Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Bob on Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:33 am

bailewen wrote:Yes.

That is after all, what both Taiji and Baji were designed for. One of the absolute most difficult things with Shifu is to avoid "running away". Always enter. He is always criticizing people for trying to create space. The proper way to yield to a push (or palm strike) to the torso is to move in. It's counter-intuitive at first but there's a way to do it and it really is yielding. You redirect the force in a very small circle from the heel of the hand into your body and then back out into the striking hands fingertips.

Full speed palm strikes is a fairly regular thing. If they don't come in full bore, you can't really do any damage with the shen-fa. For Baji is it even more core and less listening is required. Every hand strike in Baji is really a chest strike. For Baji it would be force on force but I train daily to strike with the chest. What do you think all that tree banging is about? How about the numerous strikes you do to your own chest in the form. Largely to entrain that bit of shenfa. When the palm strikes, so does the chest.

It's a special skill and it can be applied for real.

Again, of course I can't do this to everyone anymore than I could guarantee landing a punch or a kick but if the attack comes in, palm or palms to the chest, it's not especially harder for me to damage the wrist than it is for many others to catch a round kick and sweep the leg.

Interesting point---GM Liu Yun Qiao--translated as well as could be in our circle [Ohio]---there is no defense in baji--offense is defense---once you commit you commit everthing from fist, to elbow, shoulder, hip to head--sort of a folding principle. However, I do think Ting Jin is also fairly important--my limited understanding is that baji "defense" is an on-ward adjustment of angle e.g. slight step to the side---a slight step sideways/backwards slightly is not a retreat because the front is still aimed at the target---it is like a the old drawing compass---you move along an arc but the fist is still at the center of the target. In the upper levels baji--the little understanding I have, I mean that sincerely, the punch is the "block" and strike at the same time with a continuous move to the second strike---we used have a two person drill, using chan si jin, you block/roll with the punching arm while continuing forward with the strike, and then collapse with the elbow---when training we strike the opponents shoulder, yes as hard as we can--the opponet must block the eblow strike with an elbow strike twisted at an angle from the waist, otherswise you'll find your ass on the ground---been there in the old days.

We were also taught when punching through, image and visual is that you punch three or four feet beyond the point of impact, that is, you mind is not at the point of impact once contact is made but is 3 or 4 feet beyond that point.

The chest strike, I think, for us, is the side of the chest, including the inner side of the shoulder alll the way down to the waist---two person drlll, kao shoulder to shoulder, step back, adjust angle of body, go in, chest to chest---I have an old clip of George Xu doing this in a public demo in San Francisco in the 1970s as part of his Liuhe xinyi training.
Last edited by Bob on Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby bailewen on Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:14 am


That's very much what I am talking about on the Baji side. Slightly different for Taiji but for Baji, absolutely. Sometimes Shifu does testing with a collapsing palm on me. Of course he doesn't wail on me 100%, just enough of a taste to get the idea but in push hands, occasionally he will place his fingertips on say, my ribs, and give me "that look" which says "are you ready?" The look just lasts a second or so and then he will fa-jin to see if I have gotten to the point where I can dissolve that sort of thing. No luck yet but he can dissolve mine. Even if my own short power is not strong enough to cause any real damage, the test is not about damage. It's about dissolving. Even without damage, you can feel when you really landed it or when you just got uprooted or lost the angle in that split second you tried to fa-jin.
Click here for my Baji Leitai clip.

p.s. the name is pronounced "buy le when"
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Nick C on Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:20 pm

Ian wrote:
Nick C wrote:
bailewen wrote:4:45 - A wonderful little tidbit on what it's like pushing with some of the scary older dudes and another extremely rarely shown link between push hands and sparring.

It fits almost exactly with what I have been told by numerous people. The old masters moved you right from the first contact, never let you settle, and at the first moment of opening, they 'strike' (meaning push, deliver, throw - whatever, as apposed to punch ;) )

wonderful. so (in your opinion), the old masters didn't hit either...

So I should have said 'just' punch - sorry. I wanted to leave the topic of the type of 'strike' to the thread where that is being discussed - not bring it over to this one.

Cheers :)
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Wanderingdragon on Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:47 pm

kinda helps you understand that the final push in some demos is just a nice way to demo what can be a finishing move. Pushing is not about pushing, it is about striking
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Nick C on Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:26 pm

Agree :)
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Bob on Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:14 pm

Another seminar illustrating Kurt Wong's teaching and seminar material:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpcCfGWx ... re=related

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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Kurt Robbins on Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:36 pm

"Master", that's just funny.
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby guobaolo on Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:08 am


Whatever your problems may be with Wong Shifu, lets try to leave it out of here.
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Re: Kurt Wong push hands seminar.

Postby Kurt Robbins on Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:51 am

I got your PM, so pull your G-string outta your ass.
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