Clip and Article from Master Yan

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Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Overlord on Sun May 02, 2010 4:05 pm

I liked his dedication to martial arts. Anyone care to translate? The article below is his understanding of things.


为何说姬龙峰先师是董秉乾先师的六合枪弟子 颜紫元  2010年4月2日





 南阳唐万义一支的纪晋山宗师(薛子洞先师的弟子);李海生即周口南岸小架的李尊思宗师(买金奎先师的弟子);买壮图一支的王书文宗师(卢嵩高先师的弟子)、白文义宗师 (杨祥麟先师的弟子)、刘老师(杨鸿生、苏传文先师的弟子);洛阳马兴一支马宏宪宗师(金黑彦先师的弟子);祁县戴隆邦一支的阎龙昌宗师(岳贵宁先师的弟子);及原传心意六合十二大式的赵老师、张老师的传授(马学礼先师之师兄弟李存湖、李存海支的传人。笔者并与此支的结义兄弟刘君换艺),上述各支的真传。




董氏六合枪是一个完整的枪术体系,李师一生只练枪,偶尔也比划一下董先师的六合刀。随着传习的展开与深入,笔者每天都有惊奇的发现。凭着对心意六合拳主要支派较全面继承与掌握,及对其他各支的了解,笔者几乎能从董氏六合枪中找到所有这些心意六合拳的身法、步法、声法 、手法、内劲法及理论,而董氏六合枪更为 备原始。

如:戴氏心意拳中“三年身法二年步”的蹲猴势身法桩,即枪法中 “高身低缠”中“小中平正身面缠、大身正身劈面格”的二式身法。而戴氏“一字步进退”即枪术中“活拨打云游拨打”的头二式之进退步。


马兴支心意拳之“白花将”中的“斜提”是其它支心意所无有,但在枪术中则为“斜提左搭”。卢氏心意拳中的摇闪把、 燕子取水、掂腿小拓,也是其它心意拳中所无有,而在枪术中为“翻花手、背走,云游拨打”。李存湖十二大势中的第二大势“下步停手”与枪中“单手面出枪”全同。买壮图支心意拳嫡传宗师杨祥麟先师四把中的恨天无把落山劈之 “落把”(又称“沉劈”),与招枪中“单叉”全同,只是一个坐左腿,一个坐右腿,其起在拳中称揭地而起之“挑领”,在枪中称“划杆而起”。凡此,不胜枚举。






从明初“长枪李”之“六合三十六枪”的“六合枪”名始,至明末唐顺之、戚继光,程宗猷等所述六合枪,均从三十六枪,或二十四枪,或六个回合为六合枪。而此枪则不见三十六枪、二十四枪、十三枪或六个来回趟名堂路数,而以 “内三合、外三合”之六合而命名此枪,既董氏六合枪。






令笔者惊讶的是,心意拳史研究先驱黄新铭先生曾记载的少林寺心意把基本功束身“六合步”,亦来自此枪,称“小套步”。笔者发现河南张老根传襄县姚仁山的心意拳基本功“十字把”中的跪步 ,也来自此枪“十六缠提棍第十回、十一回”的招枪中。而李存湖的基本功束长身六合步(与少林六合步又不同),在枪术中称四平正身法(足下存身)。洛阳基本功侧身单把长三步,在枪术中称“顺斜身蹬开步”。加上前述的买氏基本功踩鸡步、戴氏基本功“一字步进退”,均无不来自此枪。






















离开少林寺后,姬祖并未绕原道回山西蒲州尊村,而是取捷径,从峡州茅津渡 过黄河至平陆,翻越中条山而直达尊村。据载,姬祖在翻越中条山时,曾马失前踢,坠入深谷,所幸无大碍,凭内功攀援而出谷,回到尊村。在寻找出深山穷谷的日子里,姬祖见鹰熊搏斗,鹰攻熊守,而大受启发。遂想太平之日,不携刀枪,猝遇盗匪、仇人,将如何抵御?遂化枪为捶。又取董氏六合枪中“龙、虎、猴、猫、鹰、蛇、鸡、马、燕、鹞 ”等动物名堂,加入熊之守意,既秀如伏猫,长如纵虎(猫、虎同科,一小一大),攻如鹰,守如熊,鹰熊竟志,而创心意六合拳。而其理论无不源自董成、董秉乾祖师之阴阳、五行、六合、三三九节,及枪术中的三尖照、一身备五弓、五弓为一弓等理论。




Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby mrtoes on Sun May 02, 2010 4:11 pm

Not Stephen Yan again :(
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby BonesCom on Sun May 02, 2010 4:13 pm

mrtoes wrote:Not Stephen Yan again :(

Haha that didn't take long ;D
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Dai Zhi Qiang on Sun May 02, 2010 6:21 pm

BonesCom wrote:
mrtoes wrote:Not Stephen Yan again :(

Haha that didn't take long ;D

You watch the clip? His squatting monkey alignment is off.

Last edited by Dai Zhi Qiang on Mon May 03, 2010 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby BonesCom on Sun May 02, 2010 7:27 pm

I hadn't but now I have I'm confused. What is he doing in the series of static postures?
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Josealb on Sun May 02, 2010 7:49 pm

His head kinda sticks out too much no? like if he overtucks the chin?
Man carcass in alley this morning...
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Dai Zhi Qiang on Mon May 03, 2010 2:55 am

BonesCom wrote:I hadn't but now I have I'm confused. What is he doing in the series of static postures?

I am not sure due to the fact he practices so many types of Kung Fu, some type of XYLHQ.

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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby I-mon on Mon May 03, 2010 2:57 am

I like the spear stuff. Whatever personal issues the guy might have going on, he certainly is into some great martial arts.
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Dai Zhi Qiang on Mon May 03, 2010 3:06 am

I-mon wrote:I like the spear stuff. Whatever personal issues the guy might have going on, he certainly is into some great martial arts.

The spear stuff is Wang Bao Qiang and Li Hua Qiang, I think, supposedly there is a connection with Ji Long Feng and early XYLHQ.

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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby bruce on Mon May 03, 2010 7:30 pm

its like magic!

Why is Ji Long Feng and teacher of Master Tung Ping-dry gun disciple Yan Zi Yuan Luhe April 2, 2010

Dong Ping Tung Luk dry first division long guns and 13 potential fair Bo Tai Chi is the first within the family gun marksmanship, but in particular higher than Bo Dong Luhe gun Guns of the public, and reached the top of the top Chinese spear. Spectrum contains Fort VIII Zuwang Zhong Wang Jin, Chen played the court Chenjiagou nine ancestor was director and teacher Liuhe guns, 13 potential soft hands (tai chi) of the disciples. And respect the village of nine ancestor Ji Long Feng is also a director and teacher Liuhe gun disciples, after JI's "hammer of the gun as" creative mind Luhe boxing. Dong Dong Menglin descendants of the founding grandfather Yang 8 (Gua) palm, double rifles, etc., are all closely related with the Tung Luk gun, so guns within the home called the source.

It contains: Dong Ping-dry first students in AD 1580 and died in 1679, Ji Long Feng was born in 1602 and teacher, died in 1683. Wang fort guns spectrum also clearly recorded Chenjiagou court martial ancestor of the first division is playing Chen Dong Ping dry and teacher, "13 potential soft hands", "Tong Bei Quan" disciple, Chen played the court the first students in AD 1600, died 1680. The Court of Master Chen played another "13 potential soft hands," the teacher Chiang made the first division, spectrum loading was born in AD 1574, and Dong Ping-dry before the same age division. I first study "13 potential soft hands", mind Luhe boxing, and then learn Tung Luk guns (also known as King Fort guns).

I have studied under Ma Yueliang first teachers of the Wu Tai Chi and 13 potential fast rack. According to Marsh say, 13 potential fast frame that Yang Lu Chan and teacher Chenjiagou Chen Changxing and teacher derived from the original Tai Chi Chuan-13 situation, all woo the public to son Stephen, Stephen and teacher were in before and after 1914, according to 10 Chong Tai Chi three potential slow speed aircraft frame, and continuously changing, and in the last century the late 20 final shape, called Wu Chi.

The author also has a great energy to study investment Ji Long Feng and teacher of mind Liuhe fist, were obtained:

Nanyang Tang Wanyi a division of disciplinary Jinshan Zong (sub-dong Xue disciple and teacher); Li Haisheng the south bank of a small frame of Li Zunsi Zhoukou master (first division of the disciples to buy Kim Kyu); buy Master Zhuang Figure 1 of WANG Shu-wen (Lo sublime and teacher disciples), Bai Wenyi master (disciple of Master Yang Xianglin), Liu (YANG Hong-sheng, Su Chuanwen first division of the disciples); Luoyang Masing a Ma Hongxian Master (gold black disciple of Master Yan); Qixian the Yanlong Chang Dai Longbang a master (Yue Guining first division of the disciples); and former Linking Luk 12 large-type Zhao teacher, Zhang teachers teach (Ma Xueli and teacher of the teacher brother Lee kept Lake, Lee kept the sea supporting the transmission. the author and with the support of the sworn brothers Liu Jun for Arts), the above support the true mass.

And may Zhao-yuan, Lu Shaojun, Magui Long, Li Qingshan, Su Xun Zhao (Suchuan Wen's son), Dan Yaozu, buy expensive health, Shi-Jie Yang, Ni Desheng, Ni Defu, Water General Chi, Lvhong Yang, Yue Jianzu you teacher's instructions.

Luhe boxing mind in Shanghai nose Zulu sublime and teacher once said that mind, tai chi homology. A few years ago I also feel for the process the mind, 13 potential of tai chi There are many similarities between the two, and wrote a "soft hand and mind, 13 Luk Hop potential boxing association," the article. Later, the first teacher to disciple by Liu Hongjun, "Yin and Yang 8 palm", the also wrote a "tai chi, mind, yin and yang eight associations" that they are from one family with the government dongjia the Huai. Tong Bei Quan Dong Cheng Zu, Luhe guns, 13 potential soft hands dry and teacher Dong Ping, Yang Dong Menglin ancestor 8 palm first three divisions are Huaiqing government people, and the former two are clearly recorded Flyover, which is also a hermit class figures. Although the mind has yet to find documented Luhe boxing founder and director Ping Ji's dry first direct evidence of teacher mentoring relationship, but I can confirm from many indirect evidence of Luhe's gun Ji Dong Bing teacher is dry and teacher.

Second half of 2008, I went all over China research in the martial arts origins, the honor thanks to the government in the former Huaiqing Xiuwu County, Li Shih-Tung Luk gun taboo is studied under Mr. House, to practice basic skills, one year later requested Li Shih-long home to New Zealand lived for half a year to teach spear.

Tung Luk gun is a complete spear system, only Lian Qiang Li Shih-life, occasionally gesturing about Tung division Luhe knife. With the commencement of transmission and in-depth study, the author surprised to find every day. With the major tribes of the mind Luhe boxing comprehensive inheritance and control, and support the understanding on the other, I almost found the gun from the John Tung Luk Luk mind all the shenfa boxing, footwork, acoustic method, methods, internal stiffness method and theory, but more prepared Dong Gun Luhe original.

Such as: Dai Xinyi Quan in "two-step three shenfa" potential shenfa pile of squat monkey, or marksmanship in the "low-height bound" in the "small Zhongping Masachika surface bound, split face big body Masachika cell" of the two Type shenfa. And Dai, "the word step advance and retreat" that spear in the "live call Roaming dial" into the first two type of regression.

Other support such as Masing, buy strong chart support Xinyi Quan small shenfa, marksmanship in both positive and Xieshen small shenfa and small raised step, step small shenfa knees.

Masing support Xinyi Quan the "white to" in the "oblique mention" is the mind that no other branch there, but the surgery was in the gun "take the left oblique mention." Romer Xinyi Quan flash in the pan, swallow water, Dian small leg extension is not in the other Xinyi Quan there, and in the spear for the "flower hand turn, go back, wander call." LI Cun-Lake 12 general trend in the second trend, "the next step of stopping" and the gun "a gun with one hand face" all the same. Zhuang Xinyi Quan plans to buy branch lineal Guru Yang Xianglin first division four of the Hentian no splitting of the downhill, "down to" (also known as "Shen hack"), and move the gun in the "single-fork" All the same, just a seat left legs, a seat right leg, said its mortgage from the fist to the sky of the "pick leaders," said the gun "draw shot the sky." The above activities too numerous to mention.

Luhe fist three ancestral mind, "the government of Henan Li," "Ten to History," said the step, that inch, mat, too, practice, trot, without the Xinyi Quan true mass, but can not the whole solution of its meaning, not This five-step training will be full. Because I often learn this five-step, so Lianqiang, he was surprised to find that this five-step all the footwork in the marksmanship. The mind Liuhe boxing footwork basics, "chicken foot step" (not part of the five-step), the spear "little to hand" for "egg-drilling forest" footwork. Xinyi Quan step in the direction of changes in turn referred to as "step out", nor among the five steps, I was surprised to see the step change in the gun-type, and a gun spectrum note reads: "Step off those inclined into the slope back also. "

Gun in the air about yin and yang, fat sound of Kazakhstan Hey 2, Xinyi Quan also made to drink Hey, the second tone (the author Note: The 13 potential two Deva kings also made of soft hand-sound).

Gun shenfa asked to make a "show, such as V cat, long as the tiger," when the show itself, "the first V tail number hidden threat to shoulder", that is, Xinyi Quan bunch body when talking to "shoulder wrap hip tails." Body when the stresses of long guns, "the first possession of dolphin V", not allowed to rise, that Xinyi Quan long body, also spoke head to foot to "prop pole."

Two eyes are exactly the same method.

I like guns in particular about: the three sharp photos, no point before hand, FLAC separated from rib of firearms made guns are shenfa strong, non-arm strength, but also for the mind the principles of boxing Luhe.

From the early Ming "Lance Lee" s "Luhe 36 guns" and "Luhe gun" were beginning to shun the Ming Tang, Qi Jiguang, Chengzong You Liuhe described such guns were guns from the 36 or 24 gun, or six rounds for the gun Luhe. And this gun will not see 36 guns, 24 guns, 13 guns to Huitang tricks or six large ones, and the "triple within the outer triple" in the name of this gun Luhe, both Dong Gun Luhe .

Spectrum of early boxing boxing Luhe mind shaped not bear a ten cats. This gun tricks in the form of tricks all ten have, nor the bears have a cat (author note: see bear-shaped for the JI created by ancestors).

In addition, the gun in the "solid Abstract beans" in their places was quoted Xinyi Quan.

This gun kicks and knees, not the gun high, while Xinyi Quan in "from the legs and knees, with their hands, but eyebrows" requirements.

And this gun in the "cooking three shots," the "Italian cooking" or as "hot oil dripping like," who was mistakenly written Xinyi Quan Xi, "Peng" meaning, "spray" means.

Buy's Xinyi Quan's Strength "hand mill Five", which are all derived from the gun position.

So I was surprised that Mr. Huang Xinming Xinyi Quan Pioneer History of Shaolin Temple has been recorded in mind the basic skills from bunched "Liuhe step", also from the gun, "the small set of steps." I found that the root mass of Henan Old Mr. Chang Jen-hsiang county mountain Xinyi Quan Yao basic skills, "Cross the" step in the knees, but also from the gun, "16 bound to mention stick back to 10th, 11 back," the trick gun. Lee kept the lake a long body Luhe basic skills beam step (with the Shaolin Luk Hop steps are different), the spear is shenfa Siping said (with a single step take shelter). Luoyang single to long three steps sideways basic skills in spear said, "Shun Xie Shen pedal opening step." Buy's basic skills with the aforementioned chicken foot step, Dai basic skills, "the word-step advance and retreat," no do not come from the gun.

Thus, this gun at random one type can be taken for the basic training school of boxing Liuhe mind, we can see how this spear is deep, deep.

With this gun shenfa, footwork, acoustic method, eye law, law and basic skills such as interior strength, easily taking the gun in the moves for the approach can "hammer of the gun to" carry on.

Because the date of peace, armed knife inconvenience (author note: I received the John Tung Luk knife and transfer the mind Liuhe knife, Dai mind knives have characteristic similarities, the only ancient Dong Luhe knife some more), it is necessary gun for the hammer throw. However, spear (seven feet and a half to nine scale semi) rapid increase in interior strength to the skill of boxing Ji ancestral remedy this deficiency after, so create a mind internal strength mass.

Lee Lake as a deposit are: Yi Jin Jing 12 Great King (author note: This second type is also known as Yi Jin Jing "Yi Jin Jing Foreign Economic Relations", in Jiyuan Boxer referred to as "built overnight", but the author The first division Zhu Yunfei Xi Chuan-Yi Jin Jing 12 Dharma original formula, then known as "Yi Jin Jing Classic"), a large chi-training aircraft, six-step function (the three collectively known as "Yi Jin Jing Guan Gas tactic "), Ba Duan Jin, etc..

Luoyang branch (except the "claw Wu Yin Gong" outside) internal strength lost.

Buy's internal strength are: hand-mill five elements, the plate orange 4, interior strength method, and other power shake in the section in the festival, music in the Festival.

Dai pile for the internal strength to squatting monkey, Dai Hongxun there and Luoyang a similar function such as Wu Yin claws.

Ji Jinshan En Nanyang Tang Wanyi one of the teachers are also rumors that some Ba Duan Jin, the five elements and other internal strength. The "hook kick Diao wrist not the same as step foot pile," but also from the spear.

Thirteen additional work (the author Note: The Thirteen senior Ting Bao Gong was different)

Luhe boxing mind with these internal strength, the power of big guns on the practice of holding close.

I have obtained first division pass Zhoukou Hexi Yuan Fengyi Luhe preaching a gun and shot two together (co-Gun is: four guns, five sets guns, seven guns, 13 guns. The "nine-step 13 guns" lost, This gun came from the old Soviet Union Dai), they have to pass Old Mr. Chang Chuan-Yao Saran a root of "13 Guns" (6 guns, seven guns, is the training co-guns), Dai mind the gun, spring gun Tang Wanyi of Lek. And get out early, "Lance Lee" one of the original Biography Luk 36 guns, 42 pistols and guns combined battles 13 guns (also known as "Zhao Yun 13 gun") is taught. However, these are non-hee marksmanship marksmanship progenitor mass. The marksmanship can not "throw the gun for the hammer."

Ji ancestors of the original Biography marksmanship Lake and Lee kept successor Masing two left only a few residual type, the holsters lost, however this almost-free survival can not find the John Tung Luk gun.

In the Taihang Mountains, northwest side of the village along the Yangtze River respect Ji's family tree contains: Ji Long Feng who taught marksmanship may vary. The JI's a transmission of mass spectra, the Taihang Mountains Ji Ling Chuan County ancestors as shows Ji ancestral area in the Taihang Mountains Lingchuan activities over. And Ling Chuan County, next to the Fengtai County (formerly Mountain Caesar state capital are now the House of Huai Xiuwu County), is the founder of Tong Bei Quan Dong Road for transfer into the mountain Xushou Lu Tong Bei Quan of the Department. According to ancient legend Hsu, Dong Cheng ancestors is often spotted in the rhesus monkey group in Fengtai County in the mountains of enlightenment and innovation through the back fist.

Also, according to Fort spear and teacher Wang Yu's reign king preface, said Dong Ping dry and teacher, "came from the north, hidden wizard concept." That is from the north of the Taihang Thousand Leagues (formerly Mountain Caesar state capital Fengtai County) from. The Kangxi Period of the Tang Dynasty Village Lee Dong Bing genealogy records another first division not only dry mass 13 potential soft hand, there is Tong Bei Quan. Bing Dong and teacher can see to walk before you run dry before Temple of Fengtai County in the mountains with the Dong Cheng Xi Tong Bei Quan ancestors.

According to my research, Dong Cheng soft hand with the 13 potential successor, Shanxi Fenzhou House Fen Wang Gongyue small Wangzhuang of seven ancestor (Yue cases), "Lance Lee" descendants, and Zhang are Songxi other exchanges (see the author " Taijiquan History truth "article). Therefore, most likely in the Dong Cheng's referral, the Dong Ping-dry seasoned addition with Dong Cheng Xi pass back from Wang Zongyue, "Lance Lee" posterity study 13 potential soft hand and the "Lance Lee" marksmanship, enlightenment after the launch of the China spear history The Need for "Tung Luk gun."

Dong Ping dry and teacher create a "Tung Luk gun", but also in the mountain village of Kyi's Biography respect. As the Fengtai County, Lingchuan County close to, its one of Ji's disciples were mistaken Lingchuan County and recorded in the spectra.

Zu Ji Chuan Tung Luk was shot, they visit the Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Luk Hop marksmanship or transmission, or transfer Shaolin Tong Bei Quan (author's note: I return to secular life in the Shaolin Temple monks have seen the old office spectrum, there are "Ji teacher marksmanship" in items, before and after this chapter for the Tong Bei Quan spectrum, while the Ji Ji's gun ancestral spectrum should be a summary of the Tung Luk guns, called "Ji teacher marksmanship" is a Shaolin monk Ji Zu marksmanship on the meaning of that respect, the author in possession of three different sources, "Ji's gun spectrum." Lee kept a boxing spectrum Lake "listed" five times 132 potential JI Zu marksmanship of tricks).

Namely Ji Ji's family tree on the records of the ancestors, "Communication Arts Henan" things (when Fengtai County Government, Shanxi, so Kyi's Fengtai County in Shanxi by the Arts, Communication Arts of Shaolin Temple in the south of the Yellow River).

I believe that when Ji Shaolin Temple not to go to the motherland, "as the hammer of the gun", if it has "the hammer of the gun", you can not just pass the gun does not pass hammer, hammer if the transfer, the Shaolin Temple in the old spectrum can not just write "Ji teacher marksmanship" without records, "Ji teacher boxing."

According to my research, Shaolin mind the second trend, should mind Luhe boxing three ancestors, "Li Henan government," or four ancestral Ma Xueli the transfer. "Government of Henan Li" is the Shaolin abbot Yung dry years a close friend, had his first month in the year of the Yongzheng 10 written "Ten to Luhe" and the "Twenty-four characters tactic" pass on the Shaolin Temple. According to Masing and buy a strong successor dynasties Figure 2 rumors, Ma Xueli has ordered the division to go to the temple from the trial after years of arts, arts test is successful, be asked to "art" to leave (see the author "mind Luhe boxing history" article).

The JI ancestors or the disciple, "the government of Henan Li," have learned in the Shaolin Temple, "Yi Jin Jing 12 Great King", "Ba Duan Jin" and "Nine to switch sickness Law" and other internal organs (author's note: vertical, "eight Duan Jin "was created by Jin Xu Zhenjun, sitting" Ba Duan Jin "is created by Patriarch Tang Zhongli," Nine to switch sickness Law "also created by Henan Anfang Jun, introduced after the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing outside great enthusiasm by the 12 record since I do not know who).

After leaving the temple, around the original Tao Ji ancestors did not return to the village in Shanxi puzhou respect, but take a shortcut over the Yellow River from the Gap states maojindu to level ground, climb the mountains directly in respect of Article Village. It contains, Ji Zu Shan article in the climb in when the horse had lost before the kick, fall into a ravine, but fortunately no serious problem with internal strength climbing out of the valley, back to respect the village. Find out the poor mountain valley in the day, see Ying Xiong Ji ancestors fought bears keep attacking hawk, the great enlightened. Then the day to peace, do not carry swords and guns, snipers encounter bandits, enemy, how will you resist? Then as the hammer of the gun. Also take Dong Liuhe gun "dragon, tiger, monkey, cat, eagle, snakes, chickens, horses, Yan, Harrier" and other animal whatever, keep meaning to join Bear, both show such as the V cat, long as the tiger (cat , the tiger's cousin, a small one large), attack, such as eagles, observe, such as bears, eagles bears actually blog, but creative mind Luhe boxing. Are all derived from its theoretical Dong Cheng, Dong Ping dry Patriarch of yin and yang, five elements, Luhe, 339, and the spear tip in the three photos, one preparing the five arches, five theories of the bow as a bow.

It contains, Ji ancestors of the gun as the hammer, took the Venerable Dong Road, went to see the mountains, their creative mind by the Venerable Dong Road, Luhe boxing praise boxing spectrum of "I spectra of mind, Ru boxing Luhe, combined to do this mind Luhe fist "of records. Luhe visible fist of Xinyi Quan or full name of "mind Luhe boxing" is also a director and teacher to the effect of (the Author: Qing Emperor Yongzheng, who had Ming, according to Tong Bei Quan and theory through the back of the record of Luhe Luhe boxing This is Wai Jia Luhe Luhe boxing boxing, after the spread of Hebei, Shandong, and the ancestor of mind Luhe boxing, "the government of Henan Li" in the "Top Ten To Luhe theory" in the "Preface" in call "Liuhe boxing" is Ji created by means within the ancestral home Liuhe boxing, because boxing was already Waijia Luhe, so the ancestors, "the government of Henan Li" in the "Preface" in particular, that the Ji's ancestors Luhe Luhe boxing and boxing outside the door of a different . In the late Ming and early Qing, Gu house into a long, Dong Tong Bei Quan and ancestors on the basis of Luhe, called Tong Bei Quan sent back to Luk Tung. but this actually and I sent the gun from mass spectrum of " Lance Lee "of 36 guns, 42 gun shots the whole spectrum of the same, word for word. This also shows that" guns Lee "future generations of directors and as the exchange. Shanxi Hongdong Tong Bei Quan in Luhe gun 24 guns, 13 guns and other tricks as well as a support. Thousand Years of dry Temple of Master Dong Ping Road Tomohiro fair length, also have to pass 13 potential soft hands, sword and "spear Lee" descendants marksmanship, game after the public create thirteen potential gun that Tai Chi thirteen guns, twenty four shots and two co-guns, such as bar-eight guns, four guns. Interestingly, the Magong Yue Liang Tai Chi teacher Mass marksmanship under the momentum of the play , that is, pumping up the gun left hand, right hand shot, income potential arms pipa. and played Zhi Zuo Tung Luk gun hand gun carrying, right hand shot, "King Tianyi stick of incense" and the Tung Luk guns ending the "arms hold on, "almost the same).

Long Ji public can see the first division for the Tung Luk Fung, founder Dong Gun Master Ping-dry seasoned for the first disciples, when no doubt. And their brother is a teacher of Wang Jin, Chen played the court, LI Zhong, Li Xin (the Author: Dong Ping dry after the first three are 13 potential teachers and Tong Bei Quan soft hand disciple)
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Dai Zhi Qiang on Mon May 03, 2010 7:57 pm

Bruce, you got to be kidding me man, have you read that?

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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby bruce on Mon May 03, 2010 8:34 pm

i did not bother to read it. way too long to interest me! but google translate is pretty cool right!!!
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby Chris Fleming on Mon May 03, 2010 9:19 pm


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Last edited by Chris Fleming on Tue May 04, 2010 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby lazyboxer on Sun May 09, 2010 10:31 am

bruce wrote:pumping up the gun left hand, right hand shot, income potential arms pipa. and played Zhi Zuo Tung Luk gun hand gun carrying, right hand shot, "King Tianyi stick of incense" and the Tung Luk guns ending the "arms hold on, "almost the same)..................Contribute a better translation

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Re: Clip and Article from Master Yan

Postby D_Glenn on Mon May 10, 2010 6:57 pm



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