the classic sense of an entity; it can be something as simple as an idea, or a cultural movement, or a bit of philosophy, that steers people away from considering what Jesus had to say. (See the Baudelaire quote, above. The devils like to work incognito.)
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Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby Chris Fleming on Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:37 am

Ah that's a great question. Anything which takes the place of God is an idol. Anything physical or otherwise. People can worship and serve money, people can be overly prideful in their education/intellect/career/status, people can even turn their families/children into idols, as in being focused and consumed with their future and upbringing. It doesn't always have to be a physical object that you prostrate yourself to, although that is the subject at hand here originally that I posted about above since it was brought up.

Perhaps I'll preempt the next attempted "gotcha" post someone may reply with by asking "so the next question is who is God then, after all, isn't it all relative"? And with that, with the risk of being accused of having an "agenda" (LOL), obviously, my answer is obvious--no it's not all relative, Jesus Christ is Lord and God. I make no secrets about that. Take it or leave it and I won't be ashamed of saying so.

But my "agenda" wasn't to go there. My "agenda" was to point out how people have no idea what they are touching when they attempt at "spiritual exploration", nor do they know what is behind the images in which they place their worship. Western culture can be fascinated by Eastern "mysticism" via the buffet style selection of beliefs in which most people practice. I remember commenting on another forum on a person's clip of their practicing bagua zhang in a graveyard. The person in the clip trains at a school where it's pretty much assumed that you share the same beliefs regarding Eastern mysticism and the school is taught as such...even though it's run by Caucasians--not that white boyz are unable to understand Eastern thought, just that I find the Chinese buffet style theosophy run by a bunch of white boyz who think they are in essence "traditional Chinese" in their beliefs and school teaching wildly ironic. I basically asked the person if he had any fucking idea what he was doing there in the graveyard and what traditional Chinese folk or Taoist religion would say about opening yourself and your energy up to the hungry ghosts and where they live. Other than the "uh...I thought it cool to show the impermanence of life to...uh...practice in a graveyard" he had no fucking answer to the real question at hand. That's what happens when you pick the parts of belief systems you think are "cool" to the exclusion of the rest of it. And in that regard I can appreciate what the author of that article is saying about energetic practices and whatnot as being potentially dangerous if you want to dabble in the "spiritual" realm.
Chris Fleming


Re: Fighting against spirits, defence from psychic attacks

Postby affa on Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:38 am

Chris wrote:isn't it all relative?

i think it's not so much that all relative viewpoints are capital-T true... it's more like EL Numero Uno is so confoundingly non-relative that each of our infinitesimally feeble attempts to cognize such singularity is equally idolatrous. not to say that there is no way out of this cognitive bind, though...
Last edited by affa on Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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