The Cult of Saturn

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British Lawmaker Tom Watson Links Unnamed Former Prime Minis

Postby kreese on Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:34 pm

British Lawmaker Tom Watson Links Unnamed Former Prime Minister To Pedophile Ring

Am I imagining this? Is MP Top Watson imagining this? Are you going to conitnue to actively ignore the Truth? There are no conspiracies? Remember, a surprise party is by definition as much a conspiracy as this, every prosecution of major crimes by groups of individuals is about conspiracy.

Save your conditioned responses, I am also intimately familiar with them and have parroted them just like you. Only I stopped when the weight of evidence was too heavy to ignore. That is apparently nearly impossible for 99% of people out there, you stop learning as soon as you think you know something.

Plato's famous account of the trial and death of Socrates.

When I left him, I reasoned thus with myself: I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not know.

Who do you think does child porn and kidnaps, rapes and murders children? Atheists? Who do you think they murder? What belief system would you need to have to perform the most heinous acts that can be committed on this planet?

Those who continue to deny are not just naive, but complicit in the conspiracy to keep these crimes out of the public eye. If you don't like that idea, then get the F out of the way at least of people trying to explain just how something as crazy sounding as a Cult of Saturn could lead to REAL WORLD crimes against humanity.

There is no being innocent, there is being uninformed, then there is ignoring the truth -> ignorance.

I have no more respect anymore for people who choose to live in a fantasy world where nothing bad happens except a few random crazies out there doing the deeds. Come on, I refuse to believe I am any more intelligent than any of you, so what's the problem?

Belief is everything. It's intention, it's the difference between me kick you in the balls by accident when sparring and me kicking you in the balls to end your lineage...the latter hurts you emotionally because you can tell what my intention is. The former, we high five and there are no hard feelings, only because of your belief that I did not intend to kick you in your wedding tackle.

That same PG attitude is why most martial artists are fooling themselves, they never had the intention to be willing to die in order to protect others, they never had the killer intent to put a baddie in the ground and be able to sleep like a babe knowing the difference between right and wrong, not this vague, pussy-ass ambivalence that is the source of doubt.

Don't like that characterization? Then get educated, get angry, and do something. Your Ego is the only thing standing in your way, not me. Like I said, I'm not smarter than you, but I choose to allow the unthinkable to be a possibility as I don't know everything and am fine with that.


Yáll ready to wake up? Or are you gonna hit the thought snooze-button and continue to jeopardize your kids lives with your ignorance? Wives of incestuous abusers know deep in their hearts what is going on and do nothing. The story is always the same, mom knew, but she didn't do anything and she even punished me if I'd even mention it.

That's you until you do something, you start talking about this reality, you start fighting it. Check the missing children's statistics and then count all the different children in child porn and snuff films...oh wait, you can't, there are too many to count.

They are not someone else's children. They are your children, they are our children.


British Lawmaker Tom Watson Links Unnamed Former Prime Minister To Pedophile Ring ... 10912.html

Tom Watson's blog and response to his initial allegations: ... k-my-world

Viewpoint from a Scottish blog, as I don't know the UK from the inside, and you don't either unless you you're from the land of thousand accents: ... -partners/


Somebody else saying the same shit I've been saying, and others have been saying for centuries:
Last edited by kreese on Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:51 am

Last edited by Michael on Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Patrick on Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:16 pm

Pretty cool (nah), but its the same trick all dogmatic groups use:

If you do not believe a particular proposition P*(or in this case a set of), you are "insert sanction/insert words that should act as psychologically offensive".
*P is not debatable, no matter the arguments or data.
*P is pseudo rationalized, meaning only data that speaks for P is accepted. The philosophy and practice of a healthy life
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:29 am

Grammy winning artist Lauryn Hill explains why she left at the height of her career, remember she won multiple-Grammies with her debut album, one of the best R&B albums of the modern era.

She's been to the top and has seen what really goes on, things are not as they seem.


It was reported yesterday that Ms. Lauryn Hill has been charged with three counts of misdemeanor failure to file taxes. These charges were incurred for the years of 2005-2007, during a time in which Ms. Hill had removed herself and her family from society, in order to keep them safe, healthy, and free from danger. In response to these charges, Ms. Hill has issued the following statement:

“For the past several years, I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people, like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda. Having put the lives and needs of other people before my own for multiple years, and having made hundreds of millions of dollars for certain institutions, under complex and sometimes severe circumstances, I began to require growth and more equitable treatment, but was met with resistance. I entered into my craft full of optimism (which I still possess), but immediately saw the suppressive force with which the system attempts to maintain it’s control over a given paradigm. I’ve seen people promote addiction, use sabotage, black listing, media bullying and any other coercion technique they could, to prevent artists from knowing their true value, or exercising their full power. These devices of control, no matter how well intentioned (or not), can have a devastating outcome on the lives of people, especially creative types who must grow and exist within a certain environment and according to a certain pace, in order to live and create optimally.

I kept my life relatively simple, even after huge successes, but it became increasingly obvious that certain indulgences and privileges were expected to come at the expense of my free soul, free mind, and therefore my health and integrity. So I left a more mainstream and public life, in order to wean both myself, and my family, away from a lifestyle that required distortion and compromise as a means for maintaining it. During this critical healing time, there were very few people accessible to me who had not already been seduced or affected by this machine, and therefore who could be trusted to not try and influence or coerce me back into a dynamic of compromise. Individual growth was expected to take place unnaturally, or stagnated outright, subject to marketing and politics. Addressing critical issues like pop culture cannibalism or its manipulation of the young at the expense of everything, was frowned upon and discouraged by limiting funding, or denying it outright. When one has a prolific creative output like I did/do, and is then forced to stop, the effects can be dangerous both emotionally and psychologically, both for the artist and those in need of that resource. It was critically important that I find a suitable pathway within which to exist, without being distorted or economically strong-armed.

During this period of crisis, much was said about me, both slanted and inaccurate, by those who had become dependent on my creative force, yet unwilling to fully acknowledge the importance of my contribution, nor compensate me equitably for it. This was done in an effort to smear my public image, in order to directly affect my ability to earn independently of this system. It took a long time to locate and nurture a community of people strong enough to resist the incredibly unhealthy tide, and more importantly see through it. If I had not been able to make contact with, and establish this community, my life, safety and freedom, would have been directly affected as well as the lives, safety and freedom of my family. Failure to create a non toxic, non exploitative environment was not an option.

As my potential to work, and therefore earn freely, was being threatened, I did whatever needed to be done in order to insulate my family from the climate of hostility, false entitlement, manipulation, racial prejudice, sexism and ageism that I was surrounded by. This was absolutely critical while trying to find and establish a new and very necessary community of healthy people, and also heal and detoxify myself and my family while raising my young children.

There were no exotic trips, no fleet of cars, just an all out war for safety, integrity, wholeness and health, without mistreatment denial, and/or exploitation. In order to liberate myself from those who found it ok to oppose my wholeness, free speech and integral growth by inflicting different forms of punitive action against it, I used my resources to sustain our safety and survival until I was able to restore my ability to earn outside of it!

When artists experience danger and crisis under the effects of this kind of insidious manipulation, everyone easily accepts that there was something either dysfunctional or defective with the artist, rather than look at, and fully examine, the system and its means and policies of exploiting/’doing business’. Not only is this unrealistic, it is very dark in its motivation, conveniently targeting the object of their hero worship by removing any evidence that they ‘needed’ or celebrated this very same resource just years, months or moments before. Since those who believe they need a hero/celebrity outnumber the actual heroes/celebrities, people feel safe and comfortably justified in numbers, committing egregious crimes in the name of the greater social ego. Ironically diminishing their own true hero-celebrity nature in the process.

It was this schism and the hypocrisy, violence and social cannibalism it enabled, that I wanted and needed to be freed from, not from art or music, but the suppression/repression and reduction of that art and music to a bottom line alone, without regard for anything else. Over-commercialization and its resulting restrictions and limitations can be very damaging and distorting to the inherent nature of the individual. I Love making art, I Love making music, these are as natural and necessary for me almost as breathing or talking. To be denied the right to pursue it according to my ability, as well as be properly acknowledged and compensated for it, in an attempt to control, is manipulation directed at my most basic rights! These forms of expression, along with others, effectively comprise my free speech! Defending, preserving, and protecting these rights are critically important, especially in a paradigm where veiled racism, sexism, ageism, nepotism, and deliberate economic control are still blatant realities!!!

Learning from the past, insulating friends and family from the influence of external manipulation and corruption, is far more important to me than being misunderstood for a season! I did not deliberately abandon my fans, nor did I deliberately abandon any responsibilities, but I did however put my safety, health and freedom and the freedom, safety and health of my family first over all other material concerns! I also embraced my right to resist a system intentionally opposing my right to whole and integral survival.

I conveyed all of this when questioned as to why I did not file taxes during this time period. Obviously, the danger I faced was not accepted as reasonable grounds for deferring my tax payments, as authorities, who despite being told all of this, still chose to pursue action against me, as opposed to finding an alternative solution.

My intention has always been to get this situation rectified. When I was working consistently without being affected by the interferences mentioned above, I filed and paid my taxes. This only stopped when it was necessary to withdraw from society, in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of myself and my family.

As this, and other areas of issue are resolved and set straight, I am able to get back to doing what I should be doing, the way it should be done. This is part of that process. To those supporters who were told that I abandoned them, that is untrue. I abandoned greed, corruption, and compromise, never you, and never the artistic gifts and abilities that sustained me.”

Which totally jives with why Dave Chappelle turned down a $55 million dollar contract. Black folks are being portrayed as the scum of America and let me tell you, the rest of the world, racist a it is, treats black folks like ghouls or demons as well, no coincidence because hip hop culture is global.

Things are not as they seem, even the elite of the entertainment industry have a price to pay for fame. Thank God a few of them are strong enough to resist.

Note how he echoes Hill's statement that we just immediately jump to the (media supported) conclusion that these people are just weak and crazy. Probably what you are thinking about me, which is fine, because I have also judged people like Lindsay Lohan with no pity until I learned why people like her and Britney Spears are falling apart...both child stars, both still making money for someone (Lohan just played Liz Taylor to unanimous critical pans), both show so much fear in their eyes...have some compassion, use your head, do your research, all things will start to make sense.

Take another look at the historical fact of the CIA's MK ULTRA series of experiments, add one part Iran-Contra coke smuggling and one part CIA trained death squads all over S America and Africa. The result is one spooky cocktail based on just have to put them together to form a principle or theory, something us IMAists should be more than proficient at. Big picture thinking.

Britney is now legally under the control of her handler/husband, due to an undisclosed health problem. WTF, y'all, will we swallow this load of BS? Does it start to make sense why she lost it and shaved her head? The health problem is dissociative identity disorder, aka multiple personality disorder. There are plenty of friends and former employees of Spears that witness to her having different personalities with different names, one had a British accent...weird, wild stuff.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:30 pm

My dad brought back a video showing an EM railgun in action, as aluminum has interesting qualities *moving* through an EM field, it was from one of his works trips at either Sandia or Los Alamos)..lemme see, maybe 15-20 years ago? It was a public-oriented video, but I have yet to hear much about this new weapon besides this...just keep in mind technology is there way before we are introduced to it (internet -> military network for years before going public -> now we have internet spying of a scale straight out of 1984)

I am trying to find a snippet of a Future Weapons where a military contractor/inventor says that everything you see in movies is real and more....because just the other day I saw a Midwestern preacher/prophet say the same thing. Normally the latter says something like this, and esp. with his mullet, accent, and sort of Bushy pronunciation of words like nuclear, it'd be easy to dismiss him...except he was a warlock and satanic priest, and knows the signs and symbols of the occult world. And when a military inventor/insider says the same that's a weird but very telling coincidence that a religious leader, who we normally tend to ignore, and a straight up maker of future weapons know the same thing.

I go through the trouble for my own record, but also because I have the ability to remember things said in very disparate worlds and to combine them, which is how I can remember all sort of trivia of what you guys study and how different arts often say the same thing, just wrapped in different cultural wrappings and trivial details....big picture thinking, something we are all capable of, I am not special in *any* way.

I do have the skills to download and compile the info very quickly due to about 30 years of using computers and having been downloading info from the internet since *1994-5*, taught by the nerds in my high school's computer lab while they were messing with pre-Netscape browsers. Just my experience.

Through no real choice of my own I have been exposed to high-technology both military and computer-oriented, I was there when friends were learning CGI on expensive workstations in the late 1990s, using immersive VR environments and most of this research was funded by the military, my friends even worked on military contracts...always follow the money.

CGI is what fools little children, makes the line between reality and multimedia/movies/video games that much more blurry in a young child's mind. It is not a huge step to take a video-game trained kid to a drone operating murderer with no conscious...he's been training all his life for this!

Coincidence? Is that just a word for things we don't want to or can't believe are related and/or true? The desensitization towards violence and suffering...the NWO attitude is: the poor and needy are such because they are dumb and a lesser form of life. Really? Do you know people that are unemployed? Are they human cockroaches that deserve their fate? I personally don't think so.
Last edited by kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:37 pm

CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered; 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit

Blood in, blood out. Live by the sword, die by the sword. That's why secret societies have you take numerous blood oaths, and will try to implicate you in crimes ASAP so that they can own you. Failing that, they just murder what you love.
"Ignore the comments, people will bitch about anything." - Ian
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:43 pm

Is this really what we want our kids listening to and watching? Is it really just harmless entertainment, or is it a way to desensitize kids to certain symbols, images, and ideas?

Fathers, isn't this your greatest nightmare, isn't your main job to keep your daughter off the pole? Well I hope you are countering the media influence with your own psy-ops, because you know your teenage daughters listen more to Xtina than to your boring ass.

You probably say, oh it's just art and personal expression. Is there a line that shouldn't be crossed? What is that line? How would you cross a moral line, obviously, or little by little over a long time?

WTF is this, and why do you see this image over and over and over and over and's not random, it's not don't pay millions to make a video and just randomly choose shit, that makes no financial sense does it - this is a well-known illuminati sign, it's the same as Jay-Z's "diamond" and the pyramid on the back of the US$1 bill

One might start seeing a theme here.
Multiple Xtina lookalikes, bending over, Xtina plays the handler with a riding crop...oh, she's the master, she can't be a slave...

...or maybe she is a slave after all

This is the ubiquitous Sex Kitten programming of Monarch slaves, it dehumanizes women and makes it easier to treat them like slaves..ALL female pop stars will appear in images like this, often with animal-print clothing and accessories...oh, it's just fashion! Hee hee!

Classic Masonic/Satanic Enlightenment Pyramid imagery. Let's do our etymology: enlightenment -> light -> lucifer, angel of light -> illuminati
What is her evolution? Into some cum dumpster in a church, pardon my French. No? Then please offer your alternative interpretation, I certainly keep an open mind.

Great. Remember, your children don't know what they are watching, but they watch and probably are influenced more than say by their teachers or your busy ass. We're talking about the subconscious mind, which does not filter.

Don't see it? Please come see me so I can slap the shit out of you and wake you up. You will thank me, eventually.

Another iconic Masonic image, note the staircase (dollar bil pyramid, I haven't counted the steps, may or may not be a significant number like 11, 13, these guys lurve numerology...hence 9/11, 3/11 Fukushima, etc.) and the two columns on the side are classic Freemason symbols, dating back to pagan time...this image flashes for just a split second...why even bother if your conscious mind can't register it?

edit: looks to be 13, just like on the $1 bill, 13 represents being above God, and of course is associated with bad luck, witchcraft, etcl.

HAy-soos, Xtina, we get it! All seeing eye! Ok! Enough already!

This is just disrespectful. I don't care who you fuck, how you fuck, and where you fuck, but there's no daringness in this, there's nothing to really think about, but it takes advantage of knee-jerk anti-religious sentiment. It's been done over and over and over...Like A Prayer, anyone? Oh, I rocked that song back in the day like everyone else, but the themes are timeless and they start to show. It's grade-school shock tactics. I say/do something shocking, I get a response. But I'm an adult, I see what you are doing as we all should.

If it weren't so ubiquitous, there'd be no case, I get that, I'm intelligent just like you. But once again Reality is all you need to see the themes. Just start paying attention to images of women with this in mind, you will see for yourself, I trust. Or not, which is called Denial.[/i]

Known Illuminati signs and symbols: one eye, bondage [mind control], casual bisexuality (remember, the target demographic is little girls, not adults who can choose their sexuality at the right age), multiple Xtina look alikes -> multiple personalities/monarch mind control through DID)

Total time to compile images: 20 minutes. Don't worry, I smoked a J and enjoyed a cup of coffee at the same time, my computer fu is very, very strong, it does not take me long to do stuff like this.
Last edited by kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Interloper on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:07 pm

Has anyone realized yet that a pentagram (sacred to Wiccans, etc. and associated with Satanism) is a 5-pointed star, while the "star of David" is a hexagram? It's two equilateral triangles overlapping. Legend has it that it was the symbol on King David's shield, and actually the name of the symbol is the "Mogen David" -- literally, the Shield of David, not "star."
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:29 pm

The Star of David is well known Satanic symbol. IT has nothing to do with Judaism or David, my namesake. Yes, interlocking triangles is a common union of male/female energy. Nothing to do with Judaism, the symbol has been around for a long time, used by many, many occult religions.

Look it up, I'm tired of doing everyone's homework, but I only do this out of love and a desire to spur people to DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. I am perfectly happy to be 80-90% correct with some mistakes because I am not arguing to be right. Fuck me, I'm a nobody, but I see things, and am highly intelligent.

The facts and history tell the tale, you just aren't taught this shit. Zionism is...well, we can all see what the reality is, death. Again, not true Judaism, not that self-righteous Jews around the world even go to temple on the whole. It's all press, spin, you get your news from the media you will have a programmed idea of how things are. Pick up a book or do your own research, you will be shocked.
Last edited by kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:35 pm

Count the instances of 6 in the Star of David, sacred geometry mattered to ancient peoples, just look at Chinese metaphysics!!! It sound hokey, but remember they believe this shit, and use symbols to communicate in the open while the 'sheeple/useles eaters' just spend their money and eat this shit up without having a clue.

If I were a bad guy, I could totally see how stupid/asleep most people are and would work to exploit them using my intellect. But I can't do that. But I can totally see how someone less spiritually centered could go that route, most people are so frustratingly dense and in denial, like on this thread, that I could see how people want to wipe you out. The "sheeple" are seen as lower levels of beings, so fuck 'em. I could pull the wool over on everyone here because you pull it over your eyes by yourself! Duh! That's how major crimes are committed...the bankster scandal, anyone?

Love for my brothers and sisters is the only thing that would counter this logical conclusion, otherwise the ignorance on this thread would be all I'd need for plausible deniability, plus I know how easily misdirected we all can be. You guys think you are smart and sophisticated--all the better--you will never learn or evolve.

'Fuck you and your inferior seed, you deserve everything that's coming to you' what I'd think if I didn't believe in God. Yes, religion does matter. Beliefs matter. Principles matter. Walking the Talk matters.
Last edited by kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:52 pm

"Ignore the comments, people will bitch about anything." - Ian
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:33 pm

If you think symbols are meaningless, I"m willing to bet at least half of you have at least one tattoo. Therefore, by logic your tattoos are bullshit, you've permanently marked your body with bullshit. Good for you. That makes you bullshit. Make up your mind, you either believe, or you are bullshit and you've marked yourself as an idiot for all to see.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:48 am

Interloper wrote:Has anyone realized yet that a pentagram (sacred to Wiccans, etc. and associated with Satanism) is a 5-pointed star, while the "star of David" is a hexagram? It's two equilateral triangles overlapping. Legend has it that it was the symbol on King David's shield, and actually the name of the symbol is the "Mogen David" -- literally, the Shield of David, not "star."

The hexagram has multiple meanings for those who use it and is identical in meaning to the Masonic compass and square, which represent the joining or synthesis of the male and female—not merely the sex act, but the process of the opposition of forces resulting in something new.

The hexagram also means "as above, so below", the mirror image. Here you can see a follower of the mystery religion using the "as above, so below" mudra.

Last edited by Michael on Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby kreese on Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:40 pm

Well said, Michael. You will therefore see people representing the "As Above, So Below" in direct reference to images like this:


kpop band Shinee show the "as above, so below" hand signs in their video, Lucifer....perhaps you can get away with even more blatant names and videos in Korea, although they supposedly have a ton of Christians as you know.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby RobP2 on Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:11 am

Last edited by RobP2 on Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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