bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby amanmtl on Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:28 pm

In conclusion, both Nam Anh and this other guys wing chun suck =)

Thank you, thank you, don't all applaud at the same time!
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Jerry_f on Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:49 pm

Rikimaru wrote:i don't see anything in this video worth swearing.
The name said "Sticky hand" what did you expect to see?
Are you presuming things on your own yet?
Can you explain yourself more??
Who are you anyway to say this!! again, your opinion doesnt have much value.

Who am i?? well, you can call me Jerry ;) i am married with a pretty Vietnamese and i have one boy.

See, sticky hand is not a fighting technique, is a exercise to awake your sense of touch but many of wing chun, specially those from vietnam (Hanoi) they only practice sticky hands and softness in almost all exercises.
they are very strong on the forum but not in real. I know this because i have followed this forum, thanks to my wife. Sometimes she loose patient with me with the translation but i know how to repay ::) and sometimes, i use google translate, is not very effective but...
When i gave as example of this guy diep phuong (wudang), is the perfect one because he talk a lot but his has always scape the invitations. Back in 1997,when i was practicing with nam loi, we eared how he got is ass kick by christian voyer because he didn't know how to react against him. Why, because of his training failed in front of fast kicks and punches without engaging sticky hands.


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Rikimaru on Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:17 pm

Who am i?? well, you can call me Jerry ;) i am married with a pretty Vietnamese and i have one boy.

nice to meet you and your familly, Jerry. how long have you been training in wing chun? (pai mei maybe?)

When i gave as example of this guy diep phuong (wudang), is the perfect one because he talk a lot but his has always scape the invitations.

When did the wing chun was associated with wudang? well.. i though it was a shaolin art

Back in 1997,when i was practicing with nam loi, we eared how he got is ass kick

13y ago? this doesnt make any arguement regarding is skills now in 2010, stop kidding.

by christian voyer because he didn't know how to react against him. Why, because of his training failed in front of fast kicks and punches without engaging sticky hands.

At the least, thank you, now we know your opinion and from which "story" it came from. When put into context, everything seems more clever.
Last edited by Rikimaru on Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Jerry_f on Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:24 pm

When i gave as example of this guy diep phuong (wudang), is the perfect one because he talk a lot but his has always scape the invitations.

When did the wing chun was associated with wudang? well.. i though it was a shaolin art

wudang is his nickname of diep phuong on the vietnamese forum


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Rikimaru on Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:51 pm

Jerry_f wrote:wudang is his nickname of diep phuong on the vietnamese forum

oh it make more sense now :P
your forum-fu is strong! 8-)
nice found on the vietnamese topic about mr flores. The chinese potion jokes will make future generation of CMA laugh for sure. At least he have a good sense of humour even after defeat. hahaha

nice one bringing back this topic from the dead also?
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Jerry_f on Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:11 pm

no prob,
By the way, they play very dirty over there and they have some exchange already between the north and the south since than. Also, this guy,flores, still making noise about it. My opinion, when you loose, just shot the hell up and accept the result but the same goes for those who haven't never test their skill in a real situation and criticize those who had.
I had some experience on the ring, i have won some and i have loose some but at least, i can say, being there, done that.
Last edited by Jerry_f on Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby messageplay on Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:52 pm

Due to the fact that some people on this forum do not speak English as their first language, I would like to clarify a word used in this thread: Potion.
Does anyone have any clue about the specific meaning of this word according to the context of this thread?

thank you.


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Rikimaru on Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:19 pm

i would like to have your input about it!
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby messageplay on Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:40 pm

Well, in my considered opinion, people should respect Grandmaster Nam Anh, I heard that even though he's dead, but his legend is still being kept in Montreal by his students.

You have to know that even Bruce Lee studied from him. I was told by one of his students that he even could kill people with his powerful Qi without touching the opponent, he could fly in the air without wings!

I think people should show more respect to him, he was a real master of Shaolin and Wudang!
Last edited by messageplay on Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Ralteria on Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:02 pm


Hold tight your buns, if buns you do hold dear!!!! For time has come to wake and run and not give way to fear!!!!
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Jerry_f on Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:13 pm

messageplay wrote:You have to know that even Bruce Lee studied from him. I was told by one of his students that he even could kill people with his powerful Qi without touching the opponent, he could fly in the air without wings!

I think people should show more respect to him, he was a real master of Shaolin and Wudang!

Yeah right! I never see him flying or anything like that but this student most have a great imagination or is complete idiot because bruce lee never went to vietnam to study at least he has sign up with the USA military and meet him during the war!!!

I hope that your are not that student because it will make you a complete looser not to questioning simple things that you can easy found out in Bruce and Nam Anh biography.

Considering Grand Master Nam Anh, i am not like some to blast him consistently because i knew him and is a very honored men. I know some fans of Franklin Eyelom are behind this campaign against the nam anh school, it will be very interesting to open a topic about this guy,Franklin, i don't know that much but i can tell you, his a fuck top figure.



Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby messageplay on Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:26 pm

Sorry if I made you misunderstand my post.
My friend is a big fun of GM Nam Anh. He had told me a lot of wonderful stories of his master.Once, he even had happy tears in his eyes when he talked about his teacher... It is sad that Grandmaster Nam has passed away, otherwise, I would like to move to Montreal to study from him...

Many people are jealous of his talent, so they try to damage his legend.

Oh, my friend even told me that GM Nam could stay in the water for long long time without change the air...
People may not believe what my friend has told me but I strongly believe his words.


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby messageplay on Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:58 pm

I am not good at internet, I can't find a photo of the legendary GM Bam Anh...maybe some one here can help me out.

My friend told me that he was a very handsome old Asian gentleman despite when he was more than 80 years old.

He had very long hair and six blocks of abdominal muscle back to that time.

What a wonderful figure in kung fu!


Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby Rikimaru on Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:00 pm

Yeah right! I never see him flying or anything like that but this student most have a great imagination or is complete idiot because bruce lee never went to vietnam to study at least he has sign up with the USA military and meet him during the war!!

Are you serious? Nam Anh met Bruce Lee? What a chance in a live time! do you have more details about this? i'm suprised.

I know some fans of Franklin Eyelom are behind this campaign against the nam anh school, it will be very interesting to open a topic about this guy,Franklin, i don't know that much but i can tell you, his a fuck top figure.

Yet another "ennemy" of this wing chun school? How many people have step up againts him already? Quite funny if you ask me.

i know there is some story about the special "skills" Nam Anh had/have. You should have been more curious and ask for more details! I must say that this is his current reputation - i heard the same thing.. almost

Jerry, Since you seems really close to Nam Anh, would you enlight us once and for all?
What are the believed story about Nam Anh in the school circle?
There is so much student in this school, there must be something - did he ever show any of these skills on you personally?
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Re: bare knuckle kung fu challenge match

Postby messageplay on Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:06 pm

To Rikimaru,
Please do not get me wrong! He had a lot of special skills, this is for sure. My friend talked about this with me before! Whom I should trust? you or my friend?

It's too bad that you guys are ridiculously bad-mouth about him, it is a pity...

There are 72 special skills in Shaolin, and GM Nam mastered some of them, such as fly the leaf as needle and make the leaf strike into wall as a knife.

Like I said before , you may not believe me, but it is OK.



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