The Cult of Saturn

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Steve James on Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:35 am

What do you think about Pike's comments to "the Apprentice" in Morals and Dogma?

Though Masonry neither usurps the place of, nor apes religion, prayer is an essential part of our ceremonies.

The obligation of the candidate is always to be taken on the sacred book or books of his religion, that he may deem it more solemn and binding; and therefore it was that you were asked of what religion you were. We have no other concern with your religious creed.

Is there a difference between a religion and a brotherhood (or union or guild or club)?
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:15 am

RE: I don't believe that the symbols on the US seals of today mean what they did before or are continuations of some hidden political message.

What do those fascii in the US Senate mean to you as far as our government?

RE: What do you think about Pike's comments to "the Apprentice" in Morals and Dogma?

There are many references to religion in Morals and Dogma.
Last edited by Michael on Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Steve James on Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:33 pm

What do those fascii in the US Senate mean to you as far as our government?

That they admired the symbols of the Roman state, including the eagle and other things. If they'd chosen the turkey buzzard, as Franklin suggested, they'd still have been the same guys.

The 3/5 part of the Constitution is anti-human, other parts of it were a major step forward.

For the 5/5ths, perhaps, and perhaps not. Of course, the "3/5ths" rule was not meant to control Blacks, but to ensure that the minority White slave-owning population in the South would have enough Congressional representation to protect their livelihoods.

Masonry has extensive rituals with their murder oaths of loyalty, the grandmaster (GM) of the lodge is called the worshipful master, and statements from masons and ex-masons calling it a religion. Also, masons provide funeral services. Does that not sound religious?

Clearly you have never belonged to a fraternal organization :). Afa ex-masons calling it a religion, let's just dismiss that since you already pointed to a specific source that when checked states that it is not a religion. Afaik, the only thing religious about the Masons is that they require their members to believe in a Supreme Being. Afa titles, well, we call the Mayor "Your Honor" and the Pope "Your Holiness" and the Queen "Your Royal Highness." These are traditional titles. People call Jesus "Lord," but that doesn't mean that He owns property.

I don't think there's any point in taking these quotes, mainly out of context, for the purpose of persuasion. You need more than that.

You're right. Nothing more to say.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:53 am

Clearly you have never belonged to a fraternal organization :)

I think Groucho Marx was right about joining clubs, although I did join the Marines and that was enough for me as far as hierarchical orders and blind obedience. Why does a fraternal organization have a murder oath and elaborate rituals?

Afa ex-masons calling it a religion, let's just dismiss that since you already pointed to a specific source that when checked states that it is not a religion.

Your interpretation is fine for you, but the quotes you pulled don't state that at all. When I went through the book and added all the double negatives and legalese, I found a sum on the side of religion.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby ittokaos on Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:46 pm

Well, I forget how I stumbled upon this page but I feel as if I should give my 2 cents (because i'm SOOOOOO entitled, right? ;D). Now, the Seal of Solomon or the six sided hexagram star is an old pagan symbol with many different uses but the common one is duality. Duality is main usage for that symbol. Yin and Yang if you will (for all ya'll wannabe daoists ;D). It is used to not only represent all but in essence is merely representing one: Lucifer, The light bearer. He is both considered to be male and female in one as well as darkness and light (he is a light bearer but evil, get it?) and it is in his duality that we can see his story played out through History(His, God's, story).

He is usually used to represent the sun god in various religions. Now while many fell with him, most are represented by other gods within a pantheon of gods. This is why many gods are often associated with other religions and only one with the Judeo Christian faith. With him being the head of the pantheon and representing it all other gods can be considered satanic while not necessarily being satan himself. We know that there are more because in the Book of Ezekiel, Satan is reffered to as the King of Tyre/Tyrus. Later in the Book of Daniel, the angel tells Daniel that he took so long because he was wrestling with the prince of persia and that now he would have to fight the prince of greece. Now, we all should know that princes are subject to kings and that it would be odd that a mighty angel, capable of going between heaven and earth should have trouble fighting a human that it would take 21 days to get a message to one man. With all this in mind, according to the Bible (your faith in it is not important right now. for your soul it is but not for you to understand my statement. ;D) there are powerful beings that are being obeyed and that they have a leader. Baal, Dagon, Saturn, Beelzebub, Horus, etc... are all considered to be gods and because they are usually represented by a demon of sorts, they are satanic as all demonic activity is satanic or is at least catagorized that way.

This differentiation is also seen in the book of exodus when God caused the plagues of egypt and did so specifically to call out all the other gods by destroying that which they were said to have control over. The god of medicine couldnt stop the boils and sores on the people. The god of protection couldnt stop God from slaying the cattle. God differentiated between gods and did not refer to them all as Satan or Lucifer or any single name. He addressed them by the name that they were called and proved that He was better and the true god. The same happened with the priest of Baal when they came against the prophet Elijah. He was able to prove that his god was the one true God and that their god was false and didnt care about their cries. I believe that he even joked that maybe their god was "releaving" himself and could help because of that.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby ittokaos on Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:57 pm

So, where did all of this come from? Well, that all depends on what you choose to believe. You may believe that which is widely viewed as truth but has been proven to be false or you can use that which is considered myth but has NEVER been proven to be so. In fact, the opposite. If we go by the latter, we will find that a character in the bible actually created all other religions however I would imagine that it was not his intention to do so. In the book of Genesis, there is a man named Nimrod and he was considered to be a mighty man and was very much against God. Now, diving deeper into Babylonian history, we find that King Nimrod did exist, as the Bible says, and that he was against the Hebrew God in the sense that he felt that he, himself was stronger and that he could prove it given the chance. He met a prostitute named Semiramis and they fell in love. It was soon after that she began to help him rule Babylon. She was very cunning due to her being a prostitute and actually was essentially the pimp or madam, if you prefer, to the ladies in Babylon as apparently you had to be in those days. She realized that if she used manipulation that she could rule benevolently even with malevolent intent. This manipulation grew until she had made all of Babylon see her and Nimrod as gods. To solidify this Nimrod build his castle upon a ziggurat, like the mayan temples, that way he could see everyone as the Hebrew God could. This is where we get the concept of the "all seeing eye". It was the all seeing eye of Nimrod. A good representation of this would be Sauron from Lord of the Rings as he is an all seeing eye atop a tower. Now, while Sauron was not a god, he was essentially obeyed and worshipped as one. He, much like Nimrod, ruled his people with his power and his government authority. Babylon was a city after all and even though the people now worshipped their king as a god,it wasn't enough. He had to be greater.

Semiramis knew that if the people worshipped their govenment that they would be easy to rule but in order to be greater in their eyes the people needed reasons to worship. A church state still needs a reason to be and that is why people started giving praise due to the attributes that they associated to Nimrod and Semiramis. If the harvest was good it was because of Nimrod's kindness to make the harvest plentiful. If the waters were filled with fish it was because of the fact that Semiramis had given many fish to the waters. New names came from this and with them more and more attributes. From all that came reasons to believe that Nimrod and Semiramis were not just gods but king and queen over a pantheon of gods that grew from their attributes. This is where the idea of many gods came from.

Soon after, Semiramis became pregnant and was called the blessed mother. She gave birth to Tammuz who was also considered a god. Now we have the unholy trinity: the father, the blessed mother, and the son. Sound familiar? It really should Catholics(egyptians, greecians, etc...). ;D Anyway, it was good for a time until Nimrod found out that Tammuz wasn't his and plotted to kill him. If I remember correctly, Semiramis had him poisoned because if he killed Tammuz then their whole god thing could be in jeopardy. After Nimrod's death, Semiramis told the people that his life would live on in Tammuz and that Tammuz was now the king of gods. She, still being the queen, decided to marry her son to keep the game going. To the best of my knowledge, while Semiramis and Nimrod knew that they were never gods, Tammuz did not. I imagine that he would have grown up believing this blatant lie because he really had no reason not to. It's pretty sad really. Anyway, it was before the death of Nimrod, if I'm not mistaken, that the tower of Babel was beginning to be constructed. Following the Nimrod line of thinking, that if given the chance he could prove better than Yahweh, the tower of Babel was to be built in order to prove that very point. Nimrod said that God was hiding in his kingdom and that Nimrod would prove his might once he got up there. The plan failed and God confused the languages rather than killing. The best solution is often the simpilest ;D. With the languages confused, the kingdom split up into groups and what was once a mighty kingdom became a tiny shell of it's former self. With this split, however, came more kingdoms as the differently speaking people gathered with those that spoke the same language. With these kingdoms came similar structures as they had in Babylon as well as the same gods that they had however the names had been changed and as the culture changed, due to the surroundings, as well as the way people viewed those gods. Cultures grew and changed and thrived and died but the concept of many gods, specifically the structure given in Babylon, remains to this day. Now while it was a kingdom all it's own, Babylon only had one god to compete with: YHWH (El Shaddai, God, Jehovah, etc...:D). In competing with Him, they found that they were more believable as gods if they simply became what they knew Him to be. He is all seeing, Nimrod set atop his castle to do that. He lived in the heavens, Nimrod built his castle high. He was to have a savior come in the flesh, Nimrod said that this was Tammuz (Eve thought it was Cain but perhaps a different discussion ;D). This is why there are similarities in many religious views but also why the Judeo-Christian view is still very different.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby vehu on Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:06 pm

إشعيا wrote:Image
دانيال wrote:Image
کوروش بزرگ wrote:W \ int K ≅ (M \ int A) x [0, 1]
this ocean will not be grasped...
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:31 am

I hope you don't mind, Steve; not trying to misquote you.

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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:27 am

right ascension = r.a. = RA = the Egyptian solar deity

Wow.. fer realz?! :-X

P.S. This is definitely one of the most fascinating threads, ever.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:26 am

Dmitri wrote:
right ascension = r.a. = RA = the Egyptian solar deity

Wow.. fer realz?! :-X

I know how you love stuff like that. :-*

Last edited by Michael on Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Dmitri on Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:23 am

Yup, the brains (too?) hard at work... can come up with some seriously weird stuff. :P

Check out the most recent posts by vehu in TNT, there are a couple of brilliant clips where they tear into Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" lyrics, which (surprise!) turn out to be satanic, both in their direct meaning AND (which is especially priceless) when the song is played backwards. Buffalax has got nothing on that guy, I tellz ya! Nothing!! ;D
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Michael on Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:59 am

Yah, I've heard some of that Stairway to Heaven backwards stuff before, but it doesn't register for me. I think you'd have to sample a several backwards-played songs and see how much they all might sound like that. Anyway, the real Satanic stuff is in their cover art, so... :)
Last edited by Michael on Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Taste of Death on Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:55 am

Dmitri wrote:Yup, the brains (too?) hard at work... can come up with some seriously weird stuff. :P

Check out the most recent posts by vehu in TNT, there are a couple of brilliant clips where they tear into Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" lyrics, which (surprise!) turn out to be satanic, both in their direct meaning AND (which is especially priceless) when the song is played backwards. Buffalax has got nothing on that guy, I tellz ya! Nothing!! ;D

My friends and I played Stairway to Heaven backwards when we were in our early teens and the only thing we could clearly hear was "she was born to be the queen of men".

And now "she" wants her hexagram back.
Last edited by Taste of Death on Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Saturn

Postby Alexatron on Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:17 am

I'll take the blue pill . . .
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