master Gao Zhuangfei

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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby windwalker on Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:09 pm

D_Glenn wrote:Windwalker,

Let's just say that everyone agrees this is real. No BS, no hypnosis, etc. just down-to-earth, matter of fact that this is totally possible.

Can you, or anyone in the world be trained to use this field, in a couple of months, to make a mugger stab himself with his own knife, preferably driving the blade up under his own jaw, or even just use the field to move his arm enough so that he guts himself?

Or could it be used to prevent someone from pulling the trigger of a gun, or better yet use the field to move his thumb to press/switch the safety of the gun to on?

What is the degree of control you personally have over the opponent without touching them? (ie move whole body, move individual arm, move fingers)


no real point in answering the question, it has nothing to do with clip nor what the teacher said.
If any one read the translation they IMO should be able to pick up a few key points, points that have been brought out on other threads on "IP"

regarding the training in China, the expectation is 3yrs, to get and understand the basic foundations, the depth and level is up to ones self.
working with intent, the basic idea is that one is aware of an action before the action is manifested.

how this used is up to ones self.

you do know that to pull a gun from a holster, if one is inside 20ft they will not have enough time to draw, aim and fire.
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby Ian on Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:13 pm

I still don't understand what a "non-physical wuji field" is, and how it's supposed to influence physical bodies.



Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby D_Glenn on Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:08 pm

windwalker wrote:
"You know that everyone is going to use this video to support the existence of Lin Kong Jin, (Even though that's not what Wang was demonstrating).

sure kinda makes sense, he couldn't do it, and you also know its not something he could do.
you know this is not "kong jin" how?

what if he said the opposite would you then come out and post supporting it or explaining it?

If you have nothing substantive to add why post a negative about something you dont know about
have not experienced nor apparently understand. Always surprising to me considering the amount of
translating you do.

Of course he's talking about emptying and filling. That's what push hands is all about.[/quote]

Ling Kong Jin (No-Touch) was already something that was associated with the qigong charlatans who would put on shows in the city courtyards back in the 1920s.

Wang Peisheng was trying to show what real TJQ is about. But because he went a little too hard on the guy helping him demonstrate, he inadvertently got to show what the actual Ling Kong Jin was, but the point of the demonstration was to show empty and full.

In the past you yourself have used this video to support your belief in the No-Touch stuff. You can't backpeddle now. I'll post the links if need be.

Watch it again and again and again to see what is actually happening. Read the subtitles. A transcript of it was posted years back on RSF or EF, it had all the stuff in question marks.

IF you can't see or tell what's going on in the video then you obviously just haven't met someone of Wang Peisheng's caliber of power. You really have to feel the insane power to know what's really going on. The insane degree of internal power has to be physically impressed upon a person, then they might react/flinch when the teacher just moves towards them with intent. How can a random thug who's assaulting the person know the person's capability to issue power, before hand, it's impossible. No-Touch doesn't work without previously having touched the person.

Last edited by D_Glenn on Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby windwalker on Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:33 pm

F you can't see or tell what's going on in the video then you obviously just haven't met someone of Wang Peisheng's caliber of power. You really have to feel the insane power to know what's really going on. The insane degree of internal power has to be physically impressed upon a person, then they might react/flinch when the teacher just moves towards them with intent. How can a random thug who's assaulting the person know the person's capability to issue power, before hand, it's impossible. No-Touch doesn't work without previously having touched the person.

dont need to read the beliwens translations, what I dont understand others have told me directly.

you should take your meds

again stick with stuff "you can do" or have felt.
really dude, some of teacher wangs students study with my teacher,,,,you have no idea

you come on this thread to do what?

you keep talking about power,,,he talks of no power...its funny

In the past you yourself have used this video to support your belief in the No-Touch stuff. You can't backpeddle now. I'll post the links if need be.

all of which has nothing to do with this thread. get a clue,, its not a belief its an experience that still has nothing to do with this thread.

have someone tell you what master gao zhuangfei is saying maybe you might present a different view point who knows...
things your talking about now make no sense and are not relevant to this thread.
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby C.J.W. on Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:47 pm

windwalker wrote:my point was/is that what is shown is consistent with how its explained, you a native speaker understanding what is being said I would think should be able to understand this directly in ways a non native speaker might not get.

If you go to Chinese web sit talking about this teacher would you also question his skill?

They use demos like this to make it very clear talking about the skill itself in a context that they feel illustrates very clearly.

I find it amusing that you assume native speakers like me should appreciate what he is saying or have a higher tolerance for this type of demo on Chinese-medium websites.

If you could read Chinese, please feel free to visit any Chinese language online Kung Fu/CMA discussion forums and see the comments that are posted under video clips involving Taiji masters bouncing people around with little to no physical contact. The vast majority of them are along the lines of "That stuff only works on his students."; "Wow, another f****** charlatan!"; "What a disgrace to CMA!"; "A Sanda guy will whup his ass in 10 seconds."

So if you think any Chinese-speaking CMAists worth their salt still believe in the magical power of Taiji as demonstrated by this teacher, I'm afraid you are largely mistaken.

As for his demo being "very clear," let's just agree to disagree. I actually spent (and wasted) 4 minutes and 39 seconds watching the entire original clip and, as a native-speaker who understands every single word that comes out of his mouth, I still think it's nothing more than happy horses**t. He could be saying that he's using the qi emitted from his anus while doing moves from Tae-bo, and his student would still be hopping all over the place.

But if the things that teacher does is what you are interested in pursuing, then I wish you all the best on your journey.

To each his own.
Last edited by C.J.W. on Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby windwalker on Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:12 pm

As for his demo being "very clear," let's just agree to disagree. I actually spent (and wasted) 4 minutes and 39 seconds watching the entire original clip and, as a native-speaker who understands every single word that comes out of his mouth, I still think it's nothing more than happy horses**t. He could be saying that he's using the qi emitted from his anus while doing moves from Tae-bo, and his student would still be hopping all over the place.

But if the things that teacher does is what you are interested in pursuing, then I wish you all the best on your journey.

To each his own.

you make my point, which is even for those there there is a lot of arguments as to what is real, what is not, how its happening ect.
In china it gets / got pretty heated

when I was there I used to smile as they asked the same questions as here, despite being able to access it from the teacher..
and being able to directly understand it and feel it. I just find it so strange at times...

I would have thought that you would be able to grasp some of the ideas of the interchange between intention and body.
I talked about this with a friend of mine, native speaker,,,he mentioned that while he could translate it.

With out working with "me" it wouldn't make much he can see and understand more of what he sees.

I could post some examples by peter ralston, IMO that echo much of what was shown in the teachers demo...
but I think my time here has really come to an point

I wish you all the best on your journey.

also wish you and all others the best in your journeys, ;)

later d
Last edited by windwalker on Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby Michael on Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:55 am

I still don't understand what a "non-physical wuji field" is, and how it's supposed to influence physical bodies.

Are you dedicate enough to do that?
Last edited by Michael on Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby D_Glenn on Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:45 am

windwalker wrote:you come on this thread to do what?

you keep talking about power,,,he talks of no power...its funny

What is funny is that you don't know that 劲 Jin = power.
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby windwalker on Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:15 am

D_Glenn wrote:
windwalker wrote:you come on this thread to do what?

you keep talking about power,,,he talks of no power...its funny

What is funny is that you don't know that 劲 Jin = power.

its an expression that means certain kind of power which
in some aspects doesnt quite convey the real meaning as in "kong jin"
the idea of "power" as its normally thought of is what confuses a lot of people.

my views come from those I interact with and can do all that is shown.
my understanding and usage of words to describe it are mine and are still evolving

I work with many native speakers who come to me to train in taiji
because I can link things in a way that they can understand and do
replicating things they see and answering questions they have...

In most cases while they may be able to understand it by reading or being told directly
by a teacher they cant do it because of what they understand.

This kind of understanding itself
kind of IMO blocks them from it.

my failure as I've stated is my lack of a good way to articulate
what I feel in this have written on many things that
for me when I read them should answer many of the questions posed here.

It would seem that we have reached some very different conclusions
in what you have translated.....

this ok,,, ;)

I and many others do appreciate your writings.

my reading of them is not to learn something from them
its more to see if it agrees with my current experiences and thought
or with what others have said that I have interacted with who can do the
things like the teacher in the clip or others that I've posted.

best wishes happy holidays..

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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby Michael on Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:24 am

I still don't understand what a "non-physical wuji field" is, and how it's supposed to influence physical bodies.

This is a question. Answer the question, ww.


Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby amor on Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:20 pm

windwalker wrote:I and many others do appreciate your writings.

my reading of them is not to learn something from them
its more to see if it agrees with my current experiences and thought
or with what others have said that I have interacted with who can do the
things like the teacher in the clip or others that I've posted.

best wishes happy holidays..


You should continue to post on this topic if you like, there is plenty of other drivel on here and adding your own (not that I personally consider your stuff drivel, but others obviously do) and I don't know why you take others opinions on this topic so seriously so as to resign from posting here. You're obviously privy to some unique skill sets which not even some of the most accomplished individuals on here can relate to, and im not talking about the linkong jin stuff, but certainly the stuff about 'the field' and some of your other writing about moving ones center is definitely relevant I feel.

And yes you're not the best writer in terms of grammar, explanation etc. :D but you're probably the only one who writes about this other side of taiji so you might as well keep it up if you still feel the need to and perhaps someone will come along one day and be able to offer more.
You are obviously passionate and you have shown it by going out to china and seeing a real master so would be a shame if you stopped writing about it due to some minor irritants. I'll still continue to read your stuff just in case some things start to appear more clear in my own practice :)
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Re: master Gao Zhuangfei

Postby wiesiek on Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:45 am

..."I am deliberately trying to provoke an answer on what you believe is skill and how to show skill. ..."

just break hard object /board , brick/s/ whatever, - but not moving the body - you know, something little better than "1 inch punch"
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